Home Nutrition 7 Foods That Can Cause Stomach Bloating

7 Foods That Can Cause Stomach Bloating

by Universalwellnesssystems

You seem to feel bloated. Your belly will swell, pushing gas and liquid from the inside, making you feel as if you’re wearing a heavy inner tube around the middle.

Bloating, the feeling of fullness in the abdomen, is a tricky topic, says Lin Zhang, M.D., associate chief of the Department of Gastroenterology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles. “Bloating is a very common condition that can be associated with multiple different diseases and disorders,” she explains.

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The underlying cause of bloating can be due to a variety of problems or a combination of these, such as lack of dietary fiber, food intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or serious conditions such as the colon. There is likely to be. cancer. If a colonoscopy (recommended starting at age 45) has already revealed it, this unpleasant symptom may be from typical gastrointestinal problems. Constipation, one of the main reasons many people experience gas and bloating, becomes more common as we age. About 16 of her 100 adults experience constipation symptoms, according to the American Gastroenterology Association. After age 60, that number increases to 33 out of 100 for her.

Experts say there are several reasons why digestive issues tend to plague older adults. , said: “When these enzymes are not activated and food stays in the stomach longer, it causes gas to stay longer in the digestive tract,” she says.

Arévalo stresses that everyone is different and not everyone has a problem with every food. But if you’re interested in possible dietary causes of bloating, consider these seven foods.

1. Milk, cheese and other dairy products

It’s very common to develop lactose intolerance later in life, Arévalo says. In addition to bloating, dairy digestion problems can cause gas, pain and diarrhea.

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