Home Nutrition 8 Benefits of Eating Seaweed: Feel Good About Snacking

8 Benefits of Eating Seaweed: Feel Good About Snacking

by Universalwellnesssystems

Woman eating seaweed with chopsticks

when you think healthy snacks, seaweed may not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, seaweed refers to a variety of algae that grow in bodies of water that are nutritious, delicious, and versatile. is ideal for and provides a wide range of health benefits.

We spoke to a nutritionist to find out more about this amazingly nutrient-dense food. Lisa RichardsCreator of the Candida Diet, Nutritionist Trista Best Balance One Supplement, Registered Nurse Christa Elkins from Hellcanal. With their expert insights, we’ve compiled a list of 8 incredible benefits of eating seaweed. Find them all below!

8 benefits of eating seaweed

Below, we dive into just a few of the top health benefits of eating seaweed regularly.

1. Provides antioxidants to fight disease

One of the best ways to protect yourself from illness is to increase your intake. antioxidant– And, as it turns out, seaweed is a great source. increase. “The properties of this seaweed make it a great addition to health care focused on combating chronic diseases.” Good! Certain ailments that antioxidants help fight include heart disease, cancer, and more. All in all, it protects the body from free radicals that can lead to aging and disease. So adding antioxidants to your diet with nutrient-rich foods such as seaweed is never a bad idea.

2. Reduces risk of diabetes

Diabetes is a serious health risk for Americans. Luckily, there are ways to prevent it by losing weight. blood sugarIn fact, eating seaweed may be one great way to keep blood sugar in check. “Fucoxanthin and alginic acid are compounds found in seaweed that have been studied to lower blood sugar levels in humans. It has shown beneficial results, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes,” says Elkins. Best agrees, saying, “Several promising studies show that certain nutrients in kelp may help reduce the risk of diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels.” Not only can it help reduce the risk of diabetes, but “balancing glucose levels can also improve the health of people with pre-existing diabetes.”

3. Helps Gut Health

gut health It’s all the rage these days, and for good reason. Our gut plays a role in nearly every area of ​​our well-being, from digestion to mental health. Eating food is one of them, says Richards. “Gut health is related to overall health, and seaweed contains many nutrients that support gut health,” she says. “The fiber in seaweed acts as a prebiotic that nourishes the good bacteria in your gut, allowing your gut to thrive,” she explains. And when your gut microbiome is restored to balance, you’re well on your way to a healthier body.

4. Helps with weight loss

Eating high levels of fiber can do more to your body than just improve digestion. You can lose weightwhich is part of why seaweed is great for weight loss diets. But it’s not just the fiber in seaweed that can help you reach your goal weight: “It also contains a compound called fucoxanthin, which studies suggest may reduce body fat,” she says. speaks.

5. Improves heart health

The high fiber content of seaweed offers yet another health benefit.It may lower cholesterol and protect you from heart disease. medical news todaySoluble fiber can bind to bile acids and salts in the body and lowers cholesterol when used to replace these elements. health line Also note that eating seaweed regularly may help prevent blood clotting (another major cause of heart disease) thanks to carbohydrates called fucans. 1 study It has even been shown that seaweed may be as effective in preventing blood clots as certain medications.

6. Improves thyroid function

Thanks to the high iodine content of many types of seaweed (especially kelp), regular consumption of this food can thyroid According to Healthline, it works. What exactly does your thyroid gland do? This important gland influences a variety of factors such as energy and cell repair. If your thyroid is not functioning properly, you may encounter unwanted weight gain, fatigue, etc. is one of the better ways to avoid . Luckily, seaweed absorbs iodine from the ocean, so incorporating it into your diet can easily meet your recommended daily intake.

7. Strengthen immunity

according to health lineseaweed may also help give you immune system Boosts and protects you from certain infections. Not much research has been done on this subject yet, but some looks promising. Possible benefits come from certain plant compounds found in seaweed. These compounds may have antioxidant, anti-allergic, and disease-fighting properties that help protect cells from viruses. The gut health benefits it provides help improve immune function. Seaweed also contains vitamin C, zinc, iron and manganese, all of which are known to boost immunity.

8. Build stronger bones

Milk and dairy products are not the only sources of calcium! Best tells us that certain types of seaweed, such as kelp, may be the best foods to get the vitamins and minerals you need for promotion. stronger bones“Kelp is a rich source of bone-forming minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus,” she says. In addition to these minerals, kelp is rich in vitamin K. Vitamin K is “a unique vitamin necessary for bone health,” she says. In addition to building stronger muscles, vitamin K “reduces the risk of fractures in patients with pre-existing osteoporosis.” Another of her useful compounds found in seaweed is fucoidan, a sulfated polysaccharide. This “encourages the development of osteoblasts,” also called bone-building cells, says Best. So you might be able to replace a glass of milk with seaweed every day!

How to make and eat seaweed

Now that you know all of the incredible benefits of seaweed, how can you start reaping them? Luckily, there are many ways to incorporate seaweed into your diet, especially when it comes to Asian cuisine. You can also eat toasted nori as a crunchy snack. It’s ok to put it in miso soup. You can add seaweed snacks to various dishes such as grains and noodle bowls. And of course, eating sushi is a great way to fit seaweed along with other delicious vegetables. However, there is no wrong way to eat.


Overall, seaweed is a delicious, amazingly nutritious food with many health benefits. Whether you’re looking for a way to keep your heart healthy, boost your immunity, or enjoy a salty snack without gaining weight, adding it to your diet is always a great idea.

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