Home Products 5 tried-and-true ways to boost your immune system

5 tried-and-true ways to boost your immune system

by Universalwellnesssystems

Multivitamins and supplements, fresh and healthy fruits on black background. collagen. fish oil capsules.

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With cold and flu season in full swing, many people are looking for ways to strengthen their immune systems and stay as healthy as possible this winter.

But does that mean stocking up on vitamin C and vitamin D? Not entirely. Dr. Michael Ben Adeleis an infectious disease expert and associate medical director of hospital epidemiology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

“Most people, at least [America], you can eat a healthy diet and get most of your vitamins from your regular diet. But I think there’s still a concern, “Are people getting enough?” Do I need more vitamins?’ That’s where vitamin supplementation comes into play,” says Ben Adelet.

“In fact, there has never been a proven clinical benefit of vitamin supplementation in people who are able to eat a normal healthy diet and have no clinical vitamin deficiencies. It just means we haven’t been able to prove its benefits. ”

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However, he notes that some people have severe medical vitamin C and vitamin D deficiencies, which could be a contributing factor. Swollen and bleeding gums or fracture — And for such people, vitamin supplementation is a very effective and necessary means.

a 2013 Cochrane Review A randomized controlled trial examining the effect of daily vitamin C supplementation on cold prevention and treatment found that daily vitamin C supplementation did not reduce the incidence of colds. But “at least the severity and duration of the cold was reduced,” he says. Dr. John Maffei, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Department of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles.

It’s no lie that vitamin C and vitamin D actually help support immune system function. “Vitamin C enhances the production of B lymphocytes (B cells) in the body and prevents the deterioration of T cells,” he says.

“These are both very important immune cells, basically responsible for identifying and fighting bacteria and viruses.”

Vitamin D helps the body produce antimicrobial peptides called cathelicidins, which “thwart bacteria, microorganisms, and viruses.”[regulates] “It’s a function of the body’s T cells,” Mafi says.

Vitamin D supplements have a little more evidence about their potential benefits.a systematic review Results of a randomized controlled trial published in the British Medical Journal in 2017 found that daily intake of vitamin D supplements protects against acute respiratory infections. “It seemed to be most effective in patients with baseline vitamin D deficiency,” Maffi said.

But there are many proven ways to strengthen your immune system beyond supplements like vitamin C and vitamin D, says Ben Aderet.

To boost your immune system, he recommends:

  1. eat a healthy and balanced diet
  2. Exercise
  3. prioritize sleep
  4. Practice proper hand hygiene
  5. Get vaccinated against circulating respiratory viruses

And if you really want to try vitamin C or vitamin D supplements, Ben Adele says: “The jury is still mostly out.” [on their effectiveness]Vitamin supplementation is inexpensive and mostly harmless. ”

However, Mafi recommends always consulting your doctor before taking any new supplements.

If you take vitamin C supplements, Muffi points out that you should make sure your daily intake doesn’t exceed 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C. Too much vitamin C can cause nausea, vomiting, and stomach problems such as kidney stones. mayo clinic.

Harvard University’s TH Chan’s School of Public Health’s Nutrition Information Hub, nutritional sourcerecommends a dietary allowance of 90 milligrams for men and 75 milligrams for women for adults age 19 and older.

“It’s always better to get your vitamins from natural sources,” says Muffi. To get vitamin C, he points out, eat citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, and lemons. Certain vegetables, such as kale and broccoli, also contain large amounts of vitamin C.

Taking “approximately 600 to 800 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day” is a safe way to combat vitamin D deficiency. Dr. Judd SphereSfeil, an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic, told CNBC Make It in August 2022. It’s best to find ways to get vitamins through your diet, Sfeil said, such as fortified milk, orange juice, and fatty fish like salmon and mackerel.

Exceeding 4,000 IU per day can increase the risk of poisoning because the amount of calcium in the bloodstream and urine increases significantly, Dr. Sphere noted.

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