Home Nutrition 6 Healthy Habits to Help You Live Longer

6 Healthy Habits to Help You Live Longer

by Universalwellnesssystems

The Mediterranean diet tends to take home the most honors in the health sector as the best diet of 2023, as the ideal lifestyle to support heart health, and as a great option for those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It’s not. It’s the only lifestyle that can promote longevity.

say there are people from a few communities around the world who live as long Dan Buttnerbased in Miami national geographic fellow and author The Blue Zones American Kitchen.as the founder of blue zone A 2000 project brought together medical researchers, anthropologists, demographers and epidemiologists to extract data from the world’s longest-lived people and help unlock their secrets, Buttner said. eat well. The Blue Zone team used evidence-based data from the last 20 years to build on these conclusions and derive several lifestyle factors that contribute to longevity.

It’s not just genetics, Büttner added, citing a 1996 Danish study of twins. human geneticsproved that only about 20% of a person’s lifespan is based on genetics.

“The other 80% comes down to lifestyle and environment. So while genetics can play a role, we’re more focused on things that people can control or change and set routines and environments. is important,” he says.

What are the Blue Zones and how do they compare to the average American lifestyle?

There are five known Blue Zones in the world, but only two are considered part of the Mediterranean region.

  • Okinawa Prefecture
  • Nicoya, Costa Rica
  • Ikaria, Greece
  • Loma Linda, California
  • Sardinia, Italy

“These five regions have overwhelmingly more people living to be over 100. Not only are these people living longer, they are also healthier,” he says. . Caroline Thomason, RD, CDCESis a Warrenton, Virginia-based registered dietitian who helps women stop dieting and gain confidence in their food. “People in the United States are living much longer than previous generations, but we certainly aren’t always healthy at the end of our lives,” she said.

So what are smart people in the Blue Zone doing every day to live longer, healthier, more vibrant lives?

6 Healthy Habits That Will Help You Live Longer

There’s an old adage, “What you do determines who you are,” and it’s the accumulation of daily habits that move the needle towards (or away from) happiness. However, I would advise against taking everything to yourself and forgoing expert information and regular check-ups. Margaret Flubauer, DOis a board-certified physician at Northwest Community Health Care in Buffalo Grove, Illinois.

“Preventive care, such as cancer screenings such as colonoscopies, mammography, pap smears, and CT lung cancer screening, can detect disease early. and may reduce physical, financial and mental stress rather than delaying care.” Mental health counseling can also be very beneficial,” Fulbauer says.

1. Don’t “diet” and eat until you’re almost satisfied

Forget detoxing and cleansing, and instead follow a “halahachib” that combines a variety of nutritious foods, preferably local. This way of thinking is an important element of Okinawa. In Okinawa, this 2,500-year-old Confucian mantra reminds locals to enjoy meals and snacks until their stomachs are 80% full, rather than counting calories or going on a fast diet. I’m here.

“Most of the food consumed by Blue Zone centenarians is grown within a 16-mile radius of their homes,” Buttner says, although whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, fruits and vegetables are Any of these will benefit your health.

According to a February 2022 meta-analysis published in the same journal, PLOSMedicine, from age 20 “Adopt a diet of whole grains, legumes, fish, fruits, vegetables, and a handful of nuts, while reducing red and processed meats, sugary drinks, and refined grains.” of meals may be added. 10 years left until they live. Of course, you can’t control every health condition, and a healthy diet isn’t a panacea, but even if he started these strategies at age 60, he could add about eight and a half years to his life. The data suggest that it might be expected.

If fresh favorites aren’t available, consider frozen, canned, or fermented foods. And if you don’t know where to start, Fulbauer recommends using tools, seeking help, and outsourcing to make healthy eating easier, such as nutritionists who partner with local food access organizations and clinics. suggests Mr.

“There are many meal delivery services that focus on healthy eating. Many of my patients have found that using a slow cooker, Instant Pot, or air fryer makes meal prep easier.” she says. Try to work as a team. “Involving family members in meal planning and meal preparation decisions can be beneficial.”

2. Limit added sugar

Reducing your intake of ultra-processed foods can naturally reduce the number of grams of added sugars you consume. Büttner acknowledges that people in the Blue Zone are consuming sugar intentionally, not out of habit or accident.

“They consume about the same amount of natural sugar as North Americans, but add only about one-fifth as much added sugar, up to seven teaspoons of sugar a day.” he says

according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average American adult consumes about 17 teaspoons of sugar daily, which is more than two to three times the recommended amount. Much of this added sugar is hidden in sneaky sources such as sugar-sweetened drinks, yogurt, breakfast cereals and plant-based milks, to name a few.

