Home Nutrition 5 foods that trigger stress and anxiety | Health

5 foods that trigger stress and anxiety | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

What we eat affects not only our fitness level, but also our mood. Research suggests that the trillions of microbes that live in your gut (also called the gut microbiome) communicate with your nervous and immune systems and influence your overall mood. The gut and brain are connected in this way. In other words, eating foods that are good for your gut stabilizes your mood, but eating foods that your gut bacteria dislike can actually hurt your mood and cause stress and anxiety. 5 homemade drinks that work wonders for your health

Studies show that microbes in our gut produce neurotransmitters in the brain that are actively involved in processes such as memory, learning, attention, and regulation of emotions. Nutritional imbalances can have a huge impact on your mood and make you feel distressed. For example, not getting enough protein can affect brain function. and prebiotics help keep the bacteria in your digestive system healthy and balanced.

Then there are foods that temporarily boost your mood but can ruin your stress levels later. Felt a sugar rush after eating your favorite dessert, but low energy afterwards?

As nutritionist Robneet Batra explained in a recent Instagram post, here are the foods that can trigger stress levels and the ones you should avoid eating often, especially when you have a busy day. is.

sweet snack

They contribute to overall anxiety. Foods such as cakes and pastries cause your blood sugar to spike and rise sharply, with a corresponding rise and fall in your energy. There is likely to be.

artificial sweetener

Although often recommended as a sugar substitute, research has shown that the use of NNSs (non-nutritive sweeteners) can increase inflammation and stress in the body. can lead to systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and excessive free radical production.

overdose of coffee

Too much caffeine can overstimulate the body and cause problems with the adrenal glands. Caffeine also stimulates the nervous system, causing an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, ultimately increasing feelings of anxiety.

refined carbohydrates

They can exacerbate inflammation and overwhelm the body with more sugar than it needs, causing stress and erratic mood levels.

Fried food

Fried foods contain a lot of trans fatty acids. Trans fats are a major cause of inflammation in the body. Stress levels increase when the body goes into an inflammatory state.

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