Home Mental Health 6 Things You Don’t Realize You Do Because You Have High-Functioning Anxiety

6 Things You Don’t Realize You Do Because You Have High-Functioning Anxiety

by Universalwellnesssystems

by Maria Hakki

It is considered normal to feel anxious from time to time. However, if you suffer from frequent anxiety attacks, you may be suffering from a more severe mental illness.

The National Institute of Mental Health defines anxiety disorders as:

“…Anxiety disorders are more than temporary worries and fears. For people with anxiety disorders, anxiety never goes away and can get worse over time. , interpersonal relationships, and other daily activities.

There are different types of anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and various phobia-related disorders. “

In addition to that, experts have recently started discussing another psychiatric problem called high-functioning anxiety. High-functioning anxiety disorder is not formally recognized as a mental health condition, but rather is a term that relates to all people who suffer from anxiety but are still able to carry out their daily tasks.

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This is the story of Jesse, who suffers from high-functioning anxiety. Describes how she feels every day with this symptom.

“It’s hard to deal with high-functioning anxiety because I look normal to other people, but deep inside I’m struggling to cope with what’s going on around me. I can maintain normal interactions with people, but I feel anxious almost all the time and this often causes my heart rate to go up. I didn’t know exactly what was going on, and although I felt discomfort, I didn’t tend to avoid situations that might make me anxious. I try to avoid it.”

According to expert opinion, Dr. Jonathan Sikorsky, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, said: actual diagnosis.

Debra Kissen, Ph.D., Co-Chair of the Public Education Commission of the American Association for Anxiety and Depression, also shares her take on high-functioning anxiety: The criteria for an anxiety disorder have not been met, but they are desperate to get through it. they are still awake They are still working on their own. “

A person suffering from high-functioning anxiety is not classified as a patient suffering from an actual disorder. However, the symptoms and problems they have are typical of other officially recognized anxiety disorders.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine how much anxiety is appropriate and when a person’s anxiety becomes dangerous enough to lead to psychosis. Especially if the person is still trying to lead a normal life.

That’s why we’ve drawn on expert opinion from a range of experts to identify 6 behavioral warning signs that may reveal that you, your family, or friends are suffering from high-functioning anxiety. outlined.

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Here are six things you don’t realize you’re doing because you have high-functioning anxiety.

1. Worrying too much

Worrying about everything can be a sign of anxiety, and worst of all, it can lead to mental and physical exhaustion.

LA psychologist Courtney Bradford said: You may feel so tired that you can’t do anything but lie in bed. “

2. Too much detail

According to a psychotherapist Dr. Jin Love ThompsonPh.D., MA, M. Msc, “People with high-functioning anxiety are often very detail-oriented.”

It’s a good trait as long as it doesn’t go to extremes. Because it can quickly grow into a frustrating and exhausting perfectionist.

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3. I can’t get enough rest

One of the symptoms of high-functioning anxiety is the inability to rest. It can feel extremely exhausting and emotionally draining.

MSW, RSW psychotherapist Kelly Boss said of this: “Your mind is unblocked and you always feel like you have to do something.”

4. I can’t sleep

While this isn’t always the case, if you’re feeling anxious and worried and tossing and turning in bed or having trouble falling asleep, it could be a telltale sign of high-functioning anxiety.

Here is the expert opinion of clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manley: “If you’ve carved your anxiety inside and you’re functioning well during the day, that anxiety can manifest itself in sleep disturbances.”

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5. physical pain

Anxiety is not only dangerous to your mental health, it can also affect your body and cause persistent physical pain. It’s usually painful in the shoulder area and an uncomfortable pressure in the stomach, says Dr. Bella Williams.

6. Need to control

Feeling helpless is a common symptom in people who suffer from anxiety. This is why people with high-functioning anxiety feel the need to control whatever they are doing.

Laura Peterson, a licensed psychotherapist, also said: In addition, people afflicted with this disease are able to control the activities that involve not only simple daily tasks such as tidying up, but also more important achievements such as achieving various life goals. Try to lessen your comfort. “

moreover, According to research on this issueanxiety can have significant negative effects on memory, reasoning and cognition.

Finally, readers should be aware that while this type of anxiety is not officially recognized as a disorder without treatment, those who suffer from it are more likely to develop other serious mental illnesses. It is important to remember that In addition, we must not forget that stress caused by anxiety can have a very negative impact on the overall well-being of those affected.

RELATED: 12 struggles only people with anxiety can understand

Maria Hakki is a writer and translator. She has been featured in her I Heart Intelligence, Australian National Review and more.

This article was originally published at: i heart intelligence. Reprinted with permission of the author.

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