Home Health Care Low-Level Blast Exposure | Health.mil

Low-Level Blast Exposure | Health.mil

by Universalwellnesssystems

Both health care providers and service members should be aware of the potential effects of low-level blast exposure and which occupations and heavy weapons systems are associated with increased risk of LLB exposure.

What is Low Level Blast?

A blast generated by the firing of heavy weapon systems or explosives in a combat or training environment. Low-level blast exposure does not usually cause clinically diagnosable concussion or mild traumatic brain injury. Exposure = not injury!


Does your patient work with heavy weapons systems, explosives, or both and is experiencing any of the following symptoms?

  • concentration problem
  • Hearing impairment
  • headache
  • memory problems
  • slowed thinking and reaction
  • Poor eye-hand coordination

They may be experiencing symptoms from low-level blast exposure. Download our new factsheet to learn how to best document, manage and care for your patients to optimize the brain health of your combatants.

provider fact sheet

Thumbnail of Downloadable Low-Level Blast Fact Sheet for Service Membersservice member

Does your military career involve working with heavy weapons systems and does it make you feel sick or less like yourself? You may be experiencing the effects of low-level blast exposure.

Symptoms from low-level blast exposure usually resolve over time. Learn more about how to recognize, limit, and report low-level explosive exposures in our new factsheet designed just for you.

Service Member Fact Sheet

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Low Level Blasting: A Fact Sheet for Providers

fact sheet

July 18, 2023

A low-level explosion is defined as an explosion caused by a heavy weapon system or explosive projectile in a combat or training environment. Low-level blast exposure does not usually cause clinically diagnosable concussion, also known as mild traumatic brain injury. Both medical and military personnel should be aware of the potential effects of low-level blast exposure and which occupations and heavy weapons systems are associated with increased risk. TBICoE has produced this targeted factsheet for healthcare providers.

Low Level Blast: A Fact Sheet for Service Members

fact sheet

July 18, 2023

A low-level explosion is defined as an explosion caused by a heavy weapon system or explosive projectile in a combat or training environment. Low-level blast exposure does not usually cause clinically diagnosable concussion, also known as mild traumatic brain injury. Both medical and military personnel should be aware of the potential effects of low-level blast exposure and which occupations and heavy weapons systems are associated with increased risk. TBICoE has produced this targeted fact sheet for service members.

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Last updated: July 21, 2023

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