Home Nutrition 7 Foods From 7 Indian States That May Help Boost Immunity Too!

7 Foods From 7 Indian States That May Help Boost Immunity Too!

by Universalwellnesssystems

Immunity-boosting foods from different states of India: Winter is here and it's time to enjoy pleasant weather, warm and cozy mittens, and a variety of seasonal foods and drinks. Unfortunately, this season also comes with certain health concerns that affect our overall immunity. Therefore, nutritionists and health experts always suggest adjusting your diet and incorporating immunity-boosting foods to stay nourished and enjoy this season to the fullest. After all, you don't want to spend all winter on frequent tours of your doctor's clinic.
In this article, we will go beyond the usual immunity-boosting foods and focus on some options that are popular in different states of India. A carefully selected list of immunity-boosting foods from different states of India that will not only make your diet healthy but also add variety to your daily diet. read.
Also read: 6 nutritious broccoli recipes to boost your immune system to try this winter

Immunity-boosting foods: 7 must-try recipes from 7 Indian states:

1. Harissa from Kashmir:

Let's start the list of immunity-boosting foods from Kashmir. In addition to its picturesque natural beauty, the state offers a wide range of unique, warm and flavorful foods. Harissa is a dish made with milk, various spices such as cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom, and tender, juicy meat. These spices enhance dishes with antioxidant and antibacterial properties, warm the body and prevent various seasonal diseases. Click here for the recipe.

2. Sarson Ka Saag and Makki Roti from Punjab:

This combination requires no further explanation. A classic of Punjabi cuisine, sarson ka saag and makki roti are immune-boosting foods that add to the spirit of the season. Mustard greens (sarson) and corn atta (makki) are rich in essential vitamins and minerals that strengthen immune health. Adding jaggery to your dishes will make them even more delicious. Click here for the recipe.

3. Mr. Theri from Uttar Pradesh:

Tehri, a staple of the region, is a mix of rice, vegetables and spices, somewhere between a khichdi and a pulao. It's healthy, satisfying, and packed with immune-boosting nutrients. Teri usually includes peas, carrots, cauliflower, and potatoes, but you can also experiment with vegetables depending on your preference. Try these foods to boost your immune system this winter. Click here for the recipe.
Also read: See: 6 immunity-boosting foods you can easily find at home

4. Undiyu in Gujarat:

If you ask a Gujarati to name an immunity-boosting food from this region, undiyu will be first on the list. Undiyu means “upside down” in Gujarati and its name comes from the traditional method used to prepare this dish. A platter of winter vegetables that goes well with thepla and puris drizzled with ghee. Click here for the recipe.

5. Sidhu, Himachal Pradesh:

Have you tried Sidhu from Himachal Pradesh yet? It is most popular in Kullu, Manali, Shimla, Mandi and Rohr regions and is basically a local steamed bread with different types of fillings. Use warm and healthy ingredients like ghee and walnuts as the Sidhu filling and enjoy the piping hot fresh taste by drizzling with ghee. Click here for the recipe.

6. Noren Gur Peish of West Bengal:

In Bengal, winter means nolen gur (fresh jaggery made from date palm juice). Not only is it flavorful and aromatic, but it can also be used in a wide variety of seasonal desserts. One of his favorite winter recipes is Norengurpaish. Good, kheer made with rice, milk and dry fruits that warms your body from inside. Noren Guler Payesh is also a perfect food to boost your Bengal's immunity, thanks to the nutrients present in milk, jaggery and dry fruits. Click here for the recipe.

7. Rasam from Tamil Nadu:

And finally, I would like to introduce you to the desi soup, rasam. Widely popular in Tamil Nadu and neighboring southern states, rasam is made with pulses and various immune-boosting spices such as pepper, cumin and hing. This immunity-boosting food can be eaten alone or combined with rice or papad for a healthy meal. And the best part is that you can find many variations of rasam recipes to add uniqueness to your meal every time. Click here to see some of our favorite rasam recipes.
Also read: From khichdi to rasam: 5 staple foods that also boost your immunity

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Now that we have a list of immunity-boosting foods from different states of India, we recommend adding them to your winter diet for a healthy eating experience. However, keep in mind that consuming too much of anything can have negative effects on your health. Enjoy winter to the fullest by eating warm, healthy food in moderation.

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