Home Nutrition 7 Best Healthy Options at Subway, Recommended by Dietitians

7 Best Healthy Options at Subway, Recommended by Dietitians

by Universalwellnesssystems

When it comes to an easy, balanced lunch option, nothing beats a classic sandwich. Sandwiches are easy to make at home, but when you’re short on time or ingredients, a fast-food sandwich chain like Subway can be a lifesaver. With a large menu of lean meats, veggies, and whole-grain bread, you’ll find plenty of healthier options here. Read on for 7 healthy Subway sandwiches recommended by nutritionists.

Things to consider

Picking the right sandwich at Subway depends on your health goals, but there are a few things to consider before ordering. Fast food is known to be high in calories, saturated fat, and sodium, so it’s worth double-checking the nutritional information to know how much of your favorite Subway sandwich is in it. In general, Subway offers healthier options than other fast-food restaurants that serve mostly fried foods. However, additional sauces and toppings can quickly increase the total fat and sodium content of a sandwich.

For a sustainable meal, make sure your sandwich contains enough protein (at least 10 grams) and fiber (at least 5 grams). This combination of nutrients will leave you feeling full and satisfied without a sudden energy crash an hour or two later. To avoid too much saturated fat on your sandwich, choose lean proteins (turkey, fish, chicken) and light sauces like mustard or vinegar.

Subway’s Best Healthy Menu

1. Oven-roasted turkey

Per 6-inch sub: 270 calories, 820 mg sodium, 5 g dietary fiber, 21 g protein, 5 g total fat, 1 g saturated fat

The oven-roasted turkey sandwich is a nutritionist favorite: “Subway’s healthiest sandwich is the 6-inch roasted turkey sandwich on a whole wheat roll,” says the nutritionist. Lisa Andrews, RD, Owner of Sound Bites Nutrition. “Add plenty of shredded lettuce, tomato, and onion to increase the antioxidant and fiber content,” she recommends.

2. Rotisserie-Style Chicken

Per 6-inch sub: 310 calories, 760 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 25 g protein, 6 g total fat, 2 g saturated fat

The roast turkey sandwich is a classic, but if you want to try something a little different, we recommend the rotisserie-style chicken sub, a nutritionist favorite. Jiang Qianzhi, PhD, RDN; The owner of The Nutrition Changer recommends the rotisserie-style chicken sandwich on a hearty, toasted multigrain with no sauce and double the veggies. “It’s one of Subway’s lowest sodium sandwiches, and you can reduce the sodium content even further by swapping out the American cheese for provolone,” she says.

3. Black Forest Ham

Per 6-inch sub: 280 calories, 860 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 20 g protein, 4 g total fat, 1 g saturated fat

If you’re looking for a low-calorie sandwich, the Black Forest Ham Sub is a great choice. It has just 280 calories and 4 grams of fat. Plus, with 20 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per sub, you won’t feel hungry afterwards. Load your sub with veggies and choose a high-fiber bread, like a hearty multigrain, for extra fiber to keep you feeling full.

4. VegiDelight

Per 6-inch sub: 210 calories, 370 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 10 g protein, 3 g total fat, 0 g saturated fat

If you’re looking for a vegetarian option, or simply a veggie-centric option, the Veggie Delight Sub is worth a try. To get the most nutritional value out of this sub, Jean recommends serving the toasted, hearty multigrain with sliced ​​avocado and fresh mozzarella. Use yellow mustard, or oil and red wine vinegar, for the sauce. According to Jean, this sub ticks all the boxes nutritionally. “This 6-inch sandwich has the lowest sodium content of all Subway sandwiches, and it’s packed with veggies, so you’ll feel fuller for longer. The added sauce, avocado, and mozzarella provide more flavor, healthy fats, and protein with minimal sodium,” she says.

