Home Nutrition 5 health benefits from eating superfood dark chocolate

5 health benefits from eating superfood dark chocolate

by Universalwellnesssystems

It may seem counterintuitive to eat dark chocolate for health benefits, but it actually has nutritional benefits and health benefits such as alleviating symptoms of depression and reducing the risk of heart disease. It’s packed with superfoods.

Let’s take a look at 5 benefits of dark chocolate for physical and mental health.

What is the definition of superfood?

According to a report in the Deseret News, dark chocolate is widely considered to be a superfood.

Superfoods are a category of foods that are rich in nutrients such as antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. They’re often also high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats.

“Superfoods can help improve your health by boosting your immune system and reducing the likelihood of disease or disease progression,” said Beth Chewony, R.D. cleveland health clinic.

1. Dark chocolate is packed with nutrients.

Dark chocolate may be traditionally thought of as a dessert food, but it’s actually packed with nutrients. Dark chocolate is rich in flavanols, a type of flavonoid that is beneficial to the heart, helps rebuild cells, and lowers blood pressure. cleveland health clinic.

It is also rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, and phosphorus. health line. Dark chocolate is also a great source of fiber, with 11 grams of fiber per serving.

Dark chocolate is often considered dairy-free, making it a good snack option for those maintaining a dairy-free diet.

2. Dark chocolate may reduce your risk of heart disease

Eating flavanol-rich cocoa or dark chocolate regularly can lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health. 2017 survey found.

a 2019 review Some studies suggest that consuming 45 grams of chocolate each week can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 11%. Due to the high sugar intake, eating more than 100 grams of chocolate each week did not provide similar health benefits.

another Review of research It was found that consuming dark chocolate three times a week reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 9%.

Research suggests that “chocolate consumption reduces the risk of CHD (coronary heart disease), stroke, and diabetes.” study Check the claim. “A moderate intake of chocolate (1 to 6 cups per week) may be the best way to prevent these troubling diseases.”

3. Dark chocolate can prevent symptoms of depression

Although dark chocolate is usually thought of as a snack, it actually has many health benefits. It is rich in dietary fiber, iron, magnesium, and antioxidants. Dark chocolate can also help prevent symptoms of depression.

Dark chocolate also has a positive effect on mood and mental health. A 2019 study by University College London found that people who ate dark chocolate were far less likely to report symptoms of depression than those who ate no chocolate at all. A similar effect was not seen with milk chocolate. American Psychiatric Association.

“Polyphenols are antioxidants that lower the stress hormone cortisol,” said nutritionist Devon Peart. cleveland health clinic. “So eating dark chocolate can have a mood-boosting effect.”

a 2022 survey It was found that adults who ate chocolate with 85% cocoa content every day maintained a better mood than those who ate chocolate with low cocoa content or no chocolate at all.

4. Dark chocolate may protect your skin from sun damage

Another benefit that dark chocolate has is sun protection. Antioxidants found in dark chocolate may increase blood flow to the skin and help protect it from sun damage, says one researcher. 2021 survey. Flavanols found in dark chocolate can increase skin density and moisture.

small 2009 survey It turns out that regularly eating chocolate high in flavanols is associated with significant protection of the skin from UV damage. Milk chocolate had no effect on sunscreen.

5. Dark chocolate may improve brain function

Dark chocolate may improve brain function. According to the study, consumption of high-flavanol cocoa is associated with improved attention, memory, and verbal alertness. health line.

a 2020 survey We found that eating high flavanol cocoa (70% dark chocolate or higher) may increase cognitive function and neuroplasticity in young people. Researchers also found that dark chocolate may have protective effects against neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline.

“Short- and medium-term effects of daily cocoa consumption may improve cognitive abilities of language learning, memory, and attention in young people, and promote academic performance,” they report. study.

Although research is limited, a 2019 study found that cocoa flavanoids may help maintain cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and limit the risk of progressing to dementia. Ta.

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