Home Fitness 5 Essential Tips To Lose Belly Fat From Personal Trainers

5 Essential Tips To Lose Belly Fat From Personal Trainers

by Universalwellnesssystems

Ask 10 people about their health and fitness goals and probably 5 will mention losing belly fat. But getting rid of belly fat isn’t just about how you look.Excess belly fat poses serious health risks.

After all, belly fat isn’t just below the surface, it accumulates around your internal organs. Belly fat releases immune system chemicals. cytokinemay increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems, including diabetes and even some types of cancer.one oxford studies For example, it was found that each inch of fat around the stomach increased the relative risk of heart failure by 11%.

The first step in reducing belly fat is recognizing that you cannot find targeted fat loss in any particular part of your body.The only way to reduce belly fat is through nutrition and exercise. It’s all about reducing fat everywhere. But there are ways to adjust your diet and exercise routine to be belly fat friendly (or need less?). Don’t think about it. This is a lifelong battle. Therefore, you need to find exercise and eating habits that you can stick to and, dare I say, enjoy.

to help us get there fatherly I spoke with Julia Schaefer, owner of . Aspire Athletics Owner of Jim and Vee Ray JAKT strength training facility —Two fitness industry veterans share their top tips for fighting belly fat.

1. Prioritize mixed-intensity exercises

Moving your body more is important for fat loss. No exercise can melt belly fat specifically, as opposed to other fats in your body, but when it comes to burning calories and losing fat, some exercises can get you bang for your buck. brings.

Julia Schaefer, Personal Trainer and Owner Aspire Athletics A gym in Seattle, Washington, prioritizes compound-strength exercises, such as squats and deadlifts, that work multiple muscle groups at once. Building a routine full of compound-intensity exercises will help you start a full-body workout in less time, burning more calories and losing more fat.

Some mixed strength exercises include squats, deadlifts, pullups, pushups, cleans, and push presses.

2. Promote fat loss with aerobic exercise

Compound exercise isn’t the only thing you should include in your workout routine. Evie Ray, Master Trainer and Owner JAKT strength training facility Highlights the value of cardio in addition to weightlifting in Colorado Springs, Colorado. “Higher intensity or interval cardio is recommended to lose body fat while maintaining muscle mass,” she says.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) increases your metabolic rate more than regular exercise. This is generally “Afterburn” effect.

Interval training workouts are typically shorter than steady-state cardio and include rest and recovery periods. maintain muscle mass.

Schaefer agrees. HIIT tends to yield the greatest benefits for myself and my clients. ”

To make cardio work for your fitness goals, step outside your cardio comfort zone for 15-20 minutes during your workout. Aerobic exercise, whether running, biking, swimming, or something else entirely, is rewarding enough that he can’t keep it up longer by the time he finishes a high-intensity workout or his HIIT interval. Must be a thing.

3. Simplify nutrition

There are a million and one fad diets that proponents claim lead to miraculous fat loss. You don’t have to follow nutrition trends to reach your health and fitness goals, says Schaeffer. “There’s no reason to reinvent the wheel.” Don’t be fooled.

Rather, focus on the basic principles of healthy nutrition. Eat a balanced diet that includes complex carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats from vegetable and fish oils. Limit processed foods and added sugars. To lose weight, consume fewer calories than you consume each day. Additionally, Schaefer recommends targeting at least two servings of vegetable-containing meals, spaced by three to five hours, throughout the day.

To lose fat, “go for a higher protein intake,” says Reyes.many Research suggests Ideally, you should be consuming 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight each day. If possible, choose lean protein sources such as fish, egg whites, white meat chicken, and tofu. It’s helpful.

Everyone’s genetics, lifestyle, and circumstances are unique, so the ideal protocol for fat loss will vary from person to person. It may take trial and error to determine what is right for you.

Still, the principle is simple. Don’t get overwhelmed with specific niche advice that may not help you. Instead, Schaefer recommends tracking your food for three to five days to better understand your eating habits and patterns.

4. Get more sleep to reduce stress

Many people attribute their health to two main factors: diet and exercise. Both are essential for weight loss, but don’t forget sleep and stress.

study show Lack of sleep is associated with increased body mass index (BMI), obesity, and poor diet.Lack of sleep impairs the body’s ability to regulate hormones that control metabolismFeeling groggy also impairs your ability to make healthy food choices because you have less self-control.Several study show Lack of sleep makes us more likely to choose high-calorie foods high in sugar and fat than when we are completely rested. about it.

As Ray puts it, “Your body can’t continue to function well if it doesn’t take care of its basic needs.” Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

Better sleep also helps relieve stress and promotes fat loss. spike cortisol levelsis a stress hormone that tells the body to conserve energy, ultimately retaining more fat.

5. Throw away motivation and create new habits

Many people believe that they can achieve their goals through their own motivation and willpower. But the truth is: Motivation alone doesn’t work. In Schaefer’s experience, “motivation comes and goes, but the habits you take the time and energy to create will keep you going.”

What’s her biggest tip? “Set small benchmarks along the way to keep yourself motivated. Consistency is key. Building habits is key.” Even if your main goal is to lose belly fat, Schaefer says. recommends setting strength goals, such as lifting 5 more pounds each week, and celebrating those achievements when you reach them. Celebrate other achievements within.

Developing habits that set you up for long-term success requires a once-a-day approach. Focus on small practices and pick one or two to work on each week. For example, start with a goal of drinking half your body weight in water each day. After a week of consistency, focus on adding more vegetables to your dinner every night. Don’t take on more than you can handle at once. Otherwise, you will become frustrated and discouraged.

Ray gives similar advice. Instead, learn to enjoy the process and all the small goals you accomplish along the way. ”

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