Home Mental Health 6 ways to reduce anxiety instantly

6 ways to reduce anxiety instantly

by Universalwellnesssystems

Anxiety is hard and difficult to deal with in everyday life. Your mind feels trapped in a vortex of thoughts, and your habit of time travel causes additional anxiety. Experts share tips to help you learn how to reduce anxiety instantly.

Our minds are naturally designed to protect us. Anxiety is one of the most common problems of modern man. Anxiety occurs when the mind shifts into the future and perceives a dangerous situation. Our minds go into a state of panic, which causes anxiety to start manifesting in our bodies. It’s become so common that people are sadly starting to standardize it as part of their lifestyle.

It interferes with our ability to function normally and stifles our level of creativity. Those who constantly struggle with anxiety can see the impact it has on all aspects of their lives, including work, relationships, personal life, and health. But you are not alone and you are not helpless. By simply practicing certain effective techniques that cultivate self-control and lower anxiety levels instantly, you can muster the energy to do better.

Health Shots reached out to Dr. Jyoti Kapoor, Founder and Director of Manasthali Wellness and Senior Psychiatrist, to find out how to reduce anxiety instantly.

Those battling an attack may experience its symptoms physically. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock

How to deal with anxiety immediately

Anxiety makes a person feel oppressed for a long time. You feel intimate in public, quickly restless when you start interacting with strangers, and the usual challenges feel huge. However, even with symptoms of anxiety, stay determined to test your limits and reach your goals.

Here are specific techniques shared by experts that can help you deal with anxiety quickly.

1. Deep breathing exercise

“Deep breathing is a powerful technique that can quickly relieve anxiety by calming your nervous system. Hold your breath for a count of 7 and exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 8. Repeat this technique multiple times to help you feel relaxed,” says the expert.

2. Grounding technology

Grounding exercises help shift focus from anxious thoughts to the present moment. You can try the 5-4-3-2-1 technique. This method looks like this:

• Look around and list 5 things you can see.
• 4 things you can touch
• 3 things you hear
• Two things you can smell
• A dish to savor.

This sensory engagement helps redirect attention and reduce anxiety.

3. Gradual muscle relaxation

“Tension is often accompanied by anxiety. Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that involves tensing muscles and then releasing and relaxing different muscle groups. Focus on the group and then release.This method helps reduce physical tension and mental stress,” says the experts.

Here’s how to prevent anxiety from affecting your life. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock

4. Visualization

Visualization techniques involve imagining calm and peaceful scenarios. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a quiet environment, such as a beach or forest. Let your imagination run wild and stimulate your senses with unique sights, sounds and sensations. It helps to distract the mind from disturbing thoughts and promote a sense of calmness.

Also read: Anxiety can affect your sex life! Know the signs and how to deal with it

5. Practice mindfulness

Experts say: “Mindfulness is a non-judgmental technique to bring yourself to the present moment. Practice mindfulness by observing your thoughts, feelings and sensations without trying to change them. It helps break the anxious rumination cycle and promote receptivity and calmness.”

6. Listen to music

Music has a great effect on mood. Create a playlist of calming or comforting songs that you can rely on when you’re feeling anxious. Concentrate on melodies and rhythms to distract your mind from disturbing thoughts and bring relaxation.
Reducing anxiety symptoms is not easy, but you can hone your skills and learn how to react more positively.

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