Home Products 7 daily habits can cut the risk of depression by 57%, a new study finds : Shots

7 daily habits can cut the risk of depression by 57%, a new study finds : Shots

by Universalwellnesssystems

A study of around 300,000 people in the UK found that people who maintained at least five of seven healthy habits had a 57% reduced risk of depression.

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A study of around 300,000 people in the UK found that people who maintained at least five of seven healthy habits had a 57% reduced risk of depression.

Maria Stavreva/Getty Images

If an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, here are some strategies that may help improve your mental health. Over the next week, observe your daily habits. You can keep track of them by writing them down in your diary.

How well are you sleeping? Are you eating nourishing foods? Did you make time for your favorite hobbies or exercise? Did you get together with friends or loved ones?

The answers to these questions may help explain your mood and risk for depression. actual, new research found that people who maintain a wide range of healthy habits, from good sleep to physical activity to strong social connections, are significantly less likely to experience an episode of depression.researchers used Mendelian randomization —Using genetics to study behavior and see causal links between lifestyle and depression. They found that the risk of depression was also reduced among people with genetic mutations that predispose them to depression.

“I think the biggest surprise is that if you lead a good lifestyle, you can reduce your risk of depression by 57%, which is really significant,” study authors said. . barbara sahakiana clinical psychologist and neuroscientist at the University of Cambridge.

The study includes data from nearly 300,000 people. UK Biobank Database initiatives. Researchers identified seven healthy habits and found that those who maintained most of them (five or more) reduced their risk of depression by 57%. The researchers also analyzed inflammatory markers, including: C-reactive protein, which was associated with depression, and found that a healthy lifestyle led to improved scores. Concentrations of C-reactive protein increase in response to inflammation.

Of course, severe depression must be treated, and medication and therapy can help many people feel better. However, in recent years, as science has advanced, it has become clear that depression is not simply a chemical imbalance. It’s much more complex, and a growing body of evidence shows the importance of habits and behaviors that help keep your mental health strong.

1. The power of rest

At the top of the list is a good night’s rest. In this study, sleeping an average of 7 to 9 hours a night reduced the risk of depression by about 22%. “Most of us think of sleep as kind of a passive process, but sleep is an incredibly active process,” Sahakian says.

Research shows that sleep not only strengthens your memory and helps you remember what you learned during the day, but sleep also plays an important role in: keep our immune system strong. For example, a well-rested person is better able to prevent colds.And while dreaming is still a bit of a mystery, the idea is Dreams may help you control your emotions It goes back many decades.

If you have insomnia or sleep problems, there’s a lot of evidence that these strategies, based on cognitive behavioral therapy, can help.

2. Exercise is a panacea

There is strong evidence linking physical activity to improved mood.previous Research based on data A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that people who exercise regularly report fewer days of poor mental health.

And a recent meta-analysis found that physical activity more effective than drugs Reduces symptoms of depression.Antidepressants tend to treat depressive episodes faster, say Douglas Nordseya psychiatrist. Stanford Lifestyle Medicine Program. “But physical exercise has more lasting effects than antidepressants,” he says.

For some people, drugs may help initially, but the effects wear off over time, Nordsey says. “Lifestyle changes, on the other hand, may have more permanent and lasting effects,” Nordsy and his colleagues wrote. A variety of evidence-based recommendations and toolsfrom medicines to treatments to behavioral approaches such as fitness, nutrition, sleep and stress management, to help empower patients.

3. Adequate nutrition is necessary

Researchers have found that people who maintain healthy eating patterns are less likely to develop depression. “I always eat a Mediterranean diet. mind diet” said Sahakian. Studies show that a plant-first approach rich in greens, vegetables, berries, whole grains, lean proteins including beans, and healthy fats including nuts can help reduce the risk of disease. It is shown.

The MIND diet combines the Mediterranean and DASH diets and has been shown to reduce high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes. One study found that eating a daily salad was associated with improved memory and slower cognitive decline in healthy older adults.

Additionally, in a randomized controlled trial, depression scores of college students who followed a Mediterranean diet improved after three weeks, but those of students who continued to eat large amounts of refined carbohydrates, ultra-processed foods, and sugary snacks and drinks. was found to remain high.

4 & 5. Limit alcohol and don’t smoke

A glass of wine or beer helps many people relax, but limit your alcohol intake. Women have no more than 1 drink a day, men have no more than 2 drinks a day. This is the recommendation for Dietary guidelines for Americans. People who regularly consume more than this amount have an increased risk of certain cancers and an increased risk of depression. why?

Alcohol is thought to be energizing, but in reality it Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant It slows down brain activity. The more you drink, the more you seek temporary highs, which can increase your risk of addiction.

There are many strategies to help people drink less, and as the abstinence movement grows, more and more people are taking a break from drinking.

And when it comes to smoking, there’s plenty of evidence that it’s not a healthy habit. and, Programs to help people quit smokingmedications, treatments, smoking cessation apps, and more.

6. Reduce screen time and limit sedentary time

As cultural norms and technology force us to spend more time in front of screens, there is growing evidence that this can be harmful to our physical and mental health. “Sedentary behavior is very bad,” Sahakian says.

Humans are built to move, and while binge-watching your favorite streaming show may be fun in the moment, if this behavior becomes a daily habit, you’re likely spending a lot of time on the couch. It means you don’t have enough time to interact with people. Or move.

“The incidence of mental health problems is increasing in close correlation with worsening lifestyle factors,” says Nordsey. Although smartphones and internet-based technology help make our lives easier, it is common for people to sit and play video games or scroll for hours on end.

“We know that sitting for long periods of time is a risk factor for depression, regardless of the amount of physical activity,” Nordsey says. So even if you go for a 30-minute jog or bike ride every day, spending most of your day in front of a screen can have a negative impact on your mental health.

This is a particular concern for young people who spend a lot of time on social media. At a time when teenagers face high rates of depression, anxiety, and loneliness, there is growing evidence that social media can exacerbate and even cause these problems.

Here are some effective strategies to help people reduce screen time, such as scheduling a weekly break and turning off notifications, bells, and chimes to become less tied to their devices. I will introduce you.

7. Develop friendships and social connections through hobbies

It may seem obvious, but spending time with people you love, especially when you’re engaged in an activity you love, lifts your mood. There is also new research, was announced on natural medicinebased on a study of people in 16 countries, found that people over the age of 65 who have hobbies report higher life satisfaction and less depression.

Noordsy says people are familiar with the link between crossword puzzles and slowing cognitive decline, but hobbies like gardening, knitting, painting, gaming and volunteering can have a mood-boosting effect. It seems that it is not very well known. As the authors of this study note, hobbies include imagination, novelty, creativity, relaxation, and stimulation.

“It’s really great to see a tangible effect on mental health,” Professor Nordsey says of the new study. Compared to passive pursuits like watching TV or scrolling through social media, “hobbies really include aspects of creativity and engagement,” he says. Whether it’s knitting or playing bridge, hobbies may be familiar to our grandparents, but “they connect us in the same way that people have connected for generations.” ,” says Nordsey.

Take out

Research shows that just as you can take steps to reduce your risk of chronic disease, you can also take steps to reduce your risk of depression, Sahakian says. And in many cases, the same strategies that promote physical health are also good for mental health.

It will likely be impossible to eradicate the depression that afflicts millions of Americans. Many people get better with medicine and treatment, and there is now growing evidence that this is the case. lifestyle-related diseases It helps change people’s behavior. “There are certainly some people who can effectively manage their symptoms through lifestyle interventions,” Nordsey says. What matters is whether people have the support they need to navigate the change.

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