Home Nutrition 4 Sneaky Signs You Might Need a Fiber Supplement

4 Sneaky Signs You Might Need a Fiber Supplement

by Universalwellnesssystems

Although most people know that fiber is good for your health, Americans aren’t getting enough fiber — on average, they only consume about half the recommended daily amount of fiber.

Fiber has many health benefits, including slowing digestion so you feel fuller for longer, increasing stool bulk and softening it to promote regular bowel movements. If you’re constipated, feeling hungry soon after eating, or lacking energy, you may know you’re not eating enough fiber.

When you experience the uncomfortable symptoms that come with constipation, you may be wondering whether you should increase your fiber intake by taking a fiber supplement. We spoke to two registered dietitians who explain what fiber supplements are and when you should consider taking them.

Are fiber supplements necessary?

There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble, and we need both. Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel in the digestive tract. Insoluble fiber doesn’t absorb water, but it draws water to the colon, adding bulk to stool.

Fiber is found naturally in plant-based foods such as whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, but it can also be extracted from foods to make a dietary supplement.

Before incorporating a fiber supplement into your daily routine, eating more fiber-rich foods is a good first step. Next, talk to your healthcare provider or dietitian. A healthcare provider can evaluate your diet and fiber intake and provide specific advice to make sure you’re on the right track.

In general, fiber supplements are considered a safe and effective way to increase fiber intake. Cheryl Mussatto, MS, RDOwner of Eat Well to Be Well. In general, people who have trouble meeting their fiber needs through diet alone may want to consider taking a fiber supplement.

4 Signs You Need a Fiber Supplement

1. You may become constipated

Do you have trouble passing stool without straining? Although bowel movement frequency varies from person to person, having bowel movements less than three times a week is considered constipated. Hard, dry stools, difficulty passing stool, and feeling like you’re not having a full bowel movement are all signs of constipation.

Fiber, whether from foods or supplements, improves bowel movements by adding weight and bulk to stool and softening it to make it easier to pass, Mussatto says. In fact, one study found that taking 10 grams or more of psyllium (found in supplements like Metamucil) per day for at least four weeks reduced constipation.

2. Watery stools

However, you may have diarrhea. Dietary fiber such as psyllium can also thicken loose, watery stools by absorbing water and increasing the volume of the stool.

If you have an infection such as food poisoning, any underlying digestive condition, or you’re not sure why your stool is watery, it’s best to consult your doctor first before taking any fiber supplements.

3. Cholesterol levels remain unchanged

If your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels are higher than normal, your doctor may recommend increasing your fiber intake, which may improve your heart health by lowering LDL cholesterol. Lindsay Malone, MS, RDNWhen you eat food, bile helps your body digest dietary fats, explains Malone, a lecturer in the Department of Nutrition at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. “When fiber is present, it binds with cholesterol in the bile. To make more bile, your body pulls circulating cholesterol to your liver, where it breaks it down and makes more bile,” Malone explains. The result? Lower cholesterol levels. A meta-analysis found that every 5 grams of soluble fiber supplement (such as psyllium) reduced total and LDL cholesterol by about 6 percentage points compared to controls.

4. Your blood sugar levels fluctuate

If you’re having trouble managing your blood sugar levels despite changing your diet, your doctor may recommend adding a fiber supplement. Fiber slows digestion and the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream, which may help manage blood sugar levels.,

Soluble fiber is especially effective at improving blood sugar balance. Examples of soluble fiber found in supplements include chicory root fiber, beta-glucan, wheat dextrin, partially hydrolyzed guar gum, and inulin. Some of these fibers are found naturally in foods such as oatmeal, beans, and nuts. Another benefit of soluble fiber is that it may promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria that improve gut health.

What to consider before starting a fiber supplement

You may feel bloated at first

Be careful: When you first start taking fiber supplements, you may experience bloating and gas, says Mussatto. “Take your fiber supplements sparingly at first — a small amount, like 3 to 5 grams, to avoid excessive gassiness. And don’t forget to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water each day will help keep your bowels moving,” she adds.

Some types of fiber ferment in the gut, so when your gut bacteria eat the fiber, it can produce gas, which can lead to bloating and discomfort. Bloating is completely normal, but it’s best to talk to your doctor first, who can recommend the type of fiber supplement that’s best for you.

Your medical history and medications make a difference

If you have a history of medical conditions such as Crohn’s disease or intestinal blockages, Mussatto recommends talking to your medical team first before taking fiber supplements.

It’s also a good idea to check with your doctor or pharmacist to see how fiber supplements may interact with other medications you’re taking. One example is if you have diabetes. “Some medications can lower blood sugar levels, which may require adjustments to your diabetes medication or insulin,” says Mussatto.

If you do take a fiber supplement, Mussatto recommends taking it at least two hours away from taking medications to avoid interactions that could affect medication absorption.

How do you know if fiber supplements are working?

Malone suggests paying close attention to your bowel movements for two weeks, monitoring them at least three days a week (to get an accurate snapshot, use two weekdays and one weekend day).

You may notice a change in your bowel habits, resulting in less constipation or diarrhea. If you’re concerned about your blood sugar levels, you may notice a decrease in your hemoglobin A1C level, which measures your three-month average blood sugar level. If you’re monitoring your cholesterol levels, you may notice a decrease in your total and LDL cholesterol levels at your next blood test.

If your symptoms don’t improve after eating more high-fiber foods and taking fiber supplements, talk to your healthcare provider about alternative approaches.


When it comes to fiber, food is really your best bet. Fiber-rich foods contain a variety of nutrients that supplements can’t provide. Still, you can incorporate a fiber supplement into your daily routine by eating a variety of fiber-rich foods, drinking plenty of fluids, and staying active. Before starting a fiber supplement, talk to your healthcare provider first to make sure that taking in extra fiber is safe and recommended for you.


  • Is it okay to take a fiber supplement every day?

    In addition to eating foods rich in fiber, taking a daily fiber supplement can be a good addition to your daily routine. Before taking a fiber supplement, talk to your doctor and explore your options to determine which type is best for you.

  • How do you know if fiber supplements are working?

    When you increase your fiber intake, you may notice changes in your bowel habits. For example, if you are constipated, you may notice your stool becomes softer and easier to pass. Or, if you are watery, you may find that you pass less frequent bowel movements and your stool becomes more regular.

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