Home Nutrition 7-Day High-Fiber Meal Plan to Lower Triglycerides

7-Day High-Fiber Meal Plan to Lower Triglycerides

by Universalwellnesssystems

Triglycerides, also known as lipids, are the most common fats in the body. They’re often lumped together with cholesterol because high levels of both increase the risk of heart disease, and both conditions can be positively affected by heart-healthy lifestyle changes. This 7-day meal plan focuses on fiber to lower triglyceride levels. Fiber is an important nutrient that has many health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease. If you currently have high triglycerides, have been told you are at risk, or simply want to increase your fiber intake, this meal plan can help.

How to create a meal plan

Thoughtfully Created by a Registered Dietitian Eating Wells The meal plans are designed to be easy to follow and delicious. Each meal plan meets specific parameters depending on the targeted health and lifestyle goals and is analyzed for accuracy using the ESHA Food Processor nutrition database. Because everyone’s nutritional needs are different, we encourage you to use these plans as a guide and adjust as needed.

Why this meal plan is right for you

Get at least 31 grams of fiber per day. Although fiber is associated with many health benefits, most people don’t meet their daily fiber intake goals. The average American gets about 14 grams of fiber per day, which is well below the recommended 28 grams per day. Although we’re focusing on fiber, we’re not neglecting another important nutrient: protein. Make sure you get at least 84 grams per day. In addition to fiber and protein, your diet should also be high in heart-healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fish.

This 1,800 calorie meal plan includes modifications of the 1,500 calorie and 2,000 calorie meal plans to support people with different calorie needs. A 1,200 calorie meal plan and modifications were previously included but are no longer included. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans indicate that limiting daily calories to 1,200 is too low to meet the nutritional needs of most people and is unsustainable for long-term health and well-being. Like all meal plans, this one is meant to serve as a framework for healthy high-fiber eating habits. Adjust as needed based on your preferred tastes, habits, pantry stock, and family size.


  • If there is a meal I don’t like, can I combine it?

    Absolutely! Feel free to mix and match meals, repeating one or two meals or substituting another high fiber recipe. We aimed for at least 31 grams of fiber per day. If you’re closely watching fiber or other nutrients, we recommend choosing substitutions with a similar nutritional profile or adjusting other portions to meet your goals.

  • Is it okay to eat the same breakfast or lunch every day?

    Yes, we offer several different options for breakfast and lunch, but if it’s easier for you to eat the same breakfast and lunch every day, you can choose. Breakfast is 409-469 calories, and lunch is 486-514 calories. These ranges are roughly the same, so if you choose to eat one of these options every day, your total daily nutritional intake will be roughly the same.

  • What Causes High Triglycerides?

    Hypertriglyceridemia can be caused by many factors, including excess calories that are stored as triglycerides in the blood, lack of exercise, excessive consumption of foods high in saturated fats and added sugars, and alcohol consumption. Fortunately, lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise, increasing your fiber intake, limiting alcohol, and losing weight can help improve your triglyceride levels.

  • Why is the 1,200 calories still the same?

    Our meal plans no longer offer a 1,200 calorie day modification. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans indicate that limiting daily calories to 1,200 is not only too low to meet the nutritional needs of most people, but also unsustainable for long-term health and well-being.

How fiber lowers triglycerides:

Fiber is a type of indigestible carbohydrate that helps improve blood sugar levels, promote weight loss, regulate digestion, and promote heart health. Increasing fiber intake is consistently recommended as a strategy to reduce high cholesterol, but does a higher fiber intake also have a positive effect on triglycerides? Research has shown that in overweight or obese adults, a higher fiber intake can lower triglyceride levels. Intake of high fiber is a strategy that most people can benefit from, as it has a variety of positive effects on health.

High fiber foods to look out for:

  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • nuts
  • seed
  • avocado
  • beans
  • lentil
  • beans

How to prepare meals for the week:

  1. Make high-protein strawberry and peanut butter overnight oats for breakfast on days 2 through 4.
  2. Prepare chicken and cabbage soup with pesto for lunch on days 2 through 5.