3. Cook more at home

About 60% of Americans eat out for dinner at least once a week. CDC Estimates and research group 2019 survey the 4th We found that 10% eat out four to six times a week.

People in the Blue Zone may eat out, but they are known for taking pride in turning food into an event. For example, in some households meals often come with multiple courses of lovingly prepared family recipes.

Cooking at home more has the added benefit of giving you more control over the ingredients you use, naturally eating less and making something from scratch less stressful. In addition, compared with those who ate out less than once a week, those who ate two or more home-cooked meals frequently a day may have a higher risk of all-cause mortality, according to the journal. shown in a 2021 study. Journal of Nutrition and Nutrition Academy.

4. Share food with others

Once you’ve cooked your meal, you can share it with others for even greater health benefits.

“The world’s longest-lived people chose or were born into social circles that advocate healthy behavior,” says Buttner. “Okinawas have formed ‘moai’, or groups of five lifelong friends. Studies from the Framingham Study have found that smoking, obesity, happiness and even loneliness are contagious. Social networks of longevity have been shaped in favor of “their health behaviors.” Meta-analysis, February 2021 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health It found that families who shared meals tended to consume more fruits, vegetables, and health-enhancing nutrients. Nutritional quality is not the only advantage.March 2017 study published in the journal Human adaptive behavior and physiology They report that eating with friends and family is associated with increased feelings of well-being, increased community engagement, life satisfaction, trust in others, and laughter.

read more: Why cooking and eating together is as important to your health as the food you eat

5. Incorporate activities into your daily routine

“The world’s longest-lived people don’t take iron supplements, run marathons, or join gyms. I live in New York,” Buettner reveals. Daily mobility is greatly increased, such as tending to the garden without the use of high-tech tools, and continuing with housework and yard work.

Whether you enjoy hiking while listening to your favorite podcast, tending to your garden, or enjoying a walk around the neighborhood to unwind after a long day, physical activity has a natural “feel good” effect. proven to increase. “Neurotransmitters known as endorphins. Cardio, strength training, yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, or any other activity can help improve balance, build strength, burn calories, and reduce depression,” says Fulbauer. You can reduce your risk of heart disease, heart disease, etc. Your local community center may offer fun classes you can attend.

“People often say they don’t have time to exercise,” she says, but you don’t have to push yourself for 60 minutes, or even 30 minutes. In fact, she can balance her blood sugar with just a two-minute walk after eating. When possible, “I encourage my patients to go for a walk on their lunch break or do light weight lifting in the morning or evening while watching their favorite TV show,” she says.

6. Prioritize sleep and stress relief

Chronic sleep deprivation can increase everything from migraines and fibromyalgia-related pain to heart disease and cancer risk, Fulbauer explains.

A continuous or frequent barrage of stressors (ah, the constant ringing phone, the frightening or tense news updates) can lead to chronic inflammation, says Buettner, which is responsible for all major age-related factors. It adds that it is associated with disease.

According to Buttner, many people in long-lived Blue Zone communities have common things that help them de-stress, such as taking a moment to remember their ancestors, praying, taking a nap, or gathering together to have a good time. It is said that he has a daily routine. Many of these relate to some aspect of the social community, which can amplify their benefits.

Fulbauer suggests scheduling time for self-care, much like you would prearrange an oil change or haircut. She believes she can make a long-term impact by making a commitment, even if she’s just 15 minutes, three days a week.

Walking, meditating, and breathing are free, science-backed ways to reduce stress and promote better sleep. Taking a break from electronic devices 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime, eating more sleep-supporting foods, and following bedroom design tips can all make a big difference to your rest success. I have.


The Blue Zones are the five regions of the world with the highest number of centenarians, i.e. people who live to be over 100 years old. The longest-lived and hardiest people typically live in environments that focus on daily physical activity, nutritious food (mainly plants), and sleep and stress management.

Blue Zone environments are often set up to facilitate healthy choices, but you don’t need to rely on sheer willpower to make these healthy changes for longevity. Butner says. Instead, make lots of small changes in your routine and environment to promote good health and surround yourself with like-minded friends who like fun movement. Find self-care strategies that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine, and experiment with tweaks to help you sleep better over the course of a week.

‘If you make these small changes over time, you’ll create an environment that promotes health and well-being,’ Büttner concludes.

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