Home Mental Health 5 superfoods that can ease depression and boost mood

5 superfoods that can ease depression and boost mood

by Universalwellnesssystems

Seasonal depression can creep in as the seasons change. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet can help fight symptoms of depression and boost your mood. There are several superfoods that can benefit your mental health.

Keep in mind that while these foods have been shown to help with symptoms of depression, they cannot cure mental health disorders.

Let’s take a look at superfoods that can help with depression and mood.

What is the definition of superfood?

Superfoods are a category of foods that are rich in nutrients such as antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. They’re often also high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats.

“Superfoods can help improve your health by boosting your immune system and reducing the likelihood of disease or disease progression,” said Beth Chewony, R.D. cleveland health clinic.

1. Fish consumption is associated with reduced depression

Fish, especially fatty fish such as sardines, salmon, and mackerel, have been shown to prevent symptoms of depression.

Analysis of 26 studies published in Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health They point out that there is a significant link between regular fish consumption and a lower risk of depression and depressive symptoms.

One study It suggests that fatty acids found in fish may be the reason why they can reduce the risk of depression due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Fatty fish like salmon are associated with improved mood in people with depression, according to one researcher. 2013 survey.

2. Vegetables fight depression

A colorful and balanced diet provides several health benefits, including benefits for mental health. Research shows that consuming vegetables daily can help fight symptoms of depression.of USDA It is recommended that adults eat 2 to 3 cups of vegetables each day.

Several studies, one of which 2020 and one is 2021) found that eating vegetables and fruits daily is linked to improved mental health.

a 2016 review Some studies point out that adults who eat more fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of depression.a 2018 survey A similar conclusion was reached among Iranian adults. People who eat more vegetables have fewer symptoms of depression, anxiety, and psychological distress.

moreover, 2019 survey They found that adults who consumed a variety of vegetables over a three-month period had reduced symptoms of depression. Adults who ate fewer types of vegetables also had fewer symptoms of depression.

3. Nuts can reduce your risk of depression and boost your mood

Nuts are a superfood packed with mental health benefits. Eating a handful of nuts every day is associated with a lower risk of depression.a recent research A study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition found that consuming a handful of nuts each day reduced the risk of depression by 17%.

Researchers found that middle-aged and older people who consumed 30 grams of nuts such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, and Brazil nuts were less likely to take antidepressants or develop depression. discovered.

“Our findings show that a large sample of middle-aged and older people in the UK who consume nuts with low to moderate regular frequency showed that after a follow-up period of 5.3 years, the increase in nut intake was significantly lower than that of those who did not consume nuts. “They are less likely to develop depression compared to “relevant sociodemographic, lifestyle, and health confounders.” 2023 survey.

a 2016 survey They found that eating walnuts for two months improved the mood of young men. No mood changes were observed in females.

another study It was found that people who ate walnuts had a lower risk of depression.

“The lower depression scores of walnut consumers appear to be due to improved concentration, increased energy levels, greater interest in things, and greater self-control of the rate of speech and movement.” “Depression-related traits are lower among nut and walnut consumers.” 2019 survey.

4. Dark chocolate improves your mood

Although dark chocolate is usually thought of as a snack, it actually has many health benefits. It is rich in dietary fiber, iron, magnesium, and antioxidants. Dark chocolate can also help prevent symptoms of depression.

Dark chocolate also has a positive effect on mood and mental health. A 2019 study by University College London found that people who ate dark chocolate were far less likely to report symptoms of depression than those who ate no chocolate at all. , a similar effect was not seen with milk chocolate. American Psychiatric Association.

“Polyphenols are antioxidants that lower the stress hormone cortisol,” said nutritionist Devon Peart. cleveland health clinic. “So eating dark chocolate can have a mood-boosting effect.”

a 2022 survey It was found that adults who ate chocolate with 85% cocoa content every day maintained a better mood than those who ate chocolate with low cocoa content or no chocolate at all.

5. Blueberries fight postpartum blues

Blueberries have several health benefits, including fighting postpartum blues.

a canadian research Blueberry juice was used to prevent postpartum depression in pregnant women. After giving birth, many women experience temporary sadness, or postpartum blues. Researchers found that women who consumed blueberry extract or blueberry juice were less likely to develop postpartum depression.

Blueberries, rich in antioxidants, have been proven to fight symptoms of depression in young people.a 2020 survey They found that adolescents who took wild blueberry supplements self-reported fewer symptoms of depression over a one-month period.another study They noted that children and adolescents who drank flavonoid-rich blueberry drinks experienced positive mood improvements.

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