Home Fitness I Completely Swear By This 3-Move Core Strengthening Sequence

I Completely Swear By This 3-Move Core Strengthening Sequence

by Universalwellnesssystems
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There’s a reason you go to your favorite yoga teacher’s class. Whether it’s their cues, sequences, or their ability to make you laugh with even the most difficult poses, there’s something about them that keeps you coming back again and again.

when heading to Alyssa Case’s “We Flow Hard” yoga class at Y7, there is one thing I am looking forward to throughout the 60 minutes of practice. That’s her final 3 minute push.come after rest child pose, a place of practice where the case constantly reminds us to breathe and exhale and harness the force. This is the most physically demanding moment of your day.

Her class always concludes with a sequence of poses and intense movements designed to push you. challenges, but in my opinion Case is most famous for her brutal (but oh so good) core work. I can’t help but catch my breath to overcome challenging physical movements. That’s the point.

“That part is meant to be the final physical and emotional peak of the class, where the barriers we’ve imposed on ourselves are torn down and transformation can occur,” Case says. “Also, Dharma Tie it to the emotional or physical theme of your class. “

Case’s words certainly apply to me. These pushes typically consist of extended static holds and violent movements that leave me stranded in myself and my mind. It’s because you’re focusing too much on the sweat that accumulates on your mat.Present moment — even if all Of that pain – that’s all that matters.

Things to keep in mind during this core sequence

A three-minute push can be more of a mental challenge than a physical one. It’s this type of mind-body connection that makes these exercises different from other types of exercise, Case says. It ultimately leads to the practice of yoga to strengthen the mind, body and spirit.

Here Case shares some of the most reliable core moves for that final push and explains what to keep in mind when practicing them.

3 exercise options to strengthen your core

Cases typically spend 3 minutes focusing on 2-3 different movements. She times each exercise or pose to last for about one minute. Sessions are only a few minutes long, but can feel longer than a typical Core Her sequence (speaking from personal experience). If you need to take a break or make some changes, do it.

(Photo: Getty Images)

1. Climber

When Case focused much of class on twisting poses, rotated side angle pose again rotating triangle poseshe continues that theme with a 3-minute push by choosing climbers, Because they involve some of the same muscles. She lets her students choose how they want to approach this strenuous exercise. For example, if someone wants to rotate the movement slowly, they can do it, but she also leaves the option to rotate faster.Students usually spend her 30-60 seconds on this exercise. increase.

plank pose

(Photo: Andrew Clark)

2. Plank Pose/Forearm Plank

Case enjoys incorporating a static hold into the final push, often plank poseHolding a position for a long time, she says, doesn’t allow body movement to distract you, and only the mind and breath help guide the moment. You can find strengths in ,” says Case. That may mean resting your knees on the mat for a few seconds before lifting them up.

To switch things up, cases sometimes choose to incorporate forearm plate to a sequence instead high plankThis variation is especially useful If you are dealing with wrist or arm pain(You can also move from high plank to forearm plank in the middle of the hold.)

(Photo by Andrew Clarke, outfit by Kalia)

3. Boat pose

I have to admit, this is probably my least favorite pose in the entire sequence. ) boat pose You can choose to do it over the long term. However, if you want to incorporate additional movements to make your exercise more effective, a bit To make things easier, Case sometimes queues up a V-style sit-up. low boat to boat pose.

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