Home Mental Health 5 Helpful Things To Do When You Can’t Stop Worrying About The Future

5 Helpful Things To Do When You Can’t Stop Worrying About The Future

by Universalwellnesssystems

The world is a worrying place, and there is no shortage of things that keep us up at night. Yes, worrying can be helpful in small doses because it allows you to stay focused on what’s important. But if you find yourself worrying too much about the future and everything it might bring, that’s not a healthy way to live for a variety of reasons. For several people? It can be confusing and frustrating, causing everything from stress and fatigue to anxiety and isolation.

When worrying about the future, the most important thing is not to be so overwhelmed by the thoughts that you lose focus on the present. If you only think about tomorrow and things you can’t control, you won’t be able to live a healthy and fulfilling life in the present moment. So what should you do when you’re worried about the future? We asked five therapists for their best advice. What they shared are simple ways to rethink worries and ground yourself when things feel like they’re getting out of control. Here’s what they said:

1. Schedule your worries.

“Choose a specific time each day to deal with your worries. When an anxious thought pops up during the day, gently remind yourself to save it for this designated ‘worry time.’ Let me remind you. This helps compartmentalize these thoughts and prevents them from taking over her day. When you notice anxiety or worry surfacing, focus on empowering thoughts such as: “No matter how big this feeling gets, it will never be bigger than me.” Address the feeling of anxiety without judgment, recognizing it as a normal human experience, while dealing with it. Recognize your own resilience and strength as well. ” – rod mitchell,psychologist

2. Try the “5-4-3-2-1” technique

“Here’s how it works: There are five things around you that you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and two things you can taste. Identify one. This exercise is useful for shifting your focus away from hypothetical future scenarios and redirecting your attention to the present moment. By anchoring your senses in your current environment, your mind becomes more aware of the future. By practicing this technique regularly, you will develop the habit of shifting your focus from worrying about the future to present reality, making worry more manageable and less overwhelming. It becomes difficult.” – Kim Ho ManCertified Marriage and Family Therapist

3. Give yourself an anchor point

“Knowing what will happen each day can eliminate unnecessary stress and anxiety. This doesn’t mean your day has to be rigid and devoid of spontaneity. Think of it as the regular rhythm of your day. Wake up at the same time, go to bed at the same time, eat at regular times, and set aside specific times for work, exercise, and relaxation. Having an anchor will give you a sense of normalcy and control no matter what unexpected events come your way in the future. It’s okay to tweak your routine as needed; it doesn’t limit you. It’s not there to do, it’s there to serve you. – Lindsey Tongclinical social worker qualification

4. Write everything down and ask for backup

“Rather than letting your worries run through your head, writing them down on paper can help you put things into perspective and help you prioritize what needs your attention the most. Use this list as a guide. You can also address each concern one at a time. Then, with this list handy, discuss your concerns with someone you trust. Tell them what you’re thinking. , see if you can glean any helpful insights. It can be very helpful to consider a different perspective when dealing with concerns.” – Heather WilsonCertified Clinical Social Worker, Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist

5. Plan whatever comes to mind.

“Anxiety often stems from feeling unprepared or uncertain about the future. By creating a plan of action, you can proactively manage your anxiety and feel in control. For example, if you are worried about a test, you can create a study schedule and ask your tutor or classmates for help. If you are worried about an upcoming presentation, practice in advance and use visual aids. You can strengthen your presentation by preparing a plan. Having a plan reduces the impact of worry and allows you to approach the situation with more confidence.” – hayley hixclinical social worker qualification

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