Home Nutrition 7 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

7 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

by Universalwellnesssystems

Everyone loves sugar. Enjoying sweets made with sugar will make your life even sweeter. While it’s okay to consume sugar in moderation, consuming too much sugar can lead to some health complications. But what exactly happens when you eat too much sugar?

“It’s important to watch your sugar intake and limit your intake of added sugars in your diet,” he says. Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD. ” american heart association recommends that women limit their daily intake of added sugar to no more than 100 calories (about 25 grams or 6 teaspoons) and men to no more than 150 calories (about 37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons). doing. To maintain a balanced and healthy diet, always read food labels and make informed choices. ”

In some cases, consuming more than these recommended daily limits likely won’t cause as many side effects, but research shows that consuming too much sugar on an ongoing basis can cause serious side effects. Health complications may occur. First, added sugar is associated with an increased risk of: chronic inflammation. Research also shows that consuming too much sugar over a long period of time can increase your risk of diseases such as: Heart disease and type 2 diabetes. In addition to that, too much sugar can have negative effects on the body. intestinal microbiotamay also have pro-inflammatory effects.

If you are consuming too much sugar on a regular basis, your body will begin to send signals that something is wrong. This will help you start making changes and hopefully avoid the negative side effects of overdosing.

Here are some signs that you may be consuming too much added sugar in your diet. For more healthy eating tips, check out 10 Ways to Beat Sugar Addiction Forever.

You’re always craving sugar.

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According to Goodson, “If you’re constantly craving sugary foods and drinks, it could be a sign that you’re consuming too much sugar.” “can lead to a cycle of craving and overconsumption.” Due to a sudden rise in blood sugar levels or a sudden drop in blood sugar levels. ”

Eating foods that are high in sugar and lacking in other nutrients such as fiber and protein cause blood sugar levels to rise and fall faster, leading to a steep drop in blood sugar levels.

This is, glycemic index Helpful for explanation. If a food has a high glycemic index, it means that it is absorbed by the body at a faster rate, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and causing a desire for more. These foods include candy, soda, donuts, muffins, and more. If a food has a low glycemic index, it means it contains fiber, which helps the body absorb it more slowly, resulting in a more balanced blood sugar response. These foods include vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

When you eat high-sugar foods (also called hyperglycemic foods), your blood sugar levels spike, making you want to eat more.

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Your energy levels are fluctuating.

Woman pouring sugar into coffee and placing muffins on cookie plateWoman pouring sugar into coffee and placing muffins on cookie plate
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Speaking of plummeting blood sugar levels, another symptom you may experience after consuming too much sugar is fluctuations in your energy levels. This can be caused by the following causes: Sudden rise in blood sugar levels.

“Meals high in sugar can cause energy spikes or energy dips, so if you experience frequent energy fluctuations, feel hyperactive, or suddenly feel fatigued afterwards, you may be consuming too much sugar. may be the cause,” Goodson said.

If you frequently experience these symptoms, Goodson explains, “combining protein with high-fiber carbohydrates (whole grains or fruit)” can help balance your blood sugar levels. . “Protein slows digestion and helps stabilize blood sugar levels after meals and snacks.”

You may have dental problems.

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If you’re having problems with your oral health, sugar may be the culprit.

“Sugar is a major cause of cavities and tooth decay, so if you’re experiencing frequent dental problems, it could be a sign of too much sugar,” says Goodson.

research from Frontier of oral hygiene It states that excessive sugar intake is the number one cause of tooth decay, also known as tooth decay.of who He says that tooth decay is caused by sugar, which occurs when oral bacteria ingest sugar and metabolize it, producing acids that weaken tooth enamel.

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You may have gained weight.

sweet junk foodsweet junk food
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If you are consuming too much sugar on a regular basis, you may notice that you are gaining weight.

“Have you noticed a high number on the scale? It could be because you’re eating too much sugar. Too much sugar can interfere with your metabolism and damage your gut microbiome ecosystem. A healthy gut helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels. “If you eat too much sugar, you’re forcing that ecosystem into overdrive, and it has to work harder to keep it in balance.” You’re going to expect a lot of sugar. The moral of the story is that the more sugar you eat, the more sugar your body thinks it needs.” [and may lead to] “Weight gain” Courtney DeAngelo, MS, RDregistered dietitian, author. go wellness.

It is also important to note that eating foods high in sugar will not make you feel satisfied and will not provide your body with the nutrients it needs.

“Added sugar is a source of empty calories, meaning it provides only calories and no beneficial nutrients. Products with added sugar are high in calories and have low quality nutrients, so if consumed frequently they can lead to weight gain.” It could lead to.” Trista Best, MPH, RDin LD balance one supplement.

You may be experiencing chronic pain.

add sugar to drinksadd sugar to drinks
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Unfortunately, consistently eating too much sugary foods and drinks can lead to chronic pain.Report published in clinical medicine journal Evidence shows that too much fat and sugar in osteoarthritis patients can increase chronic pain. Frontiers of nutrition It says added sugars can contribute to chronic pain because they are “accomplices to inflammation.”

“Your chronic pain and stiffness may be the result of consuming too much sugar,” Best added. “Sugar is a highly inflammatory ingredient, so the added sugar causes inflammation in the body.”

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You may feel constantly hungry or dissatisfied.

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Sweet foods are known as leave a feeling of hungerTherefore, it is important to be aware of the feeling of fullness after eating.

“Sugar is usually high in calories, so your body may feel full when you finish eating, but only for a short period of time. Sugar is devoid of real nutrients such as protein, fiber, and healthy nutrients.” As your body burns sugar, your hunger strike intensifies, leading to impulsive snacking, mindless eating, and ultimately more sugar. “We do it,” D’Angelo said.

Consuming large amounts of sugar can inhibit a hormone in your body called leptin, which is known for regulating hunger. Decreased leptin levels are generally associated with increased hunger and increased appetite.

Goodson also added that eating a particularly high-carb breakfast can make you feel hungry long before lunch.

“Because you haven’t eaten anything all night, your body can quickly use up the carbohydrates you ate in the morning, leaving you feeling extra hungry in the morning,” says Goodson. “To combat this, choose high-fiber carbohydrates for breakfast, such as oatmeal or whole-grain toast, and combine them with protein, such as eggs or Greek yogurt. Fiber and protein help keep you fuller longer after breakfast. It helps.”

You may have high blood pressure.

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And finally, consuming too much sugar can increase blood pressure levels in some people. For example, the following research results were published: nutrients found a strong association between increased added sugar intake and increased blood pressure in participants aged 65 to 80 years.

“If you notice an increase in blood pressure, you may be consuming too much sugar. Added sugar increases uric acid in the body, which in turn inhibits the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide (NO) is needed to maintain blood flow.” Blood vessels become more flexible, and when NO in the body decreases, blood pressure increases,” says Best.

A previous version of this story was published on June 3, 2022. Updated to include additional copy and proofreading revisions, additional research, and updated context links.

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