Home Nutrition 5 Simple Precautions You Should Take To Avoid Food Poisoning

5 Simple Precautions You Should Take To Avoid Food Poisoning

by Universalwellnesssystems

We all love to eat good food, don’t we? Food gives our bodies the energy to function properly. It provides important nutrients and minerals for our body. But there is one big food-related health problem that most of us face all too often: food poisoning. Sometimes, when we eat adulterated or stale food, it can cause an infection in the stomach and cause food poisoning. Food poisoning can make a person feel very uncomfortable and helpless. Symptoms of food poisoning include abdominal pain, nausea, stomach irritation, bloating, and diarrhea. If you often get sick from food poisoning, here are some preventive measures you should always take.

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Here are five precautions you should take to avoid food poisoning.

1. Wash food before cooking

This is the most important step that must be performed in any cooking. Washing with water is important to remove dust and bacteria found in vegetables, rice and legumes. Failure to follow this procedure can result in food poisoning from eating contaminated vegetables.

Always wash fruits and vegetables. Photo credit: Unsplash

2. Keep your hands clean

Hygiene is directly related to our health and should never be compromised. Our hands need to be clean at all times, especially when we are preparing, serving or eating food. Most of us have a habit of eating food with our hands instead of using spoons. For this reason, it is important to wash your hands before eating to avoid bringing bacteria into contact with food.

Keep your hands clean. Photo credit: Unsplash

3. Eat home-cooked meals

Have you noticed a pattern of food poisoning in yourself? In general, eating street food or food bought outside makes you more susceptible to stomach infections and food poisoning due to lack of hygiene and improper food storage. Become. This is why we prefer to cook at home where we can maintain a high level of hygiene at all times.

Homemade meals are clean and healthy.

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4. Always check the expiration date

Ever since we were kids, our parents have taught us the shopping tip to check the manufacturing and expiration dates on products. Packaged food has a shelf life, so it’s important to always check that the expiration date is approaching. Eating food that has passed its expiration date can cause food poisoning.

5. Store cooked foods in the refrigerator

While some ingredients are best stored in the kitchen pantry, cooked foods cannot be stored in the same way. Cooked or heated foods can spoil if stored at room temperature. Rotten food has a different taste and a pungent odor. Therefore, it is important to store cooked foods and vegetables in the refrigerator.

I hope these tips help you. Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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