Home Nutrition 5 secrets to a long, happy life — from Singapore, a new Blue Zone

5 secrets to a long, happy life — from Singapore, a new Blue Zone

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Cianara, sadness!

May you rest in peace. The secret to living a long and happy life may lie in the world’s blue zones, where rates of chronic disease are low and life expectancy is long.

Those areas include the Italian island of Sardinia. Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Loma Linda, California. Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Ikaria Island, Greece.

In Singapore, a new blue zone, the number of residents reaching the age of 100 has doubled in the past decade. And since 1960, he said, life expectancy in Singapore has increased by about 20 years.

National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner, Author Blue Zones Secrets to Living Longer: Lessons from the Healthiest Places on Earth shares five lessons we can learn from Singapore.

live in a safe area

Writing for BlueZones.comBuettner recommends choosing a safe area of ​​the city with well-lit streets and no graffiti.

Get to know your neighbors at least three doors down on both sides.

Staying true to your values ​​and finding community are two tips for living a healthy life.
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Know your values ​​and live based on them

Buettner recommends figuring out what’s important to you and adjusting your lifestyle to align with those values.

For example, people who like working with their hands should not take up an office job. People who value their families should live close to their families.

Find a community

Becoming involved in your community by attending church or other religious groups, attending sports games with friends, and spending time with family can help you feel “more secure,” advises Butner.

Proper medical care will keep you safe and relieve stress, explains Buettner.
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Having the right health insurance can remove one of life’s major stressors by ensuring you have support if you become ill.

A happy life is a healthy life.

economic security

“If status, financial security, and a sense of accomplishment are important to you, you should make as much money as possible,” Buettner says.

Mr Butner said Singaporeans prefer to walk or take public transport rather than drive, prioritize healthy eating and spend time and money caring for the elderly.

Singaporeans can enjoy tax relief if their elderly parents live with them or nearby. Buettner explained to Fortune magazine:.

He points out that unlike other blue zones, Singapore is “by design”.

“They clearly got the results we wanted,” he said in a Fortune video.

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