Foods to avoid with mango

Mango is a popular tropical fruit in summer. One of the reasons why it is popular in summer is that it is refreshing and moisturizing, so it is called the king of fruits. It’s a great combination of taste and health and is enjoyed by many across the country. Some people enjoy this fruit as it is, while others like to eat it with other ingredients to create a different dish. There are some foods that should be avoided after eating mango. Here is a list of foods: (Image credit: iStock)


Mango is a nutritious fruit rich in several important vitamins and minerals. An excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A, it supports immune function and promotes healthy skin and vision. Mangoes also provide dietary fiber, potassium, and antioxidants such as beta-carotene. These help regulate blood pressure, promote digestive health, and protect against chronic disease. I’m here. Overall, adding mango to your diet is a great way to increase your nutrient intake and enjoy a delicious and healthy fruit.


Why do you pickle mangoes?

Mangoes are often soaked in water before consumption to enhance their flavor, texture and nutritional value. It also hydrates the fruit, making it juicier and sweeter.


Many people like to eat mangoes and curds together, but this food combination can be detrimental to your health. Eating these foods together can cause stomach-related problems. there is.


Carrera or bitter gourd is one of the popular summer vegetables. However, do not eat after eating mango. When these two foods are combined together, according to Ayurveda, they can cause nausea and vomiting.

Spicy food

Enjoying this delicious fruit after lunch is a common summer practice. However, eating mangoes with spicy foods can cause digestive problems, so you should not eat spicy foods with mangoes.

cold drink

Drinking soda or a cold drink immediately after eating a mango, both of which are high in sugar, can cause sugar levels to spike.



Some people have a habit of drinking water after eating fruit. It is better to drink water half an hour after eating fruit.