Home Fitness 7 Tips to Lose Body Fat at Home, According to Experts

7 Tips to Lose Body Fat at Home, According to Experts

by Universalwellnesssystems

Every day we are bombarded with commercials for products that promise to help you lose belly fat and get sculpted abs fast. supplement, diet plan, or training machine. You may have looked on the internet for ways to lose upper body fat or lose weight fast. 49% Percentage of US adults who tried to lose weight between 2013 and 2016.

The truth is that you cannot target specific areas for fat loss. rebuttal Spot reduction techniques such as abdominal exercises and upper body resistance training. Fat cells throughout the body are broken down during exercise. It does not decompose in one specific area. The good news is that exercise and diet can lead to an all-over trimmed physique. 15 minute workout Every day can bring you great benefits.

Below are some of the best ways to lose fat in the comfort of your own home.

1. set foot

Walking is an ideal workout to do outside the gym. You can do it in your neighborhood or in a park. It also allows you to bring in the fresh air you need when the weather is nice. Plus, you can bring your dog for free. If you have a dog, your pet needs exercise too.

Walking is also a body fat buster. In one study, healthy postmenopausal woman 30 weeks of walking reduced body fat by 3.9% and 15 weeks of walking reduced body fat by 1.8%.You can’t target a specific area, but walking can help lose belly fat.

according to Nature30 minutes of walking on most days of the week significantly reduced body weight and body fat percentage. for healthy eating).

2. Try intermittent fasting

One diet trend that has grown in popularity over the last few years is intermittent fastingAs the name suggests, this is where people fast for certain hours and eat at another scheduled time. 0.8% to 13%The idea is for the body to quickly deplete its available sugar stores and start burning fat.

The advantage of intermittent fasting is that it can be customized to your preferences and you can withhold food.according to john hopkins medicineFor example, you can only eat for eight hours each day and fast the rest of the day.

It’s important to note that intermittent fasting is not for everyone, especially those at risk. messed up meal or pregnant. Before attempting intermittent fasting, talk to your doctor to make sure you’re following a plan that works best for you and your goals.

3. Lift heavier weights

This point may seem counterintuitive. Because we explained that you can’t burn fat in certain areas no matter how often you go hungry. You can work on a specific body part as part. This gives it a balanced and slim look, body composition.

Check here if you don’t have dumbbells at home household items that double as weights.

weight training It also helps you lose fat while building muscle. the study It shows that 3 pounds of lean body mass gain equals 4 pounds of fat loss.Also resistance training was shown Reduce body fat percentage, body fat mass, and visceral fat (the fat that surrounds your internal organs).

Resistance training includes bodyweight exercises such as weights and push-ups, CDC At least two days a week can be a fairly easy exercise to fit into your schedule.

4. Start running or jogging

Azrin Nour Bacardin/EyeEm/Getty Images

Another great exercise idea to lose body fat is to start running or jogging. It’s free because you can do it in the neighborhood or in the park like a walk. Indoor tracks are also available in the gymnasium and community center if the weather is a concern. You can also consider getting a . treadmill Run or jog at home.

Sprint training is especially good crush the fat, to switch the running speed every few seconds.of CDC It also recommends doing 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise, or a combination of the two each week. The CDC cites walking at a speed of 15 minutes per mile as moderate activity, vigorous jogging or running.

5. Focus on high-intensity interval training

Often abbreviated as HIIT, this type of exercise involves working as hard as possible in short bursts, then spending time training at lower intensity. The benefit of this exercise is that you can do any heart-pounding activity, from jumping his jacks to climbing stairs. So you can customize it based on how much space you have and what equipment you have around you.

It’s also a fatbuster. resulting in, moderate reduction Whole and belly fat.

I can do it 30 seconds Work out as hard as you can for a few minutes, then recover at a lower intensity exercise level for 1-5 minutes.These workouts are typically about half an hourwhich includes a 5-minute warm-up and cool-down, but can be adjusted to your comfort and fitness level. 5 times one week.

6. Eat the right foods

can also concentrate dietWhile no food will magically burn fat, foods that increase metabolismMost of these foods are high in protein and contain healthy fats, which keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Some foods to include in your diet if you are trying to lose fat are: CDC, health line and the world health organizationinclude:

  • Fat-free, sugar-free yogurt, such as Greek yogurt
  • Fatty fish such as tuna, herring and salmon
  • egg
  • vegetable
  • fruits
  • Green Tea
  • whey protein
  • Olive oil
  • beans
  • Yakitori

7. Get enough quality sleep

We tend to associate fat burning with endless exercise and painfully restrictive diets. holiday It also helps in getting rid of fat. Staying up too long can lead to eating sugary foods, tiring and ineffective workouts to keep you awake, stress and inflammationleading to poor workout recovery.

One study found that not getting enough sleep reduced the rate of fat loss. 55%Another found that better sleep quality was associated with more weight and fat lossAnother study found that positive relationship Between sleep time and body fat reduction.

of mayo clinic Adults are recommended to get at least 7 hours of sleep at night. Sleep needs vary from person to person, so if 7 hours isn’t enough for you, get more sleep.

too long; didn’t read

There are many options when it comes to losing fat at home. You can try walking, running, high-intensity interval training, or bodyweight training. All of which have been researched to support their ability to lose fat.

You may want to try adjusting your diet. Eat foods that are low in saturated fat and sugar and keep you feeling full for longer. Choose foods high in protein or low in calories, such as grilled chicken, beans, eggs, and green tea. You can also try intermittent fasting.

Finally, make sure you get enough sleep. Adequate sleep is also associated with fat loss.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute health or medical advice. If you have any questions about your medical condition or health purposes, always consult a physician or other qualified Talk to your health care provider.

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