Home Mental Health 6 Work Habits That Are Secretly High-Functioning Anxiety In Disguise

6 Work Habits That Are Secretly High-Functioning Anxiety In Disguise

by Universalwellnesssystems

“We’ve been working hard to get started,” said Erin L. Moran, a licensed mental health counselor in Jacksonville, Florida.

Perfectionists “often place a lot of shame and responsibility on themselves and others, and are perceived as less than perfection,” she added.

The idea that your boss or colleagues will be upset or disappointed with you can be perfect with your progress, despite zero concrete evidence that they are in fact. While doing well at work, if your personal relationships with people in your office don’t seem to belong to the standard of someone with functional anxiety, you may start assuming the feelings and intentions of others and personalizing them.

“People with high-functioning anxiety may be job and conversation perfectionists because they worry about how others will be perceived,” Lions said.

2. It’s difficult to focus on tasks due to stress and worry.

Distractions and inability to concentrate on work tasks are two very common events for people with high functioning anxiety. Often, those experiencing concentration and concentration issues implement their own coping mechanisms to ensure they work efficiently.

For example, some people may wear headphones at work. “People with functional concerns may wear headphones.

Stress, worries and anxiety are caused by a lack of focus in the workplace, and “eventually it will become more difficult to be present in your job,” Moran said. “When a person becomes overworked, stressed and puts high pressure on himself, it is more likely that the brain will drop some things due to the drainage of the emotional energy that comes with anxiety.”

3. We want security and verification from others.

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