Home Nutrition 8 Side Effects of Giving Up Cheese, According to Dietitians

8 Side Effects of Giving Up Cheese, According to Dietitians

by Universalwellnesssystems

If you can’t get enough cheese, you’re not alone. In fact, it’s no exaggeration to say that America is a country of cheese lovers.according to statistics, Americans will consume a whopping 5.3 billion pounds of cheese in 2021. That’s 1.8 billion pounds more for him than we ate overall in 2010. Come to think of it, it makes sense. Whether melted on burgers, sprinkled on pizza, or piled high on a charcuterie board, cheese is an essential ingredient in many of our favorite foods. Its charm is immeasurable. And while cheese can be a healthy part of a balanced diet, moderation is key like anything else, and eating too much of it can have adverse effects.

For one thing, many types of cheese are high in calories and can be high in fat and salt. research It has been shown to cause type 2 diabetes, heart failure, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. Due to its high sodium and fat content, Dr. Aqua Woolbright Ph.D.National Nutrition Program Director, Nonprofit, Whole Foods Hall Cities FoundationWe recommend limiting your cheese intake to one ounce serving of hard cheese or half-cup serving of soft cheese at a time.

“One way to do this is to buy varieties with stronger flavors. [like Parmesan, feta, and Swiss]you can add more flavor to your food with less,” says Woolbright.

However, while studies linking cheese consumption to chronic disease may be somewhat inconsistent, if you have a predisposition to high blood pressure or have been formally diagnosed with high blood pressure, try these hot, hard cheeses. “If you’re interested in lowering your sodium intake, avoid feta and hard cheeses,” advises Woolbright, adding, “Consume whole milk cheese as low-fat and low-fat. You can go a step further by replacing the option with

Read on to discover some of the health benefits and side effects of quitting cheese.For nutritionist-approved healthy eating advice, be sure to check out The Surprising Side Effects of Quitting Milk. says the nutritionist.

May improve skin tone and texture

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Reducing your overall dairy intake (including cheese) can have a positive effect on skin tone and texture. research Dairy products have been shown to be associated with excess sebum production.

study show Dairy products can raise insulin levels and increase the production of hormones that produce sebum (oily secretions), which can affect acne. Isabelle Smith, MS, RD, CDNfounder of Isabel Smith Nutrition, in a previous interview with eat this“This is not seen in all clients, but we have found that breakouts increase with higher dairy intake.”

May feel less bloated

If you’re someone who suffers from digestive issues and frequently experiences bloating, cutting out or limiting cheese and dairy may help reverse this. For me, dairy products can cause stomach upset and bloating, either because I don’t have enough enzymes to break down lactose or because I’m actually allergic. Trista Vest, MPH, RD, LDand balance one supplement.

“Them [cheeses] If you don’t have enough lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose, you are known to be lactose intolerant and experience excessive gastrointestinal upset and bloating when consuming dairy products.

Consider opting for dairy-free cheeses if high-lactose cheeses tend to upset your stomach. If dairy-free cheese isn’t your thing, consider trying these five cheeses that are lactose intolerant.

May cause fewer headaches and migraines

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If you’re someone who gets frequent migraines, a diet high in cheese and dairy may be the culprit. Some cheeses are high in tyramine, an amino acid that occurs naturally in plant and animal products. . historically linked For migraine and headache induction.

Cheeses high in tyramine include aged cheddar, Swiss, parmesan, blue cheeses (such as gorgonzola), and camembert. mayo clinic.

May Lower Cholesterol and Heart Disease Risk

Another positive side effect of giving up cheese is that reducing your intake of this dairy product can help you manage your cholesterol and reduce your risk of other cardiovascular complications.

“Cheese is a food high in saturated fat, which contributes to heart disease primarily by raising cholesterol levels,” explains Best. “Saturated fat causes the liver to produce more cholesterol. It has been shown to increase bad or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

“High levels of LDL cholesterol lead to the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries, a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.” It has the potential to reduce the risk of disease.”

RELATED: 5 cheeses you can eat even if you have high cholesterol, according to a nutritionist

you may lose weight

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If you’re trying to lose weight, eating too much cheese can interfere with your ability to reach your weight loss goals based on your desired timeline due to the sugar, fat, and calorie content of different types of cheese. I have. So reducing them will help you lose weight.

for example, 1 ounce of cheddar cheese Contains 120 calories and 30 milligrams of cholesterol. Additionally, it contains 190 milligrams of sodium, which is 8% of your daily value (DV), and 10 grams of fat, which is 15% of your DV.

Looking at your weight may motivate you to quit cheese for a while. But there’s no shame in not wanting to lose your love for this dairy forever. Choosing fat or fat-free cheeses may also help.

RELATED: A Guide to the Best Healthy Cheeses

May lower cancer risk

Reducing your intake of cheese and dairy products in general May help lower cancer riskThis is because eating less cheese reduces intake of casein, a protein found in milk, which can be associated with disease.

“Casein has been shown to increase tumor growth rates in certain types of tumors, such as prostate cancer. potentially breast cancersay Dana Ellis HannesPhD, MPH, RDSenior Dietician at UCLA Medical Center, Assistant Professor at UCLA School of Public Health, and author of the book Recipe for Survival: Things You Can Do to Live a Healthier, Greener Life“Eating a lot of cheese, which is made primarily from the casein fraction, may increase that risk.”

can reduce inflammation in the body

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Beth Berger, RDN, CDN, and owner Nutrition by BethKeep in mind that cheese and dairy products are full of additives, preservatives, and hormones that can cause inflammation in your body.

“As a PCOS nutritionist, I see women consuming dairy products and report that headaches and other inflammatory reactions subside,” Berger says. Quality has changed a lot compared to 20 years ago.This has affected many of us and I see this in women all the time.”

If you don’t want to cut the cheese completely, Hunnes recommends choosing one with fewer additives. “If you do eat cheese, I recommend that it comes from humanely raised farms with as few ingredients as possible.”

you can live a greener lifestyle

Quitting cheese isn’t just good for your health, it can also do good for the planet.

“Usually, you need a lot of water to produce milk,” Hunnes points out.she shares what it takes 3x water To produce dairy milk, as opposed to the average plant-based milk.

“From an environmental point of view, cheese is very resource intensive,” says Hunnes. It takes thousands of gallons of water to produce one pound of cheese, and the cows themselves emit a lot of methane.”

An earlier version of this story was originally published in May 2022. It has since been updated to include additional copy and proofreading revisions, additional research, and updated context links.

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