Home Nutrition 5 Supplements You Should Keep in the Fridge

5 Supplements You Should Keep in the Fridge

by Universalwellnesssystems

Refrigeration can be key to maintaining the freshness and potency of your supplements. Like a delicate cheesecake that must be refrigerated for the perfect taste and texture, certain supplements also benefit from being stored at cooler temperatures. Storing these five supplements in the fridge will keep them at their best. Read on to find out more.

Why some supplements need to be stored in the refrigerator

The first thing to keep in mind is that you should ultimately follow the storage instructions on the supplement label, as storing your supplements properly is crucial to maintaining their effectiveness and potency. “Environmental factors such as heat, humidity and oxygen can affect the potency and formulation of certain supplements,” he says. Jamie Adams, MS, RDOwner of Mamasute Nutrition.

Most supplements are shelf-stable, but some contain live microorganisms or sensitive ingredients that are sensitive to the environment and must be stored in the refrigerator. However, not all supplements require refrigeration, and in some cases, refrigerating a supplement can expose the product to excess moisture, which can cause it to deteriorate, so it’s important to read the label carefully.

5 supplements to keep in your fridge

1. Fish oil

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that are easily oxidized when exposed to heat, light, and air. This oxidation process reduces the quality of the oil, leading to an unpleasant stale odor or taste and reduced nutritional value. “In general, low temperatures prevent spoilage of delicate oils, extend the potency of supplements, and slow potential microbial growth,” they explain. Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDNOwner of The Hormone Dietitian.

2. Probiotics

Probiotics contain live microorganisms that are beneficial for gut health, but they may not work as well when exposed to temperature fluctuations.”Lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacteria Both are extremely sensitive to heat and require refrigeration to survive.” Carrie Gabriel, MS, RDNAccording to California-based culinary nutritionist , exposure to heat can kill these delicate bacteria, making probiotic supplements less effective or even useless.

Storing probiotics in the refrigerator will help maintain the effectiveness of the beneficial bacteria, which can support digestive health, immune function and help maintain a balanced gut flora. However, not all probiotic strains need to be stored refrigerated, as some are designed to be more stable at room temperature. Always check the label for specific storage recommendations.

3. Liquid Iron

If your doctor recommends taking iron supplements to treat your iron deficiency, they may recommend that you take them in liquid form. Keep these bottles in the refrigerator. Adams explains that liquid vitamins, such as liquid iron, should be stored in the refrigerator to stay fresh and maintain their potency. Refrigeration helps slow the oxidation process that breaks down iron and reduces its effectiveness. Additionally, keeping your liquid iron cold helps preserve its flavor and prevents the development of unpleasant odors.

4. Flaxseed Oil Supplements

Flaxseed oil rancids quickly. This oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and is easily damaged by heat, light and air. Refrigeration slows this process, so your supplement will stay fresh longer. Additionally, flaxseed oil retains its flavor better when refrigerated, helping to avoid a rancid taste or odor.

5. Vitamin C

Most people have healthy vitamin C levels, but if you choose to take a supplement, there’s one important thing you should know: Vitamin C is known to be a very delicate substance that degrades easily from heat, light, and air. Storing these supplements in a cool, dark place will help maintain their potency. Refrigeration isn’t strictly necessary, but it can be useful in warm climates or for long-term storage.


Not all dietary supplements require refrigeration. However, for those that do, proper storage is important to maintain effectiveness. Probiotics, liquid vitamins, fish oil, and flaxseed oil are especially sensitive to heat and light and should be stored in the refrigerator to maintain potency. Always check the label and follow the manufacturer’s storage recommendations. Proper storage of these supplements can help maximize their effectiveness and support your overall health.

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