Home Nutrition 5 energy giving nutrients and how to include them in your diet

5 energy giving nutrients and how to include them in your diet

by Universalwellnesssystems

If you want to stay active after lunch, you need to consume foods that contain energy-rich nutrients.

Most women are productive in the morning, but find it difficult to keep their eyes open after a heavy lunch. Others struggle to stay active all day long. The drop in energy may have something to do with what you eat. When you don’t get enough of the nutrients your body needs for energy, your body reacts accordingly. Be sure to incorporate nutrients that boost!

HealthShots connected with Shruti Keluskar, senior nutritionist at Cloudnine Group of Hospital in Pune to find out which nutrients give us energy.

Carbohydrates are one of the nutrients that provide energy. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock

Nutrients that boost energy

You must have heard about essential nutrients needed for good health. Let’s take a look at the nutrients that provide plenty of energy.

1. carbohydrates

According to Keluskar, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. Simple voluntary and involuntary actions such as breathing and pumping blood require glucose utilization. Everything from whole grains to cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables contain carbohydrates.

2. Fat

You may be trying to lose body fat by dieting or exercising. In fact, if you don’t have enough fat in your diet, your energy levels will fluctuate. Adding just a little bit of fat to your diet, including healthier fats, can help keep you energized.You can add nuts and oilseeds to his smoothie bowl, or add olive oil to your salad. .

3. Fiber

Fiber helps keep you feeling fuller for longer. Eating black beans, lentils, chickpeas, and almonds, apart from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, can help increase your fiber intake. It advises combining fiber with adequate moisture for good health.

4. B vitamins

All B vitamins help your body metabolize by turning the food you eat into glucose. Chicken, eggs, and dairy are the best sources of B vitamins, but vegetarians can also find B vitamins in lentils, soy milk, nuts, and legumes.

Maintain your hemoglobin levels to keep your energy up. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock

5. Iron

Hemoglobin, a protein contained in red blood cells, is formed from iron. It is essential as it helps carry oxygen throughout the body. This in turn becomes energy. Good sources of iron include nuts, green leafy vegetables, poultry, nuts and seeds.

Healthy recipes with energy-boosting nutrients

1. Very Berry Yogurt Ice


¼ cup blueberries
1/4 cup mulberry
• ¼ cup strawberries
½ tsp sugar
• 1 cup of plain yogurt


• Mix all the berries in a bowl and add sugar to form a fine paste.
• Add this paste to plain yogurt.
• Transfer to ice cream molds and refrigerate for 20 minutes before serving.

2. Nutcracker

• ¼ cup almonds
• ¼ cup walnuts
¼ cup dates
• ¼ cup raisins
• ¼ cup figs
¼ cup jaggery powder
• 1 teaspoon of ghee

• Finely chop all nuts.
• Add ghee to the frying pan. Once melted, add chopped nuts.
• Roast nuts until golden brown.
• Finally add jaggery powder and heat until melted.
• Transfer to a plate, let cool, and break into small pieces for a crunchy texture.

3. Spinach and Mint Cooler

1 cup chopped spinach
• 1/4 cup chopped mint leaves
• 1/2 tablespoon honey
• 1 tablespoon lemon juice
• 1 cup of water
• 5-6 pieces of crushed ice

• Wash the spinach and mint leaves well and chop them finely.
• Add spinach leaves, mint leaves, honey, lemon juice and water to a blender and blend.
• Strain into a glass, add crushed ice and serve chilled.

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