Home Nutrition 5-Minute Morning Habits to Boost Energy

5-Minute Morning Habits to Boost Energy

by Universalwellnesssystems

We all have days when we have to get out of bed in the morning after a sleepless night.

Even if you can’t snooze, there are a few simple things you can do (besides a sip of coffee) to boost your mood and energy levels.

TODAY contributor and Peloton instructor Allie Love shares some simple energy-boosting tricks she uses to feel energized in the morning. Keep it in your back pocket for days when you want to rejuvenate.

wake up your body

If you’re feeling foggy or tired, adopting the following habits will give you more energy and make you more alert.

  • Start your day with yoga poses. First of all, moving your body will circulate your blood and make it easier to wake up. Love suggests relaxing your day with yoga poses like downward dog and forward bends to get the blood flowing to your head right after you wake up.
  • Add cold water to your shower. You don’t have to skip the steam shower, but Love recommends adding a cool splash at the end to wake you up. “A hot shower and at the end she has 15 seconds of cold water. It’s shocking and rejuvenating,” she said. Cold showers may increase alertness and alertness and reduce muscle tension, as TODAY previously reported. Love recommends keeping the water below 60 degrees, starting with 15 seconds and gradually continuing up to 1 minute.

Eat an energy-boosting breakfast

Instead of eggs and bacon for breakfast, try Love’s Power Breakfast, which is eggs with cottage cheese and either cayenne pepper or mustard pepper.

A protein-rich breakfast keeps your blood sugar from spiking, stabilizes your energy levels, and keeps you from dropping out in the afternoon. For even more protein, Love likes to add a little curd cottage cheese with 2% milkfat to her eggs.

get your heart right

You can change the way you think by adopting positive and uplifting morning routines.

  • Please wear bright clothes. Love likes to wear uplifting colors such as bright pinks, reds, and yellows.
  • Dress up to the music that makes you happy. Play some uplifting tunes while wearing bright clothes. Love has put together a playlist of her favorite uplifting songs here.
  • Write down your intentions for the day. “Write down one thing you want to do, one quote that lifts your mood today, or one thing you love about yourself,” Love said. “I have a notebook where I write about myself, but I can also make it a screensaver on my phone or put it in my Instagram story as a public commitment.”

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