Home Fitness 5 Reasons Why THIS is the Best Exercise for Increasing Lifespan and Fat Loss – BOXROX

5 Reasons Why THIS is the Best Exercise for Increasing Lifespan and Fat Loss – BOXROX

by Universalwellnesssystems
Rebecca Voigt Miller's Masters

Find out 5 reasons why this is the best exercise to extend your life and lose fat.

And we're not going to overdo it here. The exercise we are talking about is aerobic exercise. Now wait! Before you click to close this tab, we're not talking about jogging, running, or swimming like humans normally do.

Aerobic exercise may sound like a boring activity to some people, and just a waste of time to others. Engaging in aerobic exercise is a surefire way to lose excess weight, increase calorie consumption, and ultimately achieve a leaner, more toned physique.

However, what we're advocating here isn't typical aerobic exercise. When we say “we” we are actually referring to Thomas Delauer. Thomas Delauer He is a celebrity trainer and health author.his YouTube channel With 3.5 million subscribers, he Appeared on the cover of numerous international magazines.

In a video he shared on his YouTube account, he talked about how to make your regular cardio routine a little harder. “He might be in zone 3. He might be at 70, 75, even 80 percent of his maximum heart rate,” DeLoer said.

sauce: Andres Ayrton / Pexels

And to inspire you to do more cardio the next time you actually do it, we talked about 5 reasons why this is the best exercise to extend your life and lose fat. Check it out below.

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5 reasons why this is the best exercise to extend your life and lose fat

It's common knowledge that aerobic exercise has health benefits, but what if you could reap even greater benefits by doing a little more aerobic exercise? Explore 5 fascinating benefits of increasing the intensity of your aerobic exercise.

  1. Longer lifespan: A study published in the Journal of Aging Research found that regular physical activity significantly reduces mortality and increases lifespan by 0.4 to 6.9 years. Athletes, especially those who engage in aerobic sports such as soccer, tend to live even longer. Higher-intensity aerobic exercise is associated with reduced oxidative stress, improved cardiovascular health, lower coronary artery calcium, and increased cellular endurance, contributing to a longer, healthier lifespan.
  2. weight loss: A study published in Obesity Reviews analyzed 149 studies and found that all types of exercise contribute to fat loss. However, another study published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine linked an increase in her VO2 Max (aerobic capacity) to greater weight loss during moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise. This highlights the importance of intensity to achieve optimal weight loss results.
  3. cognitive advantage: Aerobic exercise not only helps you lose weight, but it also has a positive effect on your cognition. A study published in the Journal of Neurology demonstrated that people with higher aerobic capacity had improved cognitive function, and older participants had enhanced executive function. Adding aerobic exercise to your daily routine can contribute to both your physical and mental health.
  4. Improved skin health: Surprisingly, aerobic exercise can have a positive impact on skin health. A dermatology research report found that people who did a lot of aerobic exercise had better hydration in their skin. The anti-inflammatory effects of aerobic exercise are thought to contribute to these skin benefits, highlighting another reason to increase the intensity of your aerobic exercise.
  5. Promote muscle growth:Contrary to the traditional belief that aerobic exercise impedes muscle growth, recent research has cast doubt on this concept. A 2022 review of 43 studies found that combining aerobic and strength training does not negatively impact muscle hypertrophy or strength. Aerobic exercise appears to affect protein metabolism, alter muscle protein synthesis and breakdown, and potentially contribute to muscle growth.

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In conclusion, the benefits of strengthening your aerobic exercise habits go beyond the established benefits of regular physical activity. There's no doubt that moderate-intensity aerobic exercise contributes to overall health, but the evidence presented in this article suggests that pushing your intensity limits can provide even greater benefits.

By delving into higher heart rate zones (usually around 70-80% of maximum), you can extend your longevity, improve weight loss, enhance cognitive function, improve skin health, and even support muscle growth. You may be able to take advantage of a variety of health benefits, including:

It is important to emphasize that finding the right balance is important. Increasing your strength beyond your comfort zone should be a gradual process, taking into account your current fitness level and health status. Always listen to your body and consult a fitness expert or health care provider to make sure your cardio routine fits your personal needs and goals.

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Additionally, you can create a well-rounded fitness routine by combining cardio with other exercises such as strength training. The idea is not to view aerobic and strength training as mutually exclusive, but rather as complementary elements that work synergistically to improve overall health and fitness.

Essentially, while the science behind the benefits of increasing the intensity of aerobic exercise is compelling, the ultimate goal is to create a fitness routine that is sustainable and enjoyable. Whether you prefer the invigorating effects of a high-intensity workout or the steady pace of a moderate-intensity session, the key is to stay active and make choices that contribute positively to your overall health. is.

Watch the video below by Thomas DeLauer to find out, in his own words, why this is the best exercise to extend your lifespan and improve your body's ability to lose fat.

5 reasons why this is the best exercise to extend your life and lose fat

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Embarking on your weight loss journey requires a variety of approaches, but the key lies in a holistic strategy, from small lifestyle adjustments to permanent dietary changes. Several important strategies can help you reach your weight loss goals.

  1. Create a calorie deficit: To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than your body burns each day. To achieve this, individuals can adopt a balanced, low-calorie diet while increasing their physical activity levels.
  2. Adopt a healthy diet: Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Conversely, avoid high sugar, high fat, and processed foods as they can hinder your weight loss efforts.
  3. Regular exercise: Exercising frequently increases calorie expenditure, which helps in weight loss and fat loss. The more active you are, the more calories you burn and the faster your weight loss process.
  4. Adequate sleep: Getting enough sleep is important. Not getting enough rest can disrupt hormone levels that regulate appetite and metabolism, leading to weight gain. Aim for 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep each night.
  5. Stress management: Stress can lead to overeating, which can lead to weight gain. Adopt stress-reducing practices like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing to support your weight loss efforts.

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