Home Mental Health 5 Therapy-Inspired Games That Can Help Families Bond | Dr. Leda Kaveh

5 Therapy-Inspired Games That Can Help Families Bond | Dr. Leda Kaveh

by Universalwellnesssystems

Family therapy is beneficial in many ways, but therapy rooms aren’t the only way to improve your family’s mental health and emotional well-being.

Family therapy exercises can also improve overall relationships, especially if you want to build mutual trust, reduce tensions, or simply feel that spending time together benefits you. increase.

While some techniques work better with a therapist’s guidance, there are simple, practical techniques you can do right in your living room.

Are you thinking about starting family therapy or want to continue what you’ve learned in counseling? You can start alone at home.

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Here are 5 Family Therapy Exercises to Strengthen Family Bonds Without Leaving the House

1. “The Miracle Question”

This exercise aims to explore the dreams and aspirations of each family member. This helps each family member understand what it takes to be happy in their relationships.

The miracle question is: “Tonight, while you were asleep, do you think a miracle happened? Do you think you will wake up tomorrow and find that your life has suddenly changed for the better?”

Some follow-up questions to consider:

  • “What do you notice different in your life?”
  • “What do you see?”
  • “What do you want to hear?”
  • “What do you think?”

After answering the questions, you can discuss, draw, or write about the miracle. All in all, it should give you some insight as it allows you to think about the infinite possibilities for change.

2. Emotional ball

This exercise is designed to practice discussing feelings with family members, listening to each other, and expressing your feelings.

This is commonly used with children and teenagers as it reduces the pressure to talk about their feelings if they are uncomfortable.

All you need is a beach ball and a marker. Write down your emotions such as happy, lonely, sad, silly, embarrassed, or worried in different places on the ball. Sit or stand in a circle and start throwing balls at each other.

When someone catches the ball, ask them to describe the last time they felt that emotion.

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3. “Family gift”

This exercise will help you understand each other by sparking a reflective discussion.

Collect a variety of art supplies and gift bags to try out this exercise. You’ll end up creating a family-decided gift that everyone in the family can use.

Spend about 30 minutes deciding and creating the gift. Once the gift is created, place it in the gift bag.

This exercise explores family dynamics, decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Use the following questions and prompts to guide the discussion.

  • Please describe your gift.
  • How did you feel while making it?
  • Who decided what the presents would be?
  • Does this person typically make decisions?
  • Were your family members able to work well together?
  • Did you have any issues? how were they treated?
  • How will that gift help your family?
  • Is there anything else I can do to help?

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4. Mirroring activity

This practice is beneficial in getting people in tune with each other. It requires a lot of individual attention and involvement, but it’s also fun for the kids.

Instructions can be explained to the family as follows: Have the two people stand in front of each other. One becomes the “leader” and the other copies everything the leader does.

Make sure you do it slowly enough so that your partner can tune in and mimic their movements. Remember to take turns leading.

5. Colored candy-go-round exercise

It’s a simple and fun way to connect with everyone. It encourages open communication and gives you a deeper understanding of your family’s dynamics.

First, hand out multiple colored candies such as Skittles and M&Ms. Hand out 7 to each person. Then sort the candies by color.

Each color indicates:

  • Green: A word for family.
  • Purple: Family fun together.
  • Orange: What you want to change.
  • Red: Don’t worry.
  • Yellow: good things about your family.

After the first person shares their response, you can choose who to share it with next. The person should answer in their own color. Once everyone has shared their answers, they can eat candy.

At the end, everyone can discuss what they learned, what surprised them, and how they can make positive changes in their families.

Family therapy is a step in the right direction

The perfect family may not exist. But with these simple exercises, you can strengthen your communication, increase your empathy, and resolve conflicts with each other.

By uniting on the path to healing, we send a powerful message to the world about the strength and resilience of families.

RELATED: 7 Dysfunctional Family Relationships That Really Disrupt Relationships

Dr. Reda Cave He is a licensed clinical psychologist and owner and director of Washington Psychological Wellness, a boutique-style mental health clinic in Gaithersburg, Maryland. She has expertise and training in individual, adult, adolescent, children, couples, and family therapy, as well as treating a variety of mental health issues.

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