Home Nutrition 5 Drinks to Avoid When You Need to Hydrate

5 Drinks to Avoid When You Need to Hydrate

by Universalwellnesssystems

It’s no secret that staying hydrated is essential to feeling your best. While plain water is an ideal choice, everything from sparkling water to prebiotic sodas, and consuming water-rich foods can also help keep you hydrated. But not all drinks are the same; some can strip your body of fluids and leave you dehydrated.

So, what drinks should you avoid when you want to stay hydrated? Keep reading to learn the worst drinks for hydration and the best drinks other than water.

The 5 worst drinks for staying hydrated

1. Sugary drinks

Sugary drinks like soda, energy drinks, and sweet teas can lead to dehydration. “Drinks that contain fructose and glucose, two types of sugar commonly found in sugary drinks, are known to worsen dehydration,” says a registered dietitian. Brittany Lubeck, MS, RDNThese drinks often contain large amounts of sugar, and research shows that when you drink sugary drinks, your body has to pull fluid from your tissues to dilute the sugar, which can lead to dehydration over time. Additionally, Lubeck says, drinks like soda have been shown to increase oxidative stress in the kidneys, which plays a key role in hydration status. Of course, drinking sugary drinks in moderation is fine, but consuming these drinks in large quantities or continuously throughout the day increases the likelihood of problems.

2. Caffeinated drinks

First, caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it increases the amount of urine you produce — but thankfully the fluid you get from your morning cup of coffee counters this effect. In fact, drinking two or three cups of coffee doesn’t seem to affect how hydrated your body is. The problem comes when you consume too much caffeine, as it can cause dehydration. Lubeck recommends limiting your intake and drinking plenty of water after drinking coffee, tea, energy drinks, soda, or other caffeinated beverages. Also, look for decaffeinated versions of your favorite caffeinated beverages and herbal teas.

3. Alcohol

Alcohol is another diuretic that can cause you to go to the bathroom more frequently. “Alcohol directly inhibits vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone that helps retain fluids,” Lubeck explains. “If you don’t drink water or another hydrating beverage with your alcohol, you can end up dehydrating,” she says. There are plenty of ways to enjoy a drink while still maintaining your body’s fluid balance, like drinking a glass of water between alcoholic drinks or sipping a low-alcohol drink like a spritzer. And stick to the recommended limit of one drink per day for women and two for men.

4. Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are loaded with caffeine and sugar, which, as mentioned above, are doubly dehydrating for the body. Caffeine increases urination, and sugar can cause fluid imbalance. Instead, choose natural, energy-boosting drinks like green tea, matcha, and coconut water. You can also make your own to control the ingredients and cut down on sugar and calories, like this EatingWell energy drink made with green tea and yerba mate.

5. Fruit juice

While fruit juice can help keep you hydrated, some varieties, like fruit punch, lemonade, juice cocktails, and fruit-flavored drinks, can contain large amounts of added sugar. And like the other drinks on this list, sipping it throughout the day can lead to dehydration. Not to mention, sugary fruit juice can also contribute to high calorie intake. Alternatively, choose whole fruit instead of juice whenever possible to ensure you’re getting fiber and other nutrients that help keep you hydrated. If you do drink juice, choose 100% juice, preferably one that has some pulp for some fiber, and enjoy it in moderation.

The best drink to stay hydrated

When you need to quench your thirst, drink these four drinks.

  • water: Water is the ultimate hydration beverage – it’s essential for regulating body temperature, aiding digestion and transporting nutrients. Plus, pure water is free of calories, additives, and sugars, making it the perfect way to stay hydrated. If you get bored of drinking water, you can always opt for carbonated water.
  • milk: “Milk contains water, vitamins, and minerals that are important for fluid and electrolyte balance,” says Lubeck. Milk contains a balanced amount of carbohydrates, protein, and essential electrolytes like calcium and potassium. Additionally, research suggests that milk may support post-exercise recovery by replacing fluids and electrolytes lost through sweat.
  • Electrolyte drinks: Formulated to replenish fluids and essential minerals lost during intense exercise or hot weather, electrolyte drinks typically contain a mixture of sodium, potassium, and magnesium, all of which are essential for maintaining proper hydration and muscle function. “Sports drinks and other beverages that contain electrolytes can help you rehydrate quickly after intense exercise or a day outdoors,” says Lubeck.
  • Coconut water: Coconut water is also rich in electrolytes, especially potassium, which makes it great for keeping you hydrated and maintaining fluid balance.


Avoiding drinks that can cause dehydration, such as sugary sodas, drinks containing too much caffeine, and alcohol, is essential to proper hydration. Instead, choose hydrating drinks like water, milk, electrolyte drinks, and coconut water. These drinks will help quench your thirst and replenish essential nutrients lost during exercise or hot weather.

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