Home Mental Health 4 Best Drinks for Lower Anxiety, Recommended by Dietitians

4 Best Drinks for Lower Anxiety, Recommended by Dietitians

by Universalwellnesssystems

Stress and anxiety are part of everyday life. But if you have an anxiety disorder, these tired feelings won’t go away. Over time, anxiety can affect your ability to participate in daily activities. As many as 19% of American adults experience long-term anxiety.

Medication and therapy are the primary tools for dealing with anxiety. However, diet can also play a role in supporting mood. It’s not just what you see in front of you that changes your stress levels. Overall hydration and drinks can have a noticeable impact on anxiety levels. Learn more about the best drinks to relieve anxiety, according to a nutritionist.

4 Best Drinks to Reduce Anxiety

1. Chamomile tea

If you’ve ever suffered from insomnia, you may have heard that drinking chamomile can make you more likely to hear “zzzzling” sounds at night. The same sedative effects that improve sleep may also reduce anxiety. “Chamomile tea is effective against anxiety thanks to its active ingredient apigenin. Apigenin is a flavonoid compound found in chamomile that has been shown to have anti-anxiety effects.” Wang Na Chan, MPH, RD; Owner of One Pot Wellness. In fact, she points to several studies that show chamomile extract has been reported to be effective in reducing anxiety, improving mood, and relieving pain. However, stick to consuming chamomile tea, which is generally considered safe, rather than other forms like extracts.

2. Green tea

Green tea is a widely popular beverage that has been associated with many health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving blood sugar levels, and improving digestion. Reduced anxiety may also be a benefit to add to the growing list. Green tea is rich in a specific amino acid called L-theanine, which improves your mood and reduces anxiety symptoms.

One review found that supplementing with 200 to 400 milligrams of L-theanine can significantly reduce anxiety and stress. Additionally, one small study found that people who took 200 milligrams of L-theanine daily for four weeks reported more improvements in sleep, depression, and anxiety compared to a placebo group.

The studies on L-theanine seem promising, but one thing to note about these studies is that the amount of L-theanine in supplements is much higher than that found in a cup of brewed green tea (8 to 30 milligrams). ). .

3. 100% fruit juice

We all know that eating fruits and vegetables is good for our overall health, but did you know that it can also improve your mood? Anxiety and depression are linked to low levels of antioxidants in the body. Related. Lower levels of antioxidants mean higher levels of oxidative stress and inflammation, which can make you more susceptible to anxiety.

Although it’s generally recommended to consume whole fruits and vegetables over juices (fiber!), drinking a glass of 100% fruit juice may have a mood-boosting effect. Data collected on mental health and diet from more than 62,000 adults found that people who regularly consumed 100% fruit juice experienced fewer days of anxiety than those who didn’t drink juice. Worried about the sugar in your glass of juice? Pair fruit juice with unsweetened black tea to reduce the overall sugar content per glass, as is the case with this Hibiscus Pomegranate Iced Tea.

4. Water

Are you feeling grumpy and irritated? Pour a glass of water. “It’s essential for keeping blood flowing throughout the body and delivering nutrients and energy sources to the brain,” he says. Laura M. Ali, MS, RDNculinary nutritionist and cookbook author Mind diet for two. “Studies have shown that people who drink less water have increased rates of depression and anxiety,” she says. For reasons that are not well understood, water can affect the levels of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in the body’s response to stress. Additionally, even a small (1%) drop in hydration levels has been shown to be enough to cause emotions such as anger, hostility, depression, and tension. Don’t want to drink plain water? Try this strawberry, basil, and lime-infused water or incorporate more hydrating foods into your diet.

3 more stress relief drinks

1. Milk

Eating a calcium-rich diet may help you feel better. A study of more than 1,200 college students found that those who consumed more calcium had less stress and anxiety. Add calcium to your diet by drinking a glass of milk. One cup of low-fat milk provides almost 25% of your daily calcium intake.

2. Fermented drinks

While we’re learning more about the brain-gut connection every day, it’s worth noting that some drinks like kombucha and kefir contain probiotics that may help improve your mood. please. “Kefir is a naturally fermented milk drink that contains active, healthy bacteria. lactic acid bacteriathese are important for keeping the gastrointestinal tract healthy and may also play a role in supporting brain health. lactic acid bacteria Some early studies have shown that it can help reduce anxiety,” says Ali. “These probiotic bacteria reduce inflammation in the brain and increase signaling in the brain to release serotonin, a hormone known for its calming effects,” she explains.

3. Ginger tea

Ginger is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Anxiety and inflammation have been shown to be linked, so drinking warm ginger tea may improve your mood. Try this soothing ginger lemon tea or orange ginger tea.


Diet alone will not solve your anxiety. If you have chronic anxiety, it is important to work with a licensed and qualified health care provider to discuss treatment options. However, certain elements of your diet, such as what you drink, can be tools that help you maintain calm in your daily life. When you’re feeling stressed, leveling up your hydration is the first step to boosting your mood. Water is great, but I also love the anxiety-fighting drinks on this list, like tea and fruit juice. As we learn more about the connection between our gut health and mood, fermented drinks like kombucha and kefir may also be worth adding to your drink lineup.

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