Home Fitness Sweets and Desserts Aren’t as Bad as You Think for Your Health

Sweets and Desserts Aren’t as Bad as You Think for Your Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

One of my all-time favorite desserts is Banana Foster, warm and sweet with rich vanilla ice cream. Indulging in good things has negative consequences, but rewarding yourself with your favorite dessert doesn’t necessarily come with guilt. Balance is key here.

Certain sweets and desserts, like dark chocolate, can actually benefit your physical and mental health if consumed in moderation. The proof is in the pudding. Here are some research findings on dessert consumption and why you shouldn’t give up dessert even if you’re trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.

See more nutrition tips here Why you should increase carbs, not less and A quick way to add fruits and vegetables for your diet.

6 Reasons Why You Should Include Dessert in a Balanced Meal

1. Desserts are nutritious

No matter what your keto friends and family claim, Carbohydrates are essential nutrients It fuels your body and gives it the energy it needs to function throughout the day.

Chocolate lovers will be delighted to know desserts with high cocoa content such as bars. dark chocolatechock-full of nutrients such as:

  • fiber
  • iron
  • copper
  • magnesium
  • Antioxidant

Many desserts also incorporate fruit, such as chocolate-covered strawberries and blueberry pie. Fruits play an important role in maintaining our health, lower the risk such as heart disease and diabetes. Enjoy a fruit-forward feast for another chance to incorporate essential vitamins and minerals into your diet.

2. Lower blood pressure

More research is needed, but existing research shows that dark chocolate has a positive impact on heart health.

Dark chocolate is high in flavanols, phytochemicals that help produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide has a relaxing effect on the arteries, promotes blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.

One study reviewed 42 acute or short-term controlled trials with 1,297 participants that included chocolate, cocoa, or flavan-3-ols.After analyzing the data, the researchers saw Decrease in diastolic and arterial blood pressure.

3. Lower your risk of heart disease

Another example for chocolate lovers: In the same review above, researchers found that eating dark chocolate three times a week reduced the risk of heart disease by 9%. week.

Another review had similar results. They found that they eat 45 grams of chocolate per week. Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease 11% less.

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4. Increases well-being and mental health

It’s easy for rocket scientists to say that we feel happy after eating a good snack, but what’s really going on in our brains when this happens? Acts as a stimulant and stimulates the release of serotonin, which helps promote feelings of well-being.

Eating desserts in moderation can give you positive energy that fruits, vegetables, and other foods don’t provide. It may seem a little counterproductive at first, but enjoying dessert about once a week can get you on the right healthy eating track.

limit yourself If you eat cold turkey during your health kick from sweet foods, you’re more likely to overdose when the sweet stuff comes back.

5. Promote a healthier diet

While it’s traditional to peruse the dessert menu after dinner, choosing a dessert before eating can be beneficial to your overall meal choices.

researcher group studied diet Faculty, staff and graduate students in the school cafeteria. Dessert options were placed at different locations on the food line over the four days, giving people a choice between fruit or cheesecake.

They found that 70% of people who ate cheesecake first ate a healthier entree and burned 250 fewer calories overall. Only about 33% of those who chose fruit first chose a healthy entree.

another Research published in Science Direct Volunteers who ate desserts such as chocolates, donuts, and cookies for breakfast experienced fewer junk food cravings than those who ate a healthier, lower-calorie breakfast, and then used strategically timed snacks. Showed the advantage.

6. May Improve Brain Function

More research is needed to call this a definitive benefit of eating dessert, but it’s worth mentioning in view of the promising research to date.

Some studies have shown that eating dark chocolate, which is high in cocoa, increases blood flow to the brain. in young individualsa possible explanation for the apparent improvement in brain functions such as learning and memory retention. help the elderly A person showing signs of memory impairment.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute health or medical advice. If you have any questions about your medical condition or health purposes, always consult a physician or other qualified Talk to your health care provider.

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