Home Fitness 5 Exercises To Keep You Energized In Cold Weather

5 Exercises To Keep You Energized In Cold Weather

by Universalwellnesssystems

5 exercises to keep you energized in cold weather

image: pexel

December 16, 2024

Winter can be a difficult time to reach your health goals. The best option seems to be to become lethargic from the cold and just lie in bed doing nothing.

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However, doing even 30 minutes of light to moderate-intensity exercise a day can go a long way toward staying healthy.

image: pexel

Here are 5 exercises to keep you energized during the cold season.

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indoor yoga
Yoga is not just about breathing techniques. It can be used as a full-body workout to help burn calories.

image: pexel

Bodyweight squats are an effective way to work the largest muscles in your body. Do a few sets and once you feel comfortable, add more weight.

image: pexel

It may seem like a simple exercise, but holding a plank requires full core activation. Planking is an easy way to energize yourself during the winter.

image: pexel

push up
Push-ups are a great way to work out several muscles in your upper body, including your chest, shoulders, triceps, and abdominal muscles.

image: pexel

From your glutes to your quads to your hamstrings, lunges in your exercise routine can be a complete game-changer.

image: unsplash

Image: Reuters

Image: Unsplash

Image: Unsplash


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