First day

Breakfast (409 calories)

AM Snack (217 calories)

Lunch (486 calories)

PM Snack (234 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry roasted unsalted almonds
  • ⅓ cup blueberries

Dinner (464 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,811 calories, 80g fat, 115g protein, 166g carbohydrates, 36g fiber, 1,794mg sodium

Make it 1,500 calories: Reduce your morning snack to one serving of roasted buffalo chickpeas and omit the almonds in your afternoon snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: For an evening snack, add one medium banana and one tablespoon of almond butter.

the 2nd day

Ali Redmond

Breakfast (443 calories)

AM Snack (217 calories)

Lunch (514 calories)

PM Snack (131 calories)

Dinner (470 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,775 calories, 53g fat, 119g protein, 205g carbohydrates, 32g fiber, 1,901mg sodium

Make it 1,500 calories: Eliminate kefir for breakfast, reduce your morning snack to one serving of roasted buffalo chickpeas, and change your afternoon snack to one medium-sized apple.

Make it 2,000 calories: For an evening snack, add one medium banana and one tablespoon of almond butter.

Third day

Jacob Fox

Breakfast (443 calories)

AM Snack (131 calories)

Lunch (514 calories)

PM Snack (234 calories)

  • ¼ cup dry roasted unsalted almonds
  • ⅓ cup blueberries

Dinner (482 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,804 calories, 82g fat, 105g protein, 170g carbohydrates, 31g fiber, 1,900mg sodium

Make it 1,500 calories: I skip the kefir for breakfast and the almonds as an afternoon snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: For an evening snack, add one medium banana and one tablespoon of almond butter.

Day 4

Photographer: Stacey K. Allen, Props: Christina Brockman, Food Stylist: Jennifer Wendorf

Breakfast (443 calories)

AM Snack (176 calories)

Lunch (514 calories)

PM Snack (172 calories)

  • 1 cup blackberries
  • 1 (5.3 oz) low-fat plain Greek yogurt

Dinner (502 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,806 calories, 58g fat, 121g protein, 203g carbohydrates, 31g fiber, 1,965mg sodium

Make it 1,500 calories: Eliminate kefir for breakfast, change your mid-morning snack to one medium-sized apple, and eliminate yogurt from your afternoon snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Increase your serving size of Pecan Pie Energy Balls to four for your mid-morning snack and add three tablespoons of chopped walnuts to your afternoon snack.

Day 5

Photo credit

Breakfast (469 calories)

AM Snack (176 calories)

Lunch (514 calories)

PM Snack (152 calories)

  • 1 medium sized apple
  • 1 slice (0.5 ounce) cheddar cheese

Dinner (489 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,800 calories, 80g fat, 84g protein, 203g carbohydrates, 40g fiber, 1,987mg sodium

Make it 1,500 calories: Eliminate the pear at breakfast, replace your mid-morning snack with one medium-sized peach, and omit the cheddar cheese from your afternoon snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: For an evening snack, add one medium banana and one tablespoon of almond butter.

Day 6

Victor Protacio

Breakfast (409 calories)

AM Snack (176 calories)

Lunch (486 calories)

PM Snack (105 calories)

Dinner (609 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,785 calories, 69g fat, 111g protein, 191g carbohydrates, 34g fiber, 2,110mg sodium

Make it 1,500 calories: Change your morning snack to one medium peach, eliminate the yogurt at lunch, and change your afternoon snack to one medium orange.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 2 tablespoons of almond butter to your afternoon snack.

Day 7

Photographer Victor Protacio, Food Stylist Julian Hensarling, Prop Stylist Tucker Vines

Breakfast (469 calories)

AM Snack (176 calories)

Lunch (486 calories)

PM Snack (136 calories)

  • 1 medium peach
  • 1 large hard-boiled egg

Dinner (523 calories)

Daily Totals: 1,790 calories, 82g fat, 92g protein, 185g carbohydrates, 33g fiber, 2,227mg sodium

Make it 1,500 calories: Skip the pear for breakfast, yogurt with lunch, and peach as an afternoon snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: For an evening snack, add ¼ cup dry roasted unsalted almonds.

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