Home Nutrition 6 health benefits of almonds

6 health benefits of almonds

by Universalwellnesssystems

Almonds are great for hair and skin, but the benefits of almonds don’t end there. Find out why eating almonds is good for your health.

Almonds often appear on labels for both skin and hair care products. Yes, almond hair oil and almond body butter are just a few of the products with this natural ingredient. But they don’t just provide soft, healthy hair and skin. Nutrient-rich superfoods are beneficial additions to a balanced diet. Almonds have several benefits. In fact, starting your day with almonds might be a good idea.

Almonds contain protein and vitamin E. Almonds are basically a treasure trove of essential nutrients, with 1 ounce of almonds containing:

• Calories: 160
• Protein: 6 grams
• Fat: 14 grams (mainly monounsaturated fat)
• Carbs: 6 grams
• Fiber: 3.5 grams
• Vitamin E: Nearly 40% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)
• Magnesium: 19 percent of RDI
• Phosphorus: 13% of RDI
• Copper: 32 percent of RDI
• Manganese: 32 percent of RDI
• Biotin (vitamin B7): 49 percent of RDI

Almonds are a nutritious snack. Image credit: Freepik.

benefits of almonds

Since almonds contain many nutrients, they also have many health benefits. Here are some almond health benefits you should know about:

1. Heart health

Healthy fats, such as monounsaturated fats found in almonds, contribute to improved heart health by lowering bad cholesterol levels, says Sangeetha Tiwari, clinical nutritionist at Artemis Light, New Friends Colony in Delhi. said. Magnesium, which is abundant in almonds, also helps maintain normal blood pressure levels. This reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

2. Weight management

Despite being high in calories, almonds can help with weight management. The combination of protein, fiber and healthy fats in almonds promotes satiety and reduces overall calorie intake. Snacking on a handful of almonds can help control your appetite and prevent overeating.

3. Blood sugar regulation

Due to their low glycemic index, almonds raise blood sugar levels more slowly and slowly than high-carbohydrate foods. This makes it a good snack option for diabetics and those concerned about blood sugar control.

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4. Skin health

Almonds contain vitamin E and antioxidants that help maintain healthy skin, experts told Healthshot. Vitamin E helps protect the skin from oxidative stress that leads to premature aging and other skin problems. Healthy fats in almonds also support skin elasticity and hydration.

Almonds are good for hair. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock

5. Hair health

Almonds contribute to healthy hair due to their nutritional profile. Contains biotin, a B vitamin that is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Biotin strengthens hair follicles and promotes healthy hair growth. Vitamin E in almonds also supports blood circulation to the scalp and promotes healthy hair. The monounsaturated fats in almonds also contribute to overall scalp health, reducing the risk of dry, brittle hair.

6. Sexual health

Almonds have traditionally been thought to be aphrodisiacs, according to experts. The nutritional content of almonds indirectly supports sexual health. Almonds are a source of nutrients such as zinc and selenium that are essential for reproductive health and hormone production. The healthy fats in almonds also contribute to overall cardiovascular health and play a role in maintaining good sexual function.

Eat almonds in moderation!

Don’t forget to watch your almond intake as it has so many health benefits. Tiwari recommends that you can eat about 1 ounce or about 23 almonds. This portion provides about 160 calories and balanced nutrients. By eating this amount as a snack or adding it to your diet, you can get the benefits of almonds without the excessive calorie intake.

Be careful not to overeat almonds as they are high in calories and eating too many of them can lead to weight gain. Consuming large amounts of almonds can also cause indigestion due to their fiber and fat content.

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