Home Fitness 9 New Zealand Fitness Tips To Follow Anywhere

9 New Zealand Fitness Tips To Follow Anywhere

by Universalwellnesssystems
T.The United States may not be known as a health-conscious country, but there’s no denying that fitness and wellness have climbed the list of priorities over the years. This is a topic that is often discussed in real life and on social media, not to mention topics that drive considerable consumption, such as content, clothing, and supplements.

But have you ever stopped and wondered if it’s just us? Or are there other people in the world who are just as obsessed with working out and staying fit and healthy? To find out, we set up sites around the world and focused on none other than New Zealand. reason? Known for its approach to health.

“Our government has established a wellness budget to set aside funds to support mental health, child welfare, domestic violence tackling, and upliftment of Maori and Pacifica communities,” he said. . Daniel Larry, is a group fitness instructor for Les Mills International based in New Zealand. “It’s a really great way to prioritize health at a national level. Plus, you get publicly funded healthcare.”

New Zealand’s most popular workout

Curious about exactly how kiwis keep you healthy? ) are the most important. “But it’s not just her active training sessions. Recovery her training is becoming more important in our fitness culture,” she added. “That’s why contrast therapy, saunas, and breathing techniques are all the rage.”

sport is supreme

“In Aotearoa [aka New Zealand], we’re into sports,” says Larry. “Sport is practically part of our DNA.”

The US has the NFL, NHL, NBA and MLB (among other professional sports leagues), while New Zealand has rugby (All Blacks), netball (Silver Ferns) and cricket (Black Caps). The country is also on the fitness map thanks to athletes such as: Valerie Adams (shot put), Lydia Coe (Golf), and Paris Goebel (dance).

Boutique fitness is booming

But New Zealanders’ love of fitness extends beyond the field. “When it comes to fitness, we’ve jumped on the trend of boutique gyms popping up everywhere,” says Larry. “We may not have as many options as in the US, but we are gradually expanding our range of specialized training. [Les Mills’] Conquests, Rituals, and Journeys [classes] Very popular and the space is always full. “

Kiwis enjoying the great outdoors

Even in the finest gyms, Les Mills Program Director Rachel Newsham Kiwi says he loves being outside and exercising. “We are outdoors as much as possible, so there are a lot of outdoor activities, from sports to exercise,” she said, noting that outdoor fitness is especially true during the pandemic and has become even more popular since then. pointed out. As such, she thinks of New Zealand’s fitness landscape as a blend of California and New York City, which seems very apt.

9 tips for those who want to adopt fitness the New Zealand way

You may find yourself wanting to reinvent your own approach after learning how fitness and wellness differ halfway around the world. Here are his nine tips to help Larry and Newsham do just that.

1. Find an easy way to win

Don’t feel like you have to book an intensive bootcamp class right from the start. “Instead of forcing your friends to do something that piques your interest, try something that piques your interest,” Newsham says.

2. Dedicate time only to the movements you love

“What’s the point if you’re not having fun?” Larry asks.

3. Go at your own pace

“Instead of exercising hard and coming home, do a little bit and slowly get your health back,” Newsham says. “Then you won’t be in pain or procrastinating or making excuses for the next billion days.”

4. Mix things up

“Too much good is bad,” warns Newsham. “Change your favorites from time to time to prevent boredom and burnout.”

5. Set aside time for rest and recovery

“You can’t push yourself to the limit without a solid foundation, so make sure you incorporate TLC into your routine,” says Larry. “To treat yourself, try a massage, sauna, body balance, walk, or even an ice bath.”

6. Monetize your exercise

Not good at sticking to a routine? Newsham says you should schedule your workouts like you would personal training sessions, and price them so you don’t end up paying yourself a cancellation fee for skipping. “An hour before training, when your brain starts playing an excuse soundtrack, it’s a good motivation,” she says.

7. Dress to feel your best

“If you go into training at your best, you want to go all out,” Larry says.

8. Do it in groups

“Yes, walking alone can be refreshing, but nothing beats sweating, laughing, crying, swearing and being hard paralyzed.” [work] With the people around me,” Larry says.

9. Buy the right shoes

“Once you find something you like, get the right shoes,” Newsham says. “Take care of your feet first. Your feet are your first line of defense and determine where the damage is on your body.”

Here’s one way to literally work out like a kiwi

Want to take inspiration from Larry and Newsham and learn more first-hand? Los Angeles is the destination for Les Mills Live 2023’s US tour. The three-day fitness event in partnership with adidas will run from July 28-30 and will be packed with workouts led by some of the world’s most famous Les Mills trainers. Bonus? An all-new Les Mills workout will be unveiled to attendees and the entire experience will be filmed to inspire fitness enthusiasts around the world.

“It is absolutely amazing to be in a vast space with thousands of people who may not speak the same language, but they all can speak the same language. or I feel it,” Larry says. “No other event, business, workout, fitness, or anything else can describe this. You can just be there and feel it.”

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