Home Nutrition 4 Things We Can Do To Help Israel • YeahThatsKosher

4 Things We Can Do To Help Israel • YeahThatsKosher

by Universalwellnesssystems

This will be the only post published on this site today. It will probably be released for a few days to process the horrible things that are happening to the people of Israel.

Like many of you, I can’t sleep.

At first I had no words to describe the atrocities that have happened and continue to happen to our brothers and sisters in Israel, the worst day for Jews since the Holocaust.

[Context: Israel’s death toll over 700 after surprise Hamas attacks]

We returned from Sur a few hours ago for emergency Tehillim across the region. I’m rarely emotional and I wouldn’t say I’m the most spiritual person, but when I feel hopeless and helpless, I cry and ask Hashem for mercy, but I don’t care about my community or my children. I am working with you. There was only one thing that felt right for our people.

Since then, in the last few hours, I’ve been able to gather some thoughts about what we can do in the short term and in the weeks, months, and even years ahead. Israel and its people need our help. No matter where you are in the world, there are some things we can do.

Donate to @nina-sherman on Venmo
  1. Please pray / Daven With your community, with your kids, or alone. We often scoff at “thoughts and prayers” because “thoughts and prayers” are often said by the media and elected officials. That doesn’t mean we can’t have a meaningful impact on you, on Israel, and on the global Jewish community. Let us ask Hashem for a swift and successful mission to eradicate Hamas without further casualties.
  2. donate money. In the short term, Israel now has many opportunities, both individuals and organizations, to assist both active and called-up reservists in the Israel Defense Forces, as well as families whose lives and homes have been destroyed. ing. By Hamas terrorists. Find a cause that is meaningful to you and do your best to help. As I understand it, Israelis are currently collecting food, clothing, and toiletries for IDF soldiers and reservists. Many reservists don’t have the protective gear they need on the battlefield, so some are raising money to buy protective vests.

    I have many trusted contacts who are gathering on behalf of grassroots organizing efforts in Israel. There are some options below.

    A) Venmo: @Nina Sherman – See the post to the right for more information as her team collects supplies to distribute to the IDF. This is what her team in Tel Aviv donated on the first day.

    B) PayPal: [email protected] – Eitan Morgenstern is an American who made aliyah and served in the Israel Defense Forces. He collects directly for IDF troops.

    C) Venmo: @ofragoldstein – Shared with Camp Moshava, Ofra is collecting to purchase protective vests specifically to protect Israeli soldiers who do not have protective vests.

    D) Magen David Adom – Israel’s emergency medical and blood banking services emergency appeal. The MDA published the petition after it was revealed that thousands of Israelis donated blood this weekend, resulting in a “tremendous overload”.

    E) Slope – Zaka is not only on the front lines saving lives after bombings and natural disasters, but also ensuring that those who die or are murdered are given a proper and respectful burial.

    F) Find local organizations and ask for financial help.

    Every dollar and shekel counts.

  3. Speak truth against misinformation. The importance of speaking truth against injustice and propaganda can be measured in her one-on-one conversations with friends, colleagues, and colleagues. Propaganda agencies will scramble to justify the abhorrent acts of rape, murder, and kidnapping of women and babies.

    Speak out in person or online and tell Israel’s story. (See the embedded image in the story below.)

All of the above are actions that Israel needs now and in the future.

In the long term, it is important to continue visiting Israel.

Support Israeli businesses, restaurants, travel guides, hotels, and the country. Many people will want to avoid visiting Israel out of fear. We cannot give in to that fear and let terrorism win. Plan your winter, Pesach, or summer trip to Israel today. Our physical and financial support will go a long way in supporting the people and many industries of our homeland.

We focus here on Kosher Business in Israel to make more people aware of the amazing things happening in Israel when it is not at war and even when it is. I’ll keep guessing.

I pray for only good news and pray that there will be no more days of sadness for Israel.

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