Home Nutrition 5 Tips for Living to 100 from a Top Longevity Researcher

5 Tips for Living to 100 from a Top Longevity Researcher

by Universalwellnesssystems

More than 20 years ago, researchers Dan Buettner We’ve identified five places around the world where people live the longest and healthiest lives. These places became known as Blue Zones, and studying how people lived there revealed several lifestyle habits that could lead to success.

“Only about 20% of a person’s lifespan is determined by genes. The remaining 80% is something else, and many of the things that lead to a long, healthy life are surprising. People in the Blue Zones stay disease-free for an additional 10 years. They’re achieving a living, and it doesn’t cost anything. Their journey to a healthy 100 years old is fun,” Buettner told TODAY.com. “In fact, there is about 80% overlap in terms of what promotes longevity promotes happiness.”

In an Instagram video posted on Sept. 8, Buettner boils it down to five top tips. TODAY.com spoke to him to find out more.

1. Eat a whole foods, plant-based diet.

Traditional diets in all five Blue Zones are 90-98% plant-based and whole foods. They do eat meat, but on average about five times a month. They may eat 10 to 11 pounds of meat per year, compared to 220 pounds for the average American.

Their diet focuses on whole grains, corn, rice, vegetables, tubers such as potatoes and yams, beans, and nuts as snacks. They eat about 1 cup of beans a day. “They know how to make food taste good,” Buettner said. They may eat fish three times a week, but eat little or no dairy products.

They drink an average of six glasses of water a day, plus herbal teas, green tea, black tea, coffee, and small amounts of wine. “More than 80% of people who remain healthy into their 90s and 100s drink alcohol every day. Therefore, it is important to note that a small amount of healthy drinking does not go hand in hand with living a long life and staying energized until the end. I understand,” Buettner said.

2. Try to get 8 hours of sleep a day.

“Sleep is extremely important,” Buettner says. If you’re not getting enough sleep, here are three simple ways to get more sleep.

  • Lower the thermostat to about 68 degrees.
  • Cover windows with dark curtains or shades to block out light.
  • Move electronic devices out of the bedroom.

3. Understand your sense of purpose and be able to express it clearly.

a study It turns out that people who have a sense of purpose live longer than people who have no rudder in life.

If you don’t know your purpose, he recommends writing down your values, passions, and what you want to do. “Look for trends and make sure you have an outlet to capitalize on them,” Buettner says.

Don’t think you’ll find your purpose through work. This is true for less than 30% of Americans. “It could be church, it could be family, it could be volunteer work,” Buettner said. “But if you have a sense of purpose, you’re more likely to get out and move every day. You’re more likely to find friends and become good friends. You’re more likely to eat healthy.” It’s much more powerful than we think.”

4. Move naturally throughout the day.

“I’m not talking about going to run a marathon or doing CrossFit,” Buettner says. People in the Blue Zone move about every 20 minutes. They don’t move because their lives are grounded in purpose. Their idea of ​​recreation is walking and gardening. They do the right amount of physical activity without thinking about it.

In Okinawa, Japan, which is one of the blue zones, people always sit on the floor. Getting up from the floor strengthens your lower body muscles and increases flexibility, which may make you less likely to fall. “It’s not a bad idea to have a bean bag chair,” Buettner says.

If you walk or take the bus to work, you can get 4,000 or 5,000 steps a day without thinking about it. Buettner also recommends wearing comfortable shoes as a way to make physical activity almost effortless.

5. Choose four or five friends who have healthy habits.

“When it comes to longevity, there are no short-term solutions. Friendship is a long-term adventure. If you surround yourself with the right people, you have a good chance of reaching 100,” Buettner says. “Making these friends will help you get healthier more than any biohack or anti-aging knowledge.”

Healthy habits are contagious. This applies not only to good habits, but also to bad habits, such as drug and alcohol use. Friends have a measurable impact on your healthy behaviors, so choose friends who enjoy playing pickleball, riding bikes, gardening, and visiting museums.

Buettner also recommends adding vegetarians and vegans to your circle of friends. Is eating. ”

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