Home Health Care Health and wellness for everyone

Health and wellness for everyone

by Universalwellnesssystems

When I recently attended the annual meeting of the Maryland Bar Association as a member of the Board of Directors, I noticed that the conference program included a health and wellness feature.

This was a reminder that not all of us have easy access to healthcare.

National Minority Health Month and other specially focused initiatives aim to improve access and quality of health for us through activities, campaigns and even substantive policy dialogue. Themes for 2023 include ‘Better Health Through Better Understanding’. Therefore, all of us in this demanding and stressful profession, professionally, individually and collectively, are better informed and proactive caregivers of our health. We promise to take steps to

Even if legal status is recognized, persons with disabilities, such as women with disabilities, may not have the same access to examination tables for physical and gynecological examinations. .

Many women, especially those with disabilities that span multiple identities, are disproportionately affected by heart disease caused by factors such as high blood pressure. They also face disparities in maternal health care.

People with disabilities face barriers and disparities within the health system. Inaccessible and unusable testing equipment, such as inaccessible and unusable examination tables in clinics that are not adapted for patients with disabilities, has been demonstrated to adversely affect people with disabilities, including women with disabilities. .

These barriers are exacerbated by the overall lack of positive attitudes about disability on the part of some health professionals. COVID-19 has brought these negative attitudes of various ethnic minorities into the spotlight and, in some cases, harmed them.

In some situations, the scale of barriers is greater when multiple demographics and identities are involved. Women with disabilities are perceived as ‘double disabled’, not only because of their disability but also because of their gender bias.

Laws and policies can certainly be one tool for addressing inequalities in health care. For example, the Affordable Care Act provides influential anti-discrimination legislation that complements or adds to the health-related anti-discrimination requirements in existing legislation, including the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. stipulates terms.

Addressing these intractable health inequalities and disparities may require policy strategies that foster dialogue and possibly lead to further substantive legislation. The National Council of Persons with Disabilities has issued a Framework on Equity in Health Care Related to Persons with Disabilities. Certainly, professional associations like bar associations can also actively engage in soft initiatives to promote health and wellness.

To this end, I observed an early morning yoga session at the annual conference. Many people without disabilities may not know that such adaptations for fitness and sports exist. For example, this includes the adaptive blowing that I participated in. I have also studied yoga.

To my credit, the blind community seems to be promoting preventive health and wellness more than it used to be. However, significant disparities remain. Perhaps many of us aren’t trading our homes for gyms for gyms as we once did, but many gyms still demand proactive education about disability.

As a last resort, aggressive litigation under Title 3 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 may be necessary. Physical health and mental health are indeed closely related.

Arguably, many disabled lawyers suffer trauma accumulated by blatant denial of access by service animals, discrimination in employment opportunities, including disability disclosure in accommodations, and subtle exclusionary practices.

I am convinced that almost all physical disabilities have mental health challenges, perhaps even disability-related ones. Specifically, there have been notable efforts in recent years to bring laws and policies related to physical health into parity with those related to mental health.

In addition, we looked to alternative wellness methods, including yoga. The national organization Mindfulness in Law Society provides resources for legal professionals practicing mind-based alternative medicine practices.

Finally, I wish all readers good health and happiness. Surely you should check your blood pressure with a “talking” blood pressure cuff. I need to go for a walk with Bowie! So, if you don’t mind, I have a heavy bag in the basement right now so you can bump me.

Chief Attorney Gary C. Norman is the former chairman of the Maryland Civil Rights Commission. They can be reached at (410) 241-6745.


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