Home Nutrition 5 Healthy Foods That Can Cause An Overdose, According To Nutrition Experts

5 Healthy Foods That Can Cause An Overdose, According To Nutrition Experts

by Universalwellnesssystems

You probably already know that certain foods with low nutritional value should be consumed in moderation. But did you know the same can be said about healthy ingredients? The old adage that too much of a good thing is bad actually has some basis in fact.

Certain foods in a healthy diet can be healthy in certain amounts, but can actually be harmful if consumed in excess. Some side effects are merely unpleasant or uncomfortable, while others can actually be deadly.

We consulted nutritionists and health experts to identify five “healthy” foods that can actually lead to overconsumption if you eat too much of them: Here are five healthy foods that can actually lead to overconsumption if you eat too much of them, including some that are easier to overeat than you might think.



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Carrots are known for being high in beta-carotene, which is important for maintaining vision and strengthening the immune system. But more isn’t always better. “Eating too many carrots can lead to carotenemia, which is too much beta-carotene in the blood,” says Jennifer Altman, a nutritionist and psychologist. “This can cause your skin to turn orange.” Gross! Luckily, the dangers of carotenemia are purely cosmetic. Altman says that while “orange skin may be shocking,” the condition “is not harmful to your health.”

TikToker Isabel Lux Claimed She said that eating three carrots a day gives her a sunburn, and that she used to eat 10 carrots a day, but her doctor advised her to eat less because it made her feel unwell.

So how much is too much? According to Altman, we need to get “20 to 50 milligrams” of beta-carotene every day, which is about the amount found in 10 carrots. Baby Carrotit’ll probably be ok.


Fresh organic bananas at the market, perfectly ripePinterest

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It is rich in potassium, banana teeth, Good for your heart There are benefits. However, Kim YawitzToo much potassium can be harmful, says Yawitz, owner of Two Six Fitness in St. Louis, Missouri. “Too much of it in the blood can be dangerous and even deadly,” Yawitz says. This is especially a concern for “people who have kidney problems and whose kidneys can’t filter excess potassium from the blood.”

The rest of us are at high risk for severe abdominal pain. “Bananas contain sorbitol,” says Yawitz. “This is a sugar alcohol that can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea in large quantities.” And you also need to consider your fiber intake and its side effects. Bottom line, eating one banana a day is still a good idea; eating three in the afternoon is a no-no.


Water Bottle RecyclingPinterest

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Water Essential nutrients Water is important for our bodies, and many of us try to drink more water every day, but there are actually health limits to how much water we can drink. Rosemary TroutDrinking too much water can lead to hyponatremia, an electrolyte imbalance that occurs when sodium levels in the body are too low, according to Trout, program director of culinary arts and food science at Drexel University. “Sodium is essential for maintaining the balance of fluids inside and outside of cells,” Trout says. Not having enough sodium can lead to “dangerous health conditions.”

How much is too much? 2013 SurveyThe maximum amount of fluid our bodies can process per hour is 800-1,000 milliliters, which is the equivalent of 27-33 ounces. Any more than this puts us at risk of hyponatremia.

Just this August, A woman died A man died after drinking four bottles of water in 20 minutes while on vacation. The cause of death was water intoxication, which is “when you drink too much water in a short amount of time, which causes an imbalance of salt and water in the body,” Dr. Blake Froberg, a toxicologist at IU Health in Indiana, told TODAY.com. So, maybe you should stop throwing out that 60-ounce bottle of water and think twice about downing it all in one gulp.


Homemade grilled tuna steak with sesame seedsPinterest

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Boast High in Vitamin B12 and Omega-3 Fatty AcidsTuna is one of the most nutritious fish out there, but unfortunately, all of these health benefits come with high amounts of mercury, specifically methylmercury.

“Tuna are large fish, and they eat smaller fish that may contain this chemical,” Trout says. “So they accumulate methylmercury in the water as well as in the smaller fish.” As you can imagine, the risks associated with consuming too much mercury are serious. “High concentrations, over the long term, can be harmful to the brain and nervous system,” Altman says.

So does that mean you should give up canned tuna and tuna rolls forever? Not necessarily. It’s important to limit your consumption. Altman says: FDA“You should only eat albacore or yellowfin tuna once a week,” and the rest of the time you should eat “low-mercury” seafood, such as shrimp and salmon.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts Full frame viewPinterest

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At first glance, Brazil nuts seem like they’re good for you. They’re packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which help lower bad cholesterol, High in seleniumimproves thyroid function, and strengthens the immune system. Here’s the problem: While selenium is good for you in small amounts, too much can be toxic, and it doesn’t take that many Brazil nuts to reach the danger zone. “One Brazil nut contains nearly twice the selenium an adult needs in a day,” says Yawitz. “Just eating four or five Brazil nuts will bring you close to the daily maximum.”

According to Altman, “excessive selenium intake can cause a variety of health problems.” Early side effects include “garlic breath, metallic taste, hair loss, and brittle nails,” and “continued excess” can cause “gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms” and “myocardial infarction, or heart attack.”

The moral of the story? Everything in moderation. Eating a few carrot sticks a day won’t turn your hands orange. Eating a banana as an afternoon snack won’t give you a tummy ache. Even chopping up a single Brazil nut and sprinkling it on your salad can help. Just be careful not to eat too many.

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