Home Mental Health 5 Ways to Take a Break at Work (and Stress Less) In 60 Seconds

5 Ways to Take a Break at Work (and Stress Less) In 60 Seconds

by Universalwellnesssystems
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No one needs to say that work is a source of stress. But the workplace and its relentless deadlines, meetings, politics, and frustration are the number one stressors for Americans.according to Review of recent data, 83 percent of US workers suffer from work-related stress. Twenty-five percent of him in this group report that work is their biggest dissatisfaction.

Work stress takes its toll on our daily lives in many ways, but perhaps the biggest toll is mental health. Recently, her mental health brand, Calm, asked users what difficult moments prompted them to use the app. The most common response was that they face challenges at work.

Eradicating workplace stress is clearly not an option. As such, everyone needs different ways to cope with stress. The answer may seem too obvious.

“Taking a mental health leave allows you to break out of the monotony or chaos of your day and get back in the present, reduce stress and focus better and get back to work, calmer and more productive. Sustained. It’s possible,” says New York-based therapist Madeline Lucas. genuine articlea mental health treatment platform.

Easy to say, hard to do. If you’re too busy to take a break, feel guilty about leaving during work hours, or don’t want your coworkers to think you’re productive, you’re not alone. According to one study, these are the top three reasons workers don’t take breaks during the day for mental health. calm business report.

But finding time to focus on yourself and your environment, even for 60 seconds, can help you feel more focused. Jay ShettyLife Coach, Host. intentional podcast, bestselling authorChief Objective Officer of Calm.

When should you take a break at work?

It may seem like you know when you need a break. However, this is not always the case. “Taking breaks at work is counter-intuitive,” says Shetty. “We are not trained on when and how to take breaks, so most people skip them and carry the stress into the next job or meeting.”

In fact, there are classic signs that you need mental health rest. “For example, do you find it difficult to concentrate or complete tasks, are you easily distracted by other thoughts or activities, or do you notice a dull numbness after using your computer for too long?” ?”

You may also find yourself feeling more annoyed, annoyed, or resentful of your co-workers or work. Even if you feel tired all the time, it could be a sign that you need to step away from the screen. Check yourself throughout the day or hour.

5 ways to take a break at work (in 60 seconds or less)

How long you take a break is up to you. The more time you can devote to mental health, the better. However, any amount of downtime is better than none. Even 60 seconds.

The length of your break may also vary depending on your boss and workplace. “If he takes a few deep breaths for a minute before a meeting, probably no one will notice,” says Shetty.
However, if you plan to take a longer break, you should let them know that you need it.

The most important thing to remember is, as Shetty says, “a short break is better than no break.” Here are 5 to try.

1. Stretch your neck

Sit comfortably in a chair, close your eyes or soften your gaze, and keep your shoulders away from your ears. Lower your chin toward your chest and slowly rotate your head from side to side. At this time, take a deep breath. Repeat at least two or three times, says Lucas. Relax tight neck muscles Activates the vagus nerve to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and relieve physical and mental tension.

2. Practice the 3 Ws

It means “walk, water, window” invented by Shetty. First, take a walk, which is effective in reducing stress. Bonus points if you can get out. But even walking through different rooms or corridors can help, he says.

Then drink water. “Consuming five glasses of water a day reduces the risk of anxiety,” he says.By the way, this comes from a recent story study in the World Journal of Psychiatry.

Finally, I look out the window. He says it not only gives his mind the rest it needs, but it also reduces the strain on his eyes. Follow his 20-20-20 rule of the American Optometric Association. Every 20 minutes he takes a 20 second rest and looks at something 6 feet away.

3. Slow your breathing

Focusing on your breath is one of the most proven and scientifically backed ways to give your body and mind a rest. Slowing your breathing slows your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure, and calms your mind. And it can start to take effect in just seconds. Focusing on your breathing won’t eliminate the sources of stress, but it can change your attitude towards stress.

Inhale for a count of four, exhale for a count of four. Or say “in” in your head as you inhale and “exhale” as you exhale. You can also use a specific mantra that matches when you inhale and when you exhale. One of the options sometimes used in yoga is “So, hmmMeans “I am that” in Sanskrit. Say “yes” to yourself as you inhale, and “hum” as you exhale.

4. Tap to run

Gently tap your chest with your fingertips, then lower your arms back toward your chest. Take long, slow breaths as you do so. “This allows the system to wake up and re-ground in the present moment,” says Lucas.

How exactly? “Tapping is another way to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and send messages of safety, tranquility and relaxation to the brain,” she says. chemistry supports this.

5. Give (and receive) TLC

While silly pet videos can make you laugh and calm your nervous system, Research Shows Real deals are even more effective. Ten minutes of physical contact with a cat or dog significantly reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Can’t you rest that long? He doesn’t feel bad when he finds a minute to play with his fur baby.

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