5. Roast beef

Per 6-inch sub: 310 calories, 790 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 25 g protein, 5 g total fat, 2 g saturated fat

As one of the most protein-packed sandwich options, there’s no doubt about Subway’s roast beef sandwich. Cheryl Mussatto, MS, RD,author A nourished brain“Think thinly sliced ​​roast beef sandwiched between layers of crunchy vegetables like tomatoes, peppers and lettuce – every bite is a delicious, nutritious delight.” She also recommends ordering a hearty slice of multigrain bread to get a few extra grams of fiber.

6. Tuna salad

Per 6-inch sub: 470 calories, 690 mg sodium, 2 g fiber, 20 g protein, 25 g total fat, 5 g saturated fat

Did you know that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults eat 8 ounces of fish and seafood each week? Tuna salad is a tasty way to get fish (and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids) into your diet. “Subway’s 6-inch tuna sandwich on hearty multigrain bread is a great choice for those looking for a healthier sandwich, and the multigrain bread itself is a great source of plant-based protein,” says Wang Na Chun, MPH, RDOwner of One Pot Wellness.

For those watching their salt intake, the tuna salad may be a better choice than some of the other sandwiches on the menu: Chun says the tuna salad sandwich contains about half the salt compared to many other options.

7. Grilled Chicken

Per 6-inch sub: 290 calories, 580 mg sodium, 5 g dietary fiber, 27 g protein, 4 g total fat, 1 g saturated fat

Subway’s Grilled Chicken Sandwich is also a good choice for those looking for a sandwich that is lower in calories and sodium. You can reduce the sodium even further by substituting other cheeses such as provolone or mozzarella for the American cheese. This sandwich also has one of the highest protein contents with 27 grams per 6-inch sandwich. The Buffalo Chicken Sandwich uses the same grilled chicken, but since Buffalo sauce has a very high sodium content, we recommend the traditional Grilled Chicken Sandwich.

Tips for customizing your Subway sandwich

No matter which sandwich you choose, there are plenty of ways to further optimize your nutrition. Here are our top tips.

  • bread: Subway’s bread and wraps all have roughly the same calorie content, but the cheese versions (such as the Italian Herb & Cheese Bread) are a little higher in sodium. If you’re looking to add fiber, use their hearty multigrain bread for your sandwich, which has 3 grams of fiber per 6-inch slice.
  • meat: Deli meats tend to be high in sodium and fat. Turkey, rotisserie chicken, Black Forest ham, grilled chicken, and roast beef are the healthiest choices.
  • cheese: Order extra cheese on your sandwich to get some extra protein, but be aware that some cheeses (like American cheese) can be high in sodium.
  • vegetables: Load your sandwich with vegetables to add color, flavor, fiber, and other essential nutrients. Our only advice here is that pickles, banana peppers, and olives are high in sodium, so take that into consideration when building your sandwich.
  • seasoning: Opting for condiments like mustard or vinegar on your subs can boost flavor without ingesting extra unhealthy fats.

Other healthy options at Subway

  • wrap: Surprisingly, when you get your sandwich as a wrap at Subway, the total calories, fat, and sodium go up because it contains an extra foot of meat, but if you’re looking for a higher-protein option, the wrap is a great choice.
  • salad: If you’re looking for a low-carb lunch or want to get more fiber, Subway offers the option to order your sandwich as a salad. Turning your sub into a salad also keeps your overall calories down. Subway also has new “No Bready Bowls” on their protein bowl menu, which are like salads but with a foot of meat. They pack in a whopping 20-42 grams of protein per bowl, but be careful because protein bowls are loaded with deli meat and often contain more sodium than a regular salad or six-inch sub.
  • side: If you order a combo, choose an unsweetened drink and baked chips. Subway also offers hot soups as a healthier side to your sandwich. Chicken Noodle Soup is the lowest calorie option at just 70 calories per 8 ounces, but be aware that it is quite high in sodium at 1,160 mg.


Subway offers a variety of options, including lean meats, veggies, and whole grain bread, making it a convenient choice for a quick meal while checking off all the right boxes to meet your health goals. Customize your sandwich by adding veggies and serve it on hearty multigrain bread to optimize the fiber content.

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