Home Fitness 6 Moves to Do Prerun

6 Moves to Do Prerun

by Universalwellnesssystems

If you’re a novice runner, it probably seems like you have a lot to accomplish: running miles, testing your gear, fine-tuning your hydration, and learning about different types of workouts.What is Faltrek?). Maintaining consistent mobility practices probably isn’t at the top of your priority list. But you probably should.

“As runners, we want to maximize the range of motion of our joints and move our bodies to perform at our best,” says Amber Rees, Curriculum Leader at Bally’s in New York City. Brave Body Project,Tell you runner’s world. She explains that the inability to fully express a runner’s stride, especially knee drive and hip extension, can lead to inefficiency in movement, reduced speed, and over time can cause pain and injury.

Benefits of mobility exercises for beginners

Practicing mobility regularly can help you as a runner (and in your daily life) by keeping your joints healthy and functional, preparing your muscles for action, and preventing you from spending too much time slouching over a screen.

For beginner runners and athletes looking for a gentler mobility routine, Reese has programmed the following circuits: Here are her 6 easy to tackle and effective mobility her exercises for beginners that target the spine, hips, knees and ankles. “Working on these mobility exercises can help prevent injury, improve form, increase running efficiency, and reduce stiffness and pain,” she says.

Reese recommends incorporating these exercises into your pre-run warm-up and post-run cool-down, and doing them often. “For beginners, the more often you do these mobility exercises, the more advanced mobility training you can progress to and the better, stronger runner you will be in the long run,” says Reese.

How to use this list: Perform each exercise below for the amount of time listed, with a 10 second rest between exercises. Complete 2 rounds.

Each move is demonstrated by Rees in the video above so you can learn proper form. You will need an exercise mat.

1. Hold your knees and stretch your lower back

Amber Reese

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and shift your weight onto your right foot. Without bending at the waist, lift your left knee and pull it toward your chest with both hands. Pause, slide your hands from your shins to just above your left ankle, and open your left knee to the side. Pause, then release your feet to return to a standing position. Repeat with the opposite leg. Continue alternating for 60 seconds.

2. Leg swing

Mobility exercises for beginners, leg swings

Amber Reese

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place your left hand on a wall or fixed structure such as a pillar or pillar. Shift your weight to your left leg and, starting at your right hip, swing your right leg forward until you feel a stretch in your hamstring (it’s okay to bend your knee slightly). Quickly swing your leg back to stretch your hip flexors and quadriceps. Keep rocking back and forth while trying to keep your upper body as still as possible. Continue for 30 seconds. Then switch sides and repeat.

3. cat and cow

Mobility exercise for beginners, cat cow

Amber Reese

Get on all fours with your knees under your hips and your shoulders over your wrists. As you slowly inhale, lift the top of your head and tailbone upward and bend back slightly. On a slow exhale, draw your navel in, pulling your tailbone closer to the back of your knees and pulling your chin toward your chest. Repeat for 60 seconds.

4. Quadruped hip CAR

Mobility exercise for beginners, quadruped hipcar

Amber Reese

Get on all fours with your knees under your hips and your shoulders over your wrists. Draw your navel toward your spine and keep your back flat. Raise your left leg to the left and hold it at hip height, keeping your knee bent at 90 degrees. Then lift your left leg back like you’re doing a donkey kick. Rotate your left hip inward to complete the circle. Then reverse this motion, hitting the donkey kick first, then lifting the knee to the side and back to complete the circle. Keep the rest of your body as still as possible and make the circle smaller if necessary. Repeat for 30 seconds, alternating directions in a circle. Then switch sides and repeat.

5. Overhead hip flexor stretch

Mobility exercises for beginners, overhead hip flexor stretches

Amber Reese

Step your left leg forward and bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle. Let your arms hang at your sides or place your hands on your hips. Place your left foot directly under your knee and tilt your pelvis slightly forward. Push your hips forward, bend your left knee further, and stretch your right hip flexor. At the same time, extend your left arm overhead and tilt it to the right. Pause, push your hips back and lower your left arm. Repeat for 30 seconds. Then switch sides and repeat.

6. Down Dog To Cobra

Mobility exercises for beginners, from dogs to cobras

Amber Reese

Start in a high plank with shoulders over wrists, neck neutral, back flat, core engaged, legs straight. Keep your arms and legs straight, your spine neutral, your hips lifted up and back, and your chest closer to your legs. Maintaining a downward dog position, alternately bending one knee and pressing the opposite heel into the ground. Keeping your arms and legs straight, lower your hips to the floor, press with your hands, and lift your chest into a cobra position. Hold for 2-3 seconds. Between Down Dog and Cobra he repeats for 60 seconds.

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