Home Fitness 7 ways to deal with acidity post workout and avoid heartburn

7 ways to deal with acidity post workout and avoid heartburn

by Universalwellnesssystems

Use these tips to recover from post-workout acidity or acid reflux. Learn how to deal with post-workout sourness with tips from the experts!

Acid reflux is one of the many things that can happen after strenuous exercise. Exercise, which implies strenuous or uncomfortable movement, can push acid toward the esophagus and into the stomach, causing burning and inflammation. It can be a common problem for some people post-exercise if they are doing exercises that require a lot of bending and twisting. can teach.

Health Shots reached out to Dr. Shuchin Bajaj of the Ujala Cygnus Group of Hospitals to understand how to deal with post-workout sourness.

How to deal with post-workout sourness?

If the muscles of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) are weak or overly relaxed, exercise can cause acid reflux, allowing food and acid to flow back up from the stomach into the esophagus. However, as experts suggest, post-workout sourness can be prevented by:

Try these expert-considered tips for dealing with post-workout sourness. Image Credit: Shutterstock

1. Avoid heavy meals before exercise

“Eat a light meal or snack before exercise to keep your stomach light, and allow yourself at least 30 to 30 minutes before you start exercising,” experts suggest.

2. Hydration

Drinking plenty of water before, during, and after exercise can help prevent acid reflux. please.

3. Avoid certain foods and drinks

“There are certain food categories and beverages that can cause acid reflux, including spicy and acidic foods, caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated beverages. Try to avoid these foods and beverages before and after your workout. Please,” says the expert.

4. Wait to lie down

Do not lie down immediately after exercising. Wait at least 30 minutes to an hour before lying down or going to bed.

Also Read: Sanfu Prevents Acidity And Brings These 9 Benefits Too!

5. Take an antacid

Over-the-counter antacids can help relieve the symptoms of acid reflux. If you have any discomfort, try taking an antacid as directed. If you have chronic acid reflux, talk to your doctor about the ideal treatment and lifestyle changes that can reverse your plight.

Acidity can be very tricky.Image credit: Shutterstock

6. Try Baking Soda

In severe cases, it is always recommended to consult a medical professional. However, trying natural remedies is not a bad idea for temporary relief. Baking soda can be added to water to help neutralize and flush out stomach acid. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before trying this as it will increase your blood pressure.

7. Avoid certain types of training

Some people are more prone to feeling sour than others because of certain types of exercise. Once you’ve figured out what to do, try indoor training or light exercise like running. Core workouts can also cause such problems. Doing handstands and downward dog poses in yoga can cause acidity because they work against the natural gravity of digestion.

Following these tips can help reduce symptoms and make you feel more comfortable after your workout.

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