Home Nutrition 5 Foods That Are Not As Unhealthy As You May Have Thought

5 Foods That Are Not As Unhealthy As You May Have Thought

by Universalwellnesssystems

We tend to categorize into healthy and unhealthy diets when choosing our daily foods. But are you convinced that what you eat is healthy and what you avoid is unhealthy? I often make mistakes. One of the most common diet mistakes is to give up certain foods altogether. What you need to understand is that a diet is considered healthy if it contains the right balance of all kinds of nutrients and compounds. In this article, we’ll take a look at some common foods that we tend to avoid calling “unhealthy.” But the truth is they aren’t as bad as you think. You heard me right! Well, do you want to know about the food we are talking about? So brace yourself as we will soon put an end to your confusion. read.
Also read: How to Perfectly Boil Potatoes – 5 Easy Ways

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Here are five “unhealthy” foods that are actually healthy.

1. Potatoes:

Potatoes are in every kitchen in the world and are probably the most versatile vegetable imaginable. Unfortunately, they are often not included in most of our healthy diets. Why? The reason people think eating potatoes makes them fat and unhealthy is because they contain starch. But did you know that the truth is quite the opposite? Potatoes contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and a large amount of fiber. With the right amount, you can enjoy all of these benefits along with great taste. If you’re reviewing potatoes in your diet, here are some recipe options. Click here for more information.

2. White rice:

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more health-conscious, and white rice is gradually being replaced with brown rice and millet. We’re not denying the health benefits of millet and brown rice, but that doesn’t mean white rice isn’t as good. White rice is gluten-free, provides plenty of energy, and is easily digestible. These factors make it a great option to add it to a balanced diet, but in moderation of course. We also introduce delicious rice recipes, so please try it at home. Click here for more information.
Also read: When is white rice better for you than wheat roti?Commentary by a nutritionist


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3. Chocolate:

Let me be very clear about this once and for all: chocolate is not unhealthy. But sure, you have to choose them wisely to reap the benefits. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, contains antioxidants, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and several other nutrients that give you energy, lift your mood, and help you sustain energy throughout the day. We also debunked some common misconceptions that cause confusion when it comes to chocolate. Click here for more information.

4. Egg yolk:

When you eat an egg, do you toss that golden yolk? If so, stop doing it now! Egg yolks are rich in vitamins, iron, potassium, magnesium and other essential nutrients. When consumed in moderation, egg yolks, along with whites, are healthful, both in terms of health and taste. We’ve compiled a list of healthy recipes that use whole eggs, so be sure to give them a try. Click here for more information.

5. Coffee:

Excessive caffeine intake is considered unhealthy, which is why many people prefer to avoid caffeine altogether. However, a Harvard University report states, “For most people, moderate coffee consumption can be incorporated into a healthy diet.” About two cups of coffee a day are associated with a lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, depression and liver disease, to name a few, according to the report. Now that you know coffee isn’t actually that unhealthy, let me show you how to brew the perfect coffee. Click here for more information.
Eat healthy and stay healthy!

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, is for general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. For more information, always consult a specialist or your doctor. NDTV is not responsible for this information.

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