Home Mental Health 6 New Insights on Climate Change and Mental Health

6 New Insights on Climate Change and Mental Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

of lancet It is one of the world’s most trusted medical science journals. This week they released a new scientific report on health and wellness. climate change “The Lancet Countdown 2022 Report on Health and Climate Change: Health at the mercy of fossil fuels” (Romenero et al., 2022). In the report, the scientists say that human activity has raised the global temperature by 1.1 degrees compared to pre-industrial times.While it is well known that climate change will have devastating effects on natural systems (e.g., rising temperatures in the Arctic destroy ecological niches for polar bears and other species), new lancet The report highlights that climate change will also have serious impacts on human health.

1. Mental and physical health suffer as extreme heat waves become more common

Climate change has not only led to an increase in average global temperatures, but has also increased the frequency of extreme heat waves. Heat waves can have many negative effects on physical health, including kidney damage, increased risk of heat stroke, heart problems, and can cause problems during exercise. pregnancy.

Heat waves also have many negative effects on mental health. They can lead to sleep disturbances and make people less likely to exercise.Sound sleep and exercise are important for maintaining mental health. In addition, extreme heat restricts opportunities to go out and meet people, leading to an increase in infectious diseases. lonelinesscan get worse depressionDroughts can lead to significant reductions in food production, can lead to economic hardship for farmers, and can worsen mental health. shown to increase. suicidal tendencies.

2. Wildfires are bad for mental health

Along with the heatwaves and accompanying droughts, the likelihood of wildfires has increased significantly. According to the report, between 2001 and 2004, and between 2018 and 2021, 61% of countries had increased exposure to high fire risk days. Wildfires have many direct and indirect negative effects on mental health.Experiencing the loss of property or even loved ones in a raging fire can lead to serious consequences. trauma and increase the chances of failures such as PTSD Or depression. Wildfires can also contribute to health problems, such as lung problems related to smoke inhalation. Large burns can also lead to mental health issues.

3. Floods can be very traumatic

Wildfires aren’t the only extreme weather that threatens mental health. This report focuses on flooding in Germany and other Northwestern European countries in July 2021. Due to heavy rains, flooding became extreme and entire villages were destroyed. Over 200 people died. Experiencing such an event can lead to trauma similar to wildfire.Additionally, critical infrastructure for mental health support such as: psychotherapy practice and Mental Flooding can destroy hospitals and degrade the mental health of patients due to lack of proper care.

4. Climate change threatens food security and could force people to migrate

For example, food insecurity due to drought can also force people to migrate from their home country to another place that has more food. This can have a negative impact on your mental health as you become separated from yourself.

5. Climate change fears are real

people can fear Everything from spiders to blood to leaving homes to communicating with others.author of lancet The report finds that the increasingly common effects of the climate crisis, from wildfires to floods and droughts, will anxiety, and eco-anxiety is becoming increasingly common. Especially for young people, the idea of ​​extreme weather events like wildfires in the future can be a source of intense fear.Psychologists are studying these new types of anxiety disorders and developing treatment options. need to do it.

6. Mental health needs to be integrated into action plans for the climate crisis

author of lancet The report finds that despite overwhelming scientific evidence on the negative impacts of the climate crisis on mental health, national adaptation plans to combat the climate crisis do not include concrete solutions to mental health problems. It emphasizes that very few Only 28% of countries include mental health in their action plans. Clearly, more needs to be done to combat the mental health crisis caused by the climate crisis.

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