Home Fitness 5 barbell exercises for women

5 barbell exercises for women

by Universalwellnesssystems

Get the physique of your dreams with these intense and effective barbell exercises. Here are some of the best barbell exercises for women.

Muscle loss causes metabolic stagnation, resulting in sagging skin, decreased physical strength, and fat accumulation. But panicking won't help! Weight training three times a week may help prevent or reverse this. Dumbbells are often used in weight training, but barbells are also becoming more popular in the fitness world. Introducing the best barbell exercises for women, their effects, and side effects.

What is a barbell?

A barbell is a long, straight, cylindrical bar of varying diameters that is used to burn fat and tone and tone muscles. It can be used for various activities. Safe and ideal for beginners, but should be used under professional guidance.

Barbell exercises have many benefits.Image courtesy: Shutterstock

barbell training for women

Check out 5 full body barbell exercises for women from fitness instructor Yash Agarwal. Yash Agarwal also talks about the benefits and side effects of barbell training.

1. Squat


Place the barbell on your upper back (traps). Place your feet shoulder-width apart.


  • Lower your hips back.
  • Keep your knees in line with your toes.
  • Descend until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • Return through your heels to the starting position.

2. Deadlift


  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Grasp the barbell with both hands shoulder-width apart.


  • Hinge at your hips and keep your back straight.
  • Lower the barbell toward the ground.
  • Keep the bar close to your body.
  • Lift by stretching your hips and knees at the same time.

3. Overhead press


  • Start with the barbell at shoulder height.
  • Grasp your grip a little wider than shoulder width.


  • Press the barbell overhead.
  • Keep your core locked to protect your lower back.
  • Lower the barbell to shoulder height.

4. Bent-over column


  • Hinge at your hips and keep your chest parallel to the ground.
  • Grip the barbell with hands slightly wider than shoulder width.


  • Pull the barbell towards the bottom of your chest.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Lower the barbell with control.

5. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) with a barbell

barbell complex

Combine exercises like squats, deadlifts, rows, and presses into your sequences. Perform each exercise a set number of times without taking a break. Take short breaks between rounds. Repeat multiple rounds to get your heart rate up and burn calories.

tabata barbell

Select one or more barbell exercises. Perform each exercise for 20 seconds at maximum effort.

“Always prioritize correct form over heavy weights and increase intensity gradually to avoid injury. Consider consulting a fitness professional for personalized guidance,” says Agarwal. Masu.

Be aware of the side effects of doing barbell training. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

What are the benefits of barbell training for women?

1. Make your body stronger

Exercising with a barbell is a good way to increase muscle mass throughout your body. Barbell training is an excellent option for people who want to strengthen their pectoral muscles, quadriceps, and other muscles.

2. Improves athletic performance

Exercising with a barbell helps develop upper and lower body muscles and improves power and speed in a variety of sports.

3. Improve your posture

Barbell exercises, if done correctly, can strengthen your stabilizer muscles and help maintain a straight back and upright posture.

What are the side effects of using a barbell?

There are always advantages and disadvantages to everything. Similarly, using a barbell for your workouts has some side effects.

What weight of barbell is suitable for women?

Weight depends on the following factors:

  • Beginners: Start with a light barbell (15-20 pounds) to focus on form.
  • Intermediate: Gradually increase the weight until you can complete 8 to 12 repetitions.
  • Advanced: Adjust weights based on your fitness goals. It supports a variety of training from light to heavy.

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