Home Nutrition 5 health benefits of early dinner

5 health benefits of early dinner

by Universalwellnesssystems

Many people support the health benefits of eating an early dinner. But is it healthy to stop eating after 7pm?

Ask any fitness enthusiast what time is the right time for their last meal of the day, and they’ll list all the health benefits of an early dinner. A 2020 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that eating late dinners was associated with weight gain and high blood sugar levels, so they’re not wrong. Read what the experts say about not eating after 7pm.

Should I stop eating after 7pm?

Timing of the last meal is only one aspect of the overall meal. The quality of meals and snacks throughout the day is also important. Deepika Vasudevan, a Bengaluru-based sports and performance nutritionist, says there really aren’t any universal rules that dictate when a particular meal should end. Whether it’s healthy to stop eating after 7pm depends on many factors, including your lifestyle, dietary preferences, and health goals. So all you have to do is listen to your body’s hunger and satiety cues. If you’re really hungry after 7:00pm, it’s a good idea to have a late dinner. If you’re someone who stays up late, eating an early dinner can leave you hungry later. It’s important to find a balance that fits your lifestyle and preferences. If you tend to get hungry late at night, consider eating small, balanced snacks to prevent excessive hunger and potential overeating.

Should I stop eating after 7pm? Image credit: Adobe Stock.

Health benefits of early dinner

Some have suggested that eating early may have benefits for weight management, but there is no strong evidence to conclusively demonstrate significant weight loss based on meal timing alone. However, fast food has its benefits.

1. Adjustment of circadian rhythm

Our bodies are designed to follow a circadian rhythm, which controls various bodily functions. Eating to this rhythm optimizes digestion and metabolism, gives your digestive tract a break, and allows your liver to rest and detoxify without overstressing it. Experts say this rest period also contributes to a healthier gut microbiome and improved digestion.

2. Blood sugar control

An early dinner can help increase insulin sensitivity. This means that the body’s cells become more responsive to insulin. This helps regulate blood sugar more effectively and reduces the risk of insulin resistance, which can eventually lead to her type 2 diabetes. Also, postprandial insulin spikes may be reduced and more controlled. This helps prevent sudden and excessive fluctuations in blood sugar levels and helps improve overall blood sugar control.

3. Better sleep quality

Bedtime too close can interfere with sleep due to discomfort and indigestion. An early dinner lulls the body into a restful state at night and improves the quality of sleep, experts told Healthshot.

4. Heart health

Eating late at night, especially high-calorie, unhealthy foods, can negatively impact heart health. On the other hand, an early dinner may reduce intake of heavy, fatty foods before bed and improve heart health.

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An early dinner can help speed up digestion. Image credit: Adobe Stock.

5. Harmonizing hormones

Our hormones, such as insulin and cortisol, follow a daily rhythm. Eating early matches your body’s natural hormonal patterns and may support healthier metabolism and hormone regulation.

Vasudevan says there should be a gap of at least two hours before bedtime. He can also take a leisurely 20-minute walk after dinner to aid digestion.

However, eating right before bedtime can cause digestive discomfort such as indigestion, acid reflux, and bloating. Lying down after eating can cause these problems because gravity doesn’t help carry food to your digestive system. It can also lead to blood sugar spikes, especially if your diet is high in carbohydrates. These spikes can disrupt the body’s natural nocturnal blood sugar regulation.

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