Home Nutrition Lean Protein Foods and Why They’re Healthy for You

Lean Protein Foods and Why They’re Healthy for You

by Universalwellnesssystems

Whether in the context of high-protein foods, products, or lifestyles, the topic of protein has been ubiquitous for over a decade at this point. Not only that, daily protein intake is actually very important.

With this in mind, the type of protein we consume is important.There are many protein sources to choose from, each with their own nutritional impact.This is where the concept of lean protein comes into play. . You may have heard that eating “lean protein” is healthiest, but what exactly does that mean? Here’s what you need to know about this important source of nutrients.

Why Protein Matters

Consuming the right amount and type of protein is essential to maintaining optimal health. It is an important nutrient in supporting many bodily functions, including maintenance of muscle mass, muscle building and contraction, tissue repair, and wound healing,” says Asmita Batajoo, MS, RD. Proteins also effectively form every structure in the body, including the building blocks of our cells, the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in our blood, organs, hair, skin, nails, and just about any other tissue you can think of. provide us with energy while leading to .

Each person needs slightly different amounts of protein, depending on a variety of factors. Although there are calculations available, the best way to obtain this individualized information is to consult a qualified health professional, such as a registered dietitian. to ask for advice. (See here for daily protein intake).

What is lean protein?

So what exactly is lean protein and how does it compare to other protein sources? US Department of AgricultureLean protein sources have less than 10 grams of total fat, no more than 4.5 grams of saturated fat, and no more than 95 milligrams of cholesterol per 3.5-ounce serving, says Batajou. It spans many different types of protein sources, including animal protein and plant protein.

Are lean protein foods healthier than other fatty protein sources? It’s complicated.

Historically, saturated fat and cholesterol have been identified as nutrients that correlate with heart disease, as they adversely affect blood lipid levels like cholesterol, so these highlighted nutrients are very important. This study paints a darker picture. one meta-analysis Supporting these theories, we found that a reduction in saturated fat intake over two years was associated with a reduction in cardiovascular events.in the meantime another No correlation was found between saturated fat intake and heart disease.Other studies, including this one, published in Lipids in Health and Disease, and this systematic review nutrition, metabolism, cardiovascular diseasefound the same lack of connectivity.

A similar argument exists for dietary cholesterol.more the study The widely accepted claim that cholesterol is linked to heart disease continues to unravel, but this is not supported by evidence.But then (again) there are others show correlation Between dietary cholesterol and heart disease.

These varying results may be due to a number of extenuating circumstances, such as participants altering their diet in ways that do not support heart health from other angles. It’s also important to recognize that it’s a generic name for dozens of types of fat. saturated fatty acid Some are beneficial for blood lipid levels, others are detrimental. It’s difficult to know the exact composition of saturated fatty acids you’re consuming in a particular food because each one is different based on the environment in which the food was grown.

To the point:

So what’s the point here? Despite some conflicting evidence, there is enough research pointing to a negative association between heart health and both saturated fat and dietary cholesterol. , it’s best to prioritize lean protein options whenever possible.

Not only is butterjou low in saturated fat and cholesterol, but it’s also a lot of lean protein source “is an excellent source of iron, zinc, B12, omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and fiber.” There are also other sources that provide Here are some of the best examples of lean protein you can add to your regular meal rotation.

Healthy Lean Protein Source

skinless white chicken

Kaitlyn Bensel

Whether it’s chicken, turkey, or other poultry, the leanest part of the bird is always white or breast. As for low fat content, opt for the skinless version, as skin contains a lot of saturated fat. Even if the breast is cooked with the skin on and removed before eating, the saturated fat is consumed as the fat seeps into the meat during cooking.

lean pork (such as chops or tenderloin)

Kaitlyn Bensel

When it comes to pork, fins and lean chops are the best lean meats. If lean protein is your goal, avoid pork belly (such as bacon) and pork shoulder. These cuts are some of the fattest meats in animal products.

White fish

Lee Hye Mi

Flaky white fish such as cod, sea bass, halibut, and trout are all great lean protein options. , perfect for a variety of international and local cuisines.


Victor Protacio

Good news for clam, shrimp and lobster lovers. All of these healthy seafood options are low in overall fat content (including saturated fat and cholesterol) and are certified as ideal lean protein options. Additionally, they are a natural source of iodine, a mineral that supports thyroid health.

fatty fish

Greg Dupree

This may seem counterintuitive, but fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, anchovies, and sardines all meet the criteria for lean protein. is an unsaturated fat. Improved Heart health, especially omega-3 fatty acids, which are incredibly abundant in all four.

eggs (especially egg whites)

Jennifer Cozy

Eggs – whole eggs – are very healthy for you. Egg whites are basically a pure, fat-free source of protein and are great if you’re aiming for lean protein. A typical example. This means that the vitamin D found in eggs (which is very difficult to find in the diet) is completely contained in the yolk.

Given this balancing act, enjoying whole eggs in moderation is a great option. Make an omelet or choose to eat whole eggs only a few times a week (rather than every day).

yogurt and low-fat dairy

Victor Protacio

Low-fat dairy products like cottage cheese, yogurt, and milk are also great sources of lean protein. As a fermented food, yogurt has the added bonus of probiotics, which help boost healthy gut bacteria in your microbiome. means to improve. The list goes on.

tofu and tempeh

Kaitlyn Bensel

Many people only think of animal-based foods when lean protein comes to mind, but plant-based options hit the mark perfectly, with added health benefits. In addition, saturated fat and cholesterol are found only in animal foods, although there are always some exceptions. But not all plant-based proteins do), and they also provide fiber and plant-based compounds.


Victor Protacio

Beans, peas, and lentils, also called legumes, are incredible plant-based lean protein options that also provide fiber, plant compounds, and other vitamins and minerals.


Victor Protacio

Remember that certain grain options are a great source of lean protein. Quinoa is very high in protein and very low in fat. That means it provides all nine essential amino acids that are hard to find among plant-based protein options. To add extra protein and volume to your grain bowl or side dish, choose quinoa as your grain of choice. (Or mix quinoa into rice!).

Red meat (appropriate amount)

Grace Elkas

Like pork, the tenderloin from which filet mignon is based is the leanest beef option. Otherwise, look for steaks with as little white fat as possible. However, be careful with red meat, as excessive consumption can contribute to inflammation. Heart disease and colon cancer.

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