The great joy of eating fruits is that it is sweet, sugar provides energy to exercise and provides daily activities in a healthy way.
Fruit sugar comes with many other nutrients, such as fibers, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and plant compounds, and today’s nutritionist, a nutritionist editor of nutritional nutritionist. Natalie Ritzo says.
“The body has energy and needs sugar to survive, so gaining sugar from nutritious foods with other nutrients does not have candy, donuts, soda no redeemed nutritional quality. Ritzo points out that it is more useful than gaining.
Fruits satisfy the craving of sugar and function as natural sweeteners of yogurt and oatmeal. Some fruits also include proteins, which help you feel full.
Fruit sugar does not increase blood sugar levels as much as sugar combined with fiber. This is to stabilize blood sugar levels.
The meal guidelines recommend that people eat two fresh fruits a day, but they can be sub with half a cup of dried fruits to drink a cup of fresh fruits as needed. She will add if she can.
This is the fruit that contains the most sugar:
- 2 Mejol dates, 32 grams of sugar
The moist and chewy fruits are often accidentally labeled as “dried” fruits, but the date sold at the store is a very ripe version of the date of the fruit. Masu.
They are so sweet that they can be used as a substitute for baked goods.
The date is rich in fibers and contains copper, vitamin B, calcium, iron and magnesium. In addition, the blood sugar index is low, and the blood sugar level does not rise sharply. However, it sticks to several dates to avoid overeating them and avoiding excessive calories.
- 1 cup of raw fruit, 23 grams of sugar
- Raisin 1.5 ounce box, 28 grams of sugar
Grapes have antioxidant characteristics, and all varieties (red, black, green) contain skin, meat, seeds, polyphenols, or useful plant compounds.
Red and black grapes include anthocyanins and reservoirs, a plant compound associated with the health of the heart and cognitive health.
The American Heart Association pointed out that grapes and raisins contain potassium to manage blood pressure. Both are on the list of the most healthy heart specialists in their hearts.
- One cup of raw fruit, 22 grams of sugar
Sweet and juicy mango offers 67 % of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. Tropical fruits are rich in soluble fibers suitable for intestinal health and normal defecation, which helps people to fill.
Mango is also an excellent source of carotenoids, a pigment that acts as an antioxidant.
Sweet cherry
- 1 cup of raw fruit without pit, 20 grams of sugar
Both sweet cherry and tart cherry have few calories with many nutrients, including fibers, potassium, and vitamin C.
Cherry is a natural source of melatonin and can improve sleep. Samantian Samantha Kassetti Note, a registered nutritionist, may promote weight loss in order to increase the risk of weight and obesity in order to increase the risk of weight and obesity.
- Medium raw apple, 19 grams of sugar
Fruits have attracted humans forever. It is a satisfying, hungry and hungry snack with fibers, vitamins and sweet flavors.
Ritzo says that research on apples has pointed out the benefits of heart health, diabetes, cancer, intestinal health, weight loss, and inflammation.
“The old maxim on apples per day is basically a solution to all of the possibility that everything can have some validity,” she added.
- Two raw figs, 16 grams of sugar
- 1/4 cup of dry figs, 18 grams of sugar
Registered dietitian Francis Lageman Ross calls out figs “fiber star” and pays attention to one of her favorite afternoon snacks.
They are Part of the Mediterranean diet Researchers point out that thousands of years have been respected for small species that provide their sweet meat and subtle crunch.
- Medium raw pear, 17 grams of sugar
Sweet and juicy pears contain 20 % of the daily value of fiber, but make sure you eat your skin. Rizzo advises that it is a place where most fibers can be found.
Pear is also a good source of vitamin C and potassium.
- 1 cup of raw fruit, 16 grams of sugar
The tropical fruits taste like a natural candy, and their scent is sweet. The scent of pineapple -Known as Ethyl Rigate was ranked as one of the most pleasant smells of people around the world.
According to the National Cancer Institute, pineapple contains bromanang, an enzyme that breaks down proteins and has anti -inflammatory characteristics.
Fruits are suitable for the intestine, have many insoluble fibers and coarse fees, which help keep the intestine regular.
- Medium banana, 14 grams of sugar
A satisfying sweet banana provides potassium and fiber. There are two nutrients that most adults have not gained enough, Rizzo states. Carbohydrates in bananas also provide the energy of exercise.
They are portable snacks, delicious smoothies, or creamy snacks for freezing.