Home Nutrition 5 light breakfast recipes for a healthy summer morning

5 light breakfast recipes for a healthy summer morning

by Universalwellnesssystems

A light breakfast recipe is perfect for hot summer mornings as it helps to improve digestion and overall health.

When it comes to food, every season has its demands. In winters, you might be tempted to eat heavier meals. But in summers, you can switch to lighter options. Summer is the perfect season to enjoy a light and refreshing breakfast to boost your energy and keep your body cool. It is also important to avoid eating very hot meals. Breakfast is important as it is the start of your day. But, if you don’t want to weigh down with a heavy breakfast, try lighter options. Here are some light breakfast recipes that will help you stay cool in summers.

The Best Light Breakfast Recipes to Stay Hydrated and Light

Nutritionist Falak Hanif shares some recipes that are easy to prepare and perfect for the warmer months.

Avocado is a must for breakfast. Image credit: Freepik

1. Avocado Punch

Eating avocados daily may reduce bile acids, increase fatty acids, and enrich fiber-fermenting bacteria in stool. A study published in 2021 found that avocados affect digestion and the composition and function of gut bacteria. Nutrition JournalInclude avocado in your breakfast.


  • 1 avocado
  • 1 slice of whole wheat bread
  • 1-2 cherry tomatoes (halved)
  • A little salt and pepper
  • Lemon peel


  • Toast whole wheat bread, and if you like, spread some butter on it before toasting it.
  • Mash the avocado.
  • Add cherry tomatoes on top.
  • Season with salt, pepper and a little lemon juice.

2. Benefits of chia seeds

If you have diabetes and suffer from constipation during the hot season, chia seeds can help. They may help fight type 2 diabetes by improving insulin secretion and lowering blood sugar levels. They are also rich in dietary fiber, which aids digestion and prevents constipation. Plus, the antioxidants in chia seeds may help reduce the risk of some cancers, according to a study published in 2023. Food Science and Nutrition journal.


  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 1 cup milk (or your favorite milk)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Fresh fruits (mango, banana, dragon fruit)


  • Add chia seeds, milk, and honey to a bowl.
  • Store in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Garnish with fresh fruit.

3. Oatmeal with fresh fruit

Not feeling like cooking this summer? Try this recipe for oatmeal and fruit. Oatmeal may help fight heart disease, skin conditions, inflammation, and type 2 diabetes. These benefits appear to be linked to a special group of fibers found in oatmeal called beta-glucans (OBG). According to a study published in 2021, Food journal.


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  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1 cup milk
  • Pinch of salt
  • Fresh fruit (sliced ​​banana, dragon fruit, mango, apple slices)
  • Honey to taste.


  • Combine oats, water or milk, and salt in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
  • Reduce heat and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes or until oats reach desired consistency (the longer you simmer, the creamier they will be). If you use quick oats, they may cook even faster.
  • You can add cards in the same way.
  • Once the oatmeal is cooked, remove it from the heat.
  • Pour the oatmeal into a bowl and refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours.
  • Top with fruit and honey.
Making an omelette is easy. Image credit: Freepik

4. Omelette

Looking for an easy and effective way to lose weight this summer? Eggs can help. Egg protein has been linked to reduced appetite and weight loss, according to a 2022 study. Nutrients journal.


  • 2 whole eggs, 1 egg white.
  • 1/2 cup thinly sliced ​​spinach.
  • 1/4 cup mashed feta cheese.
  • Taste with salt and pepper.


  • Add the spinach to the boiling water and let sit for 5-10 minutes.
  • Beat eggs with salt and pepper.
  • Add oil or butter to a frying pan and add the spinach and beaten eggs to make an omelet.
  • Sprinkle feta cheese on top.
  • Serve the omelette with multigrain bread.

5. Beetroot is delicious

In hot weather, beets and yogurt are great for keeping you light and aiding digestion.


  • Beetroot
  • card
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)


  • Boil the beets.
  • Cut the boiled beets into small pieces and mix with the curd.
  • Add seasonings in the same way.
  • You can use this as a topping on multigrain bread or have it with chapatis or bread.
  • It tastes good and is good for your health.

What are the benefits of having a light breakfast in summer?

Here are some benefits of incorporating light breakfast recipes into your summer routine:

1. Improves digestion

Hot weather can slow down digestion, so lighter meals are easier to digest, prevent discomfort, and allow your body to focus its energy elsewhere, experts say.

2. Prevent dehydration

Many light breakfast options, like fruit and yogurt, are high in water content, which will keep you hydrated throughout the morning, especially important in the summer heat when you’re sweating a lot.

3. Increase your energy levels

A heavy meal can leave you feeling sluggish, so a light breakfast can give you sustained energy without weighing you down, helping you get through the day with renewed vigor.

4. Improve appetite regulation

Lighter meals help reduce overeating later in the day, and a full yet light meal after breakfast promotes a balanced appetite throughout the summer.